Map it in Minutes
6-Minute Mapping Activities for Students using ArcGIS Online
In this tutorial you will learn the basics of ArcGIS Online by completing six activities, each designed to take approximately six minutes to complete. You will need an ArcGIS Online account. If you do not have one, your teacher, or an adult, can request your account at
Target Audience: Students
Time Required: 30-40 minutes
Tutorial Contents
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 1: See Your World 👀
Activity 2: Measure & Mark Your World 📏
Activity 3: Explore Your World 🔎
Activity 4: Expand Your World 💫
Activity 5: App Your World 💻
Explore these focused apps by click the links below:
Activity 6: Create Your World 🌎
Other Resources
Try other ArcGIS Online Resources:
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