Heart of the Lakes Trail
Otter Tail County, Minnesota

Minnesota winters are harsh, which is why residents are eager to take advantage of the summer months by spending time around the beautiful forests and lakes throughout the state. This is especially true in Otter Tail County (OTC).
Several years ago, the Otter Tail County Highway Department and Parks and Trails Department began an ambitious trail project that would create a system between the cities of Pelican Rapids and Perham. This multi-use trail will provide cyclists, joggers/hikers, and others more than 30 miles of new trails. The new trail will run through Maplewood State Park, making the park’s existing and extensive trail system a natural destination and extension of this new multi-use trail.

The Project
Houston Engineering, Inc. (HEI) was retained by the County Highway Department to complete preliminary and final design, trail heads, informational map displays, surveying, environmental permitting, aquatic resources (wetland) delineation, construction observation, and public engagement.

Heart of the Lakes Trail Legend

Pelican Rapids Segment
Pelican Rapids Segment. Click to expand.
Distance: 7 miles

Maplewood Segment
Maplewood Segment. Click to expand.
Distance: 6.8 miles

Silent Lake Segment
Silent Lake Segment. Click to expand.
Distance: 8.1 miles

McDonald Lake Segment
McDonald Lake Segment. Click to expand.
Distance: 5.8 miles

Perham Segment
Perham Segment. Click to expand.
Distance: 6.2 miles
HEI also designed maps displayed at the trailheads stops.
The OTC Highway Department and Parks and Trails Department are working in cooperation with Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to complete the final portion of the trail that runs through Maplewood State Park, which will complete the trail system from Pelican Rapids to Perham.
Because the project limits extend nearly 30 miles with some rough terrain, the client and HEI chose to employ drone-based LiDAR. This allowed the entire corridor to be surveyed in a fraction of the time and was safer than with traditional survey. Traditional survey was still used to verify LiDAR accuracy as well as to survey culverts and locations where the LiDAR was not able to penetrate.
These animated images show the featured extraction process of two different sections along the bike trail in Otter Tail County, MN. The first sequence in these images shows the amount of LiDAR data originally collected. As these animations progress, the point cloud data is being scaled down to the featured extraction to a useable file size for AutoCAD software systems.
Contact Us to Learn More
Jeff Langan
Project Manager
Adam Ruud
Design Engineer