
Amazing facts about Halifax


Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, November 7). Halifax County, Nova Scotia. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halifax_County,_Nova_Scotia 

Halifax is the capital of Nova Scotia which is one of the smallest provinces in Canada, also being very close to the water with lots of fish and other marine life.

Item no. 12.1 - cdn.halifax.ca. (n.d.-a). https://cdn.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/city-hall/standing-committees/211104essc1211.pdf

The bus routes in Halifax are very evenly distributed which is good because it provides easy access to the bus for everyone and makes it easy to travel through the city quickly, making it the best form of transportation in halifax.

Halifax Map and Halifax Satellite Image. (n.d.). https://www.istanbul-city-guide.com/map/canada/halifax-map.asp 

Halifax has lots of roads which are evenly distributed which makes it easier to drive through the city. Halifax also has a lot of streets which makes it a very walkable city, it also makes it very convenient to walk to grocery stores and other necessities.

Welcome. Native. (2021, October 8). https://native-land.ca/ 

Halifax originally belonged to the Mi’kma’ki who originally called the land Kjipuktuk. In 1761 the Mi’kma’ki signed the treaties of peace and friendship treaty with the British to end the war between them which lasted 85 years.


Halifax’s Best Beaches. Discover Halifax. (2023, June 1). https://discoverhalifaxns.com/things-to-do/outdoor-activities/best-beaches-halifax/

Despite being the capital of Nova Scotia Halifax has a very affordable housing price with the average monthly payments of a house being 1482$, instead of housing prices going up they actually dropped by 1.6% in 2023. Halifax is also very close to the water, having tons of nice beaches and the Seaport Farmers Market which is the longest farmers market in Canada. Speaking of food Halifax is famous for its delicious and fresh seafood due to it being very close to the water. Another amenity of Halifax is the very nice public gardens which is one of the nicest and most beautiful places in halifax. Halifax is also a very walkable city with all the things you need in a short distance.


Facebook. You’re Temporarily Blocked. (n.d.). https://m.facebook.com/historichalifax/photos/halifax-is-looking-like-a-whole-new-city-in-2017-here-is-a-side-by-side-comparis/1681656638528076/

Halifax is the capital of Nova Scotia and is near Cole Harbour, Chester and Windsor. The people who originated in Halifax were the Mi'kmaq who settled there over 13,000 years ago and called the land Kjipuktuk. They spent most of their time outside but they lived in villages in tent-like structures called wigwams which were made out of wood and birch bark. The villages usually consisted of a clan run by elders and had support from other clans. They chose to settle there because of all the wildlife there which served as good hunting. During the summer they would hunt for fish and small whales and during the winter they would hunt for caribou                             and moose. 

The founding of Halifax. cwj. (n.d.). https://www.cwjefferys.ca/the-founding-of-halifax

In 1605 the French colonists immigrated to Nova Scotia for the large fur trades and a better life since France did not have religious freedom at the time. The Mi'kma'ki and the French got along with each other trading fur for European goods, and the French also let the Mi'kma'ki keep their land. Later on they formed a military alliance in the 17th century and fought along with each other against the british. Today Halifax is around 5,476 km² with a population of around 1,000,000 in 2023 and is rapidly growing with a growth rate of 4.5% from 2021 to 2022.


Government of Canada, S. C. (2019, April 23). Comparison age pyramid. Government of Canada, Statistics Canada.

This chart shows the age comparison of all the people in Nova Scotia compared to Halifax. According to this chart the average age of people in Halifax and Nova Scotia seem to be around the age of 48 which means that the majority of people living there are in the older range. There also seems to be more men in the younger population but as the chart goes higher there seems to be more women in the older population. This means that there are more males being born but they don’t live as long so they start dying out before the females which leaves more women in the older population.


Canada, E. and C. C. (2023, May 15). Government of Canada / gouvernement du Canada. Climate. https://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_normals/index_e.html 

This chart shows the Daily Maximum Temperature, Daily Average Temperature, Daily Minimum Temperature, and monthly Precipitation for a whole year in Halifax. Halifax’s annual precipitation adds up to 116.35, and its annual temperature adds up to 6.6 Celsius and lastly its temperature range is 13.4. Something that affects all of this in Halifax is its maritime climate which means that there are bodies of water around Halifax which influence the precipitation and temperatures by adding moisture to the air and cooling it down.

About hurricanes. About Hurricanes | Martin County Florida. (n.d.). https://www.martin.fl.us/about-hurricanes

However Halifax is not just sunshine and rainbows, since Halifax is close to the water it is vulnerable to hurricanes, most likely happening during June to November. The hurricanes form due to the Gulf Stream affecting the climate making the ideal conditions to form a hurricane. The worst of these hurricanes was hurricane Juan destroying 50-100 million trees, luckily the hurricane didn't kill many people with almost all citizens surviving.

