Harnett County Parks & Recreation

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Parks & Recreation Map

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County Parks

County Parks. Click to expand.

Anderson Creek Park

Anderson Creek Park. Click to expand.

1491 Nursery Road Lillington, NC 27546

Barbecue Creek County Park

Barbecue Creek County Park. Click to expand.

10891 NC Hwy 27 West Lillington, NC 27546

Boone Trail Community Center and Library

Boone Trail Community Center and Library. Click to expand.

8500 Old US 421 Lillington, NC 27546

Cape Fear River Trail Park

Cape Fear River Trail Park. Click to expand.

1002 S. 13th Street Erwin, NC 28339

Cape Fear Shiner County Park

Cape Fear Shiner County Park. Click to expand.

350 Alexander Drive Lillington, NC 27546

Dunn-Erwin Rail Trail

Dunn-Erwin Rail Trail. Click to expand.

Trailheads in Downtown Erwin and on Ashe Ave in Dunn

Neills Creek County Park

Neills Creek County Park. Click to expand.

3885 Neill's Creek Road Angier, NC 27501

Patriots Park

Patriots Park. Click to expand.

721 Ponderosa Rd Cameron, NC 28326

Parks and Recreation Main Office

Parks and Recreation Main Office. Click to expand.

455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington NC 27546

South Harnett Park

South Harnett Park. Click to expand.

8335 NC 210 S Bunnlevel, NC 28323

Municipal Parks

Municipal Parks. Click to expand.

Al Woodall Municipal Park

Al Woodall Municipal Park. Click to expand.

810 South 16th St. Erwin, NC 28339

C.B. Codrington Park

C.B. Codrington Park. Click to expand.

308 S. Burke St. Dunn, NC 28334

Clarence Lee Tart Memorial Park

Clarence Lee Tart Memorial Park. Click to expand.

1300 S. Elm Ave Dunn, NC 28334

Coats Park

Coats Park. Click to expand.

454 Park Lane Coats, NC 27521

Dr. P. K. Vyas Recreation Center

Dr. P. K. Vyas Recreation Center. Click to expand.

207 Jackson Rd Dunn, NC 28334

Lillington Community Center

Lillington Community Center. Click to expand.

607 S. 13th St. Lillington, NC 27546

Lillington Riverfront Park

Lillington Riverfront Park. Click to expand.

235 E. Duncan St. Lillington, NC 27546

Lillington Ball Park

Lillington Ball Park. Click to expand.

405 S. 1st Street Lillington NC 27546

Jack Marley Park

Jack Marley Park. Click to expand.

249 East Williams Street Angier, NC 27501

Nathan Harris Athletic Complex at Tyler Park

Nathan Harris Athletic Complex at Tyler Park. Click to expand.

201 N. General William C. Lee Ave Dunn, NC 28334

W.N. Porter Park

W.N. Porter Park. Click to expand.

501 N. 13th Street Erwin, NC 28339

State Parks

State Parks. Click to expand.

Carvers Creek State Park

Carvers Creek State Park. Click to expand.

2505 Long Valley Road Spring Lake, NC 28390

Raven Rock State Park

Raven Rock State Park. Click to expand.

3009 Raven Rock Road Lillington, NC 27546

County Parks

Anderson Creek Park

1491 Nursery Road Lillington, NC 27546


Park Amenities: Walking trails, Mountain Bike trails, picnic pavilion, interpretive signage, observation areas, restrooms, disc golf course, and a playground.

Hours of Operation:

November – March (during EST) 7 AM – 6 PM

March (at beginning of DST)--May and August – November (until end of DST) 7 AM – 8PM

June-July 7AM- 9PM

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Barbecue Creek County Park

10891 NC Hwy 27 West Lillington, NC 27546


Park Amenities: Six tennis courts (three lighted), two lighted baseball/softball fields, a batting cage, a multi-purpose building (concessions, restrooms, and classroom), a multi-purpose field, 0.5 miles of walking trails (walking the outer loop of asphalt walking trail around the park is 1/3 mile in length), a picnic shelter, and a playground.

Hours of Operation: Dawn to Dusk

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Boone Trail Community Center and Library

8500 Old US 421 Lillington, NC 27546


Park Amenities: Community Center offering programs and activities, meeting rooms, and library services. Gymnasium, two baseball/softball fields, playground, and walking trail.

Hours of Operation:

COVID Hours M-F 2pm-6pm

Normal Hours M-F 2-8 PM & Sat 9 AM -1 PM


Have more questions? Click  here. 

Cape Fear River Trail Park

1002 S. 13th Street Erwin, NC 28339


Park Amenities: Sixteen acres of walking trails, overlooks, canoe access, and a picnic shelter with restrooms.

Hours of Operation: Dawn to Dusk

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Cape Fear Shiner County Park

350 Alexander Drive Lillington, NC 27546


Park Amenities: Completed Phase One includes the entrance road to the initial parking area along with associated utilities. In addition to road construction, this Phase One includes: 3.25 miles of trail, including 0.4 Mile Paved Walking Loop, Wildlife Observation Decks, two Multipurpose fields, two Baseball/Softball Fields, Canoe Water Access.

