Food Insecurity in Arkansas

Food insecurity, defined by the USDA as a lack of consistent access to enough food for every person in a household to live an active, healthy lifestyle, is a pervasive issue in Arkansas.

According to Feeding America, 16% of households in the state are food insecure. This percentage can differ greatly based on county and race/ethnicity. The chart below shows disparities in the State of Arkansas and its five most populated counties.

Being food insecure is stressful, and lacking access to nutritious foods also makes it difficult for children to learn and grow. Feeding America notes that research shows a link between food insecurity and delayed child development including a risk in chronic illness and behavioral issues. In Arkansas, 1 in 5 children face hunger.

Arkansas is ranked second to last nationally in food security, behind only Mississippi. In 2021, county rates ranged from 11% to 21%, over double the national rate of 10%.

Key Factors

Access: Food Deserts in Arkansas

An important factor in food security is access to healthy food. Food deserts are defined as communities where residents must travel more than one mile in an urban area or more than 10 miles in a rural area to get fresh food.

Arkansas has at least one food desert in each of its counties, according to the  Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance . Some rural areas are unable to economically support grocery stores and have to depend on convenience stores and discount retailers like Dollar General that may not provide the healthiest options. In other states, solutions have included using online food distribution systems and mobile grocery stores to supply fresh food to these areas. In urban areas, grocery stores not being walkable and lacking fresh produce can cause food deserts. Creating community gardens and farmers markets can help combat food insecurity in these areas.

Arkansas Center for Health Improvement: Food Deserts in Arkansas, 2019.

Income: ALICE Households

ALICE (asset-limited, income-constrained, employed) measures the number of households that do not earn enough to fully provide basic household needs including housing, child care, healthcare and food. With limited resources, ALICE households must make difficult financial choices, which can lead to food insecurity. In 2021, nearly half (47%) of households in Arkansas were below the ALICE threshold.

Health Impacts

Not having access to healthy and fresh foods can have a negative impact on people’s health. With food deserts in every county in the state, it is no surprise that Arkansas performs poorly in many health indicators. In 2021, Arkansas tied for 38 th  nationally in the number of overweight or obese adults, and 43 rd  for life expectancy in 2020 (74 years of age). These negative health outcomes were also evident in children, as 43% of students in Arkansas were overweight or obese in 2022.

Life Expectancy, 2020

Support and Solutions

SNAP Benefits

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a federal food program that can help qualified individuals and households mitigate food insecurity. Although the program is the primary source of nutrition assistance for many people, it is underutilized in Arkansas.  Only 66%  of eligible residents in Arkansas accessed SNAP.

Legislative Support

 In 2021 , the Arkansas General Assembly passed the Excess Food Distribution bill which allows public schools to distribute any excess food to students. The food can be consumed either on the school campus or at home.

In the same year, Act 418 was passed. The act created a State Meat Inspection Program that made it more affordable for food banks to receive and distribute meat. This act also helped many food banks in Arkansas provide senior citizens with protein-rich meals.

Arkansas Foodbank

The Arkansas Food Bank is the largest hunger-relief organization in the state serving 33 counties in central and southern Arkansas. Check out its resources to find food, use assistance programs and support the food bank.

Northwest Arkansas Foodbank

One of six Feeding America Food Banks in Arkansas, the Northwest Arkansas Food Bank works to distribute food to food insecure individuals and families and create strong relationships with local businesses and organizations that share the passion to end hunger in Northwest Arkansas. Visit the website to find food, donate, or volunteer.

Arkansas Center for Health Improvement: Food Deserts in Arkansas, 2019.