Unforgettable Hurricane Juan would be the storm of a century - This Day In Weather History


Nova scotia mountains. PeakVisor. (2023, February 3). https://peakvisor.com/adm/nova-scotia.html

Halifax is located in Nova Scotia which is in the Appalachian region and consists of Taiga Biomes and the Deciduous Forest Biome. Halifax has been known for its hilly terrain and its large forests with lots of diverse types of trees so much so that it has earned a nickname the city of trees. A very well-known physical feature in Halifax is the Appalachian mountain range which has lots of waterways and valleys around it. Another well-known physical feature is the downtown Boardwalk which is one of the longest boardwalks in the world with a length of 4km and is located next to the Halifax Waterfront.


Editors, R. G. (2018, December 16). Why Halifax is Canada’s Friendliest City. Why Halifax Is Canada’s Friendliest City | Rough Guides. https://www.roughguides.com/articles/halifax-friendliest-city-in-canada/ 

Person. (2023, April 6). UK house prices rise for 3rd month in a row, Halifax says. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-house-prices-rise-3rd-month-row-halifax-says-2023-04-06/#:~:text=House%20prices%20were%201.6%25%20higher,to%20surge%20in%20the%20autumn. 

Cycling & Walking: DHBC. Cycling & Walking | DHBC. (n.d.). https://downtownhalifax.ca/cycling-walking#:~:text=Downtown%20Halifax%20is%20a%20very,walking%20distance%20of%20one%20another. 

Friends of the public gardens. Friends of the Public Gardens. (n.d.). https://www.halifaxpublicgardens.ca/

 Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, April 10). History of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Halifax,_Nova_Scotia#:~:text=The%20community%20was%20originally%20inhabited,sparked%20Father%20Le%20Loutre’s%20War. 

Key facts: Nova scotia’s Aboriginal population. (n.d.). https://www.novascotia.ca/abor/docs/demographics/NSMikmaqFactSheet2014.pdf 

Wikimedia Foundation. (2023b, May 3). History of nova scotia. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Nova_Scotia#:~:text=In%201605%2C%20French%20colonists%20established,colony%20Acadia%20at%20Port%20Royal. 

French immigration in Canada. The Canadian Encyclopedia. (n.d.). https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/french-immigration-in-canada#:~:text=They%20came%20in%20hopes%20of,in%20Montreal%20and%20Quebec%20City. 

 Indigenous-French relations. The Canadian Encyclopedia. (n.d.-b). https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/aboriginal-french-relations#:~:text=France%20saw%20Indigenous%20nations%20as,the%20governance%20of%20New%20France. 

10 fun facts about Halifax: Halifacts. Ferries. (2022, September 11). https://www.ferries.ca/halifacts-10-fun-facts-about-halifax/#:~:text=Halifax%20is%20Home%20to%20One,the%20world%27s%20longest%20continuous%20boardwalks. 

 Government of Canada, S. C. (2019, April 23). Comparison age pyramid. Government of Canada, Statistics Canada.

Canada, E. and C. C. (2023, May 15). Government of Canada / gouvernement du Canada. Climate. https://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_normals/index_e.html 

Pitikwahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker). Home | The Canadian Encyclopedia. (1970, June 14). https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en

CBC/Radio Canada. (2023, January 10). Wait list for family doctors nears 130,000 in Nova Scotia | CBC News. CBCnews. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/family-doctor-wait-list-grows-nova-scotia-1.6709021#:~:text=The%20increase%20in%20need%20in,million%2C%20according%20to%20provincial%20estimates.

Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, November 7). Halifax County, Nova Scotia. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halifax_County,_Nova_Scotia 

Item no. 12.1 - cdn.halifax.ca. (n.d.-a). https://cdn.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/city-hall/standing-committees/211104essc1211.pdf

Halifax Map and Halifax Satellite Image. (n.d.). https://www.istanbul-city-guide.com/map/canada/halifax-map.asp 

Welcome. Native. (2021, October 8). https://native-land.ca/ 

Halifax’s Best Beaches. Discover Halifax. (2023, June 1). https://discoverhalifaxns.com/things-to-do/outdoor-activities/best-beaches-halifax/

Facebook. You’re Temporarily Blocked. (n.d.). https://m.facebook.com/historichalifax/photos/halifax-is-looking-like-a-whole-new-city-in-2017-here-is-a-side-by-side-comparis/1681656638528076/

The founding of Halifax. cwj. (n.d.). https://www.cwjefferys.ca/the-founding-of-halifax

Government of Canada, S. C. (2019, April 23). Comparison age pyramid. Government of Canada, Statistics Canada.

Canada, E. and C. C. (2023, May 15). Government of Canada / gouvernement du Canada. Climate. https://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_normals/index_e.html 

About hurricanes. About Hurricanes | Martin County Florida. (n.d.). https://www.martin.fl.us/about-hurricanes

Nova scotia mountains. PeakVisor. (2023, February 3). https://peakvisor.com/adm/nova-scotia.html