A Geographic Perspective
A Geographic Perspective
India is where Hinduism is mainly practiced which is also know as the hearth of Hinduism.
The Indus River Valley is the hearth of Hinduism. The Indus river flows through northern India, which is where the word Hindu got its name from. Hinduism and Buddhism interact with each other because their hearth’s are located in the same region. Hinduism is one of the four major religions of the world. Other than India, some Hindus reside in Nepal and Mauritius. 90% of Hindus live in India.
Vishnu, one of the main god, has the role to protect the humans.
Hinduism has no founder instead it is a fusion of different beliefs. The Indo-Aryan people moved to the Indus river valley and their language and culture blended to those who were there. In Hinduism they have a lot of gods, but there are three main ones. Brahma who creates the universe, Vishnu who preserves the universe, and Shiva who destroys the universe. Brahma is the first got and is the least worshipped today. Vishnu is recognized by some Hindu as the Devine being from which all things came. Shiva is called the destroyer because her role is to destroy in order to recreate.
These are a few places where the religion Hinduism has spread to. number one is where it all originated.
This is the largest religious monument. ( Angkor Wat)
Hindu temples are important because it is a symbolic house. A seat and body of divinity for Hindus. It is a spiritual destination for many Hindus. One of the most important temple is called Angkor Wat. it is special because it spreads over 400 acres. It was built in the first half century as a Hindu temple, but became a Buddhist temple by the end of the 12 century. It is said to be the worlds largest religious monument. It was originally dedicated to the Hindu God Vishnu.
They believe in the continuous cycle of life which is death and recantation. Hindus also believe in karma, which is the universal law of cause and effect. they believe that every living creature has a soul and they are all part of the supreme soul. Hindus practice in may places, but they can also practice in their homes or at dedicated shrines. It is a common practice to present gifts such as flowers or oils to your god or goddess.
This is a shrine dedicated to a god or goddess that holds gifts for them
People in India are not just Hindus, but Muslims too. In India Hindus, and Muslims are on the edge of war due to many reasons. One being a horrific train wreck that caused a lot of Hindus to burn in a fire. It got both people fired up and ready to hate on each other.
A place for both Hindus and Muslims. Where they are at the edge of war.