Hours of Operation:

November – March (during EST) 7 AM – 6 PM

March (at beginning of DST)--May and August – November (until end of DST) 7 AM – 8PM

June-July 7AM- 9PM

Have more questions? Click  here .

Dunn-Erwin Rail Trail

Trailheads in Downtown Erwin and on Ashe Ave in Dunn


Park Amenities: Five miles of trail and an additional 1.75 mile extension to Cape Fear River Trail Park.

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Neills Creek County Park

3885 Neill's Creek Road Angier, NC 27501


Park Amenities: Six tennis courts (three with lights), three (two lighted) softball fields, a baseball field, a concession building with a storage room and restrooms, and a multipurpose field.

Hours of Operation: Dawn to Dusk

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Patriots Park

721 Ponderosa Rd Cameron, NC 28326


Park Amenities: Two open spaces with ballfield backstops, a walking trail, a playground, and picnic shelter.

Hours of Operation:

November-February 7:30 AM-6 PM

March (at beginning of DST)--May and August – November (until end of DST) 7:30 AM – 8 PM

June-July 7:30AM- 9PM

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Parks and Recreation Main Office

455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington NC 27546


Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

South Harnett Park

8335 NC 210 S Bunnlevel, NC 28323

Park Amenities: Eight acres with an open space with baseball/softball backstops at opposite ends.

Hours of Operation:

Dawn to Dusk, Closed during School hours

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Municipal Parks

Al Woodall Municipal Park

810 South 16th St. Erwin, NC 28339


Park Amenities: Four ballfields, walking trail, basketball court, skate park, two tennis courts, playground, picnic shelter, gazebo, splash pad, and a gymnasium.

Have more questions? Click  here. 

C.B. Codrington Park

308 S. Burke St. Dunn, NC 28334

910 892-2976

Park Amenities: Swimming pool, picnic shelter, a small walking track, tennis and basketball courts, and a playground.

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Clarence Lee Tart Memorial Park

1300 S. Elm Ave Dunn, NC 28334


Park Amenities: Seven ball fields, a one mile walking track, a playground, and a picnic shelter.

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Coats Park

454 Park Lane Coats, NC 27521


Park Amenities: Two ballfields and a playground.

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Dr. P. K. Vyas Recreation Center

207 Jackson Rd Dunn, NC 28334

(910) 897-5538

Park Amenities: Gymnasium, a weight room, a cardio room, a racquetball room, and an indoor batting cage.

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday 6am-8pm

Saturday 8am-3pm

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Lillington Community Center

607 S. 13th St. Lillington, NC 27546


Park Amenities: One activity room, a multi-purpose room, cardio/fitness room, weight/strengthening room, recreation offices, outdoor fenced in basketball court, picnic tables, playground, and a botanical trail.

Hours of Operation:

Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday 8:00 a.m.— 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday & Friday 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.

Saturday 9:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.


Have more questions? Click  here. 

Lillington Riverfront Park

235 E. Duncan St. Lillington, NC 27546


Park Amenities: Playground, a walking trail, and picnic shelter.

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Lillington Ball Park

405 S. 1st Street Lillington NC 27546


Park Amenities: Three ballfields, playground, tennis courts, and a walking trail.

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Jack Marley Park

249 East Williams Street Angier, NC 27501


Park Amenities: Ballfields, pond, basketball court, batting cage, disc golf course, tennis court, sand volleyball court, playground, and picnic shelter.

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Nathan Harris Athletic Complex at Tyler Park

201 N. General William C. Lee Ave Dunn, NC 28334


Park Amenities: Three ballfields, a miracle field, two tennis courts, playground, picnic shelter, and a splash pad.

Have more questions? Click  here. 

W.N. Porter Park

501 N. 13th Street Erwin, NC 28339


Park Amenities: Playground, a picnic shelter, basketball courts, and a walking trail.

Have more questions? Click  here. 

State Parks

Carvers Creek State Park

2505 Long Valley Road Spring Lake, NC 28390


Park Amenities: Amenities at the relatively new Carvers Creek State Park have centered on Long Valley Farm, the historic retreat of a Rockefeller family member, as the park continues to develop recreation opportunities. However, a dramatic flood in September 2016 severely damaged a dam and 100-acre millpond that is a significant park feature. Fishing in the millpond, views from the floating observation deck and some trail opportunities are temporarily interrupted as repairs are being made. The farm continues to offer scenic, contemplative hiking through longleaf pine forests, and rangers lead regular interpretive programs, including occasional tours through the vacation home of the late James Stillman Rockefeller, who bequeathed the property for conservation. A long-range master plan includes varied recreation proposals for the park that encompasses more than 4,000 acres.

*Entrance is not in the County but a portion of the property is.*

Hours Operation:

November to February: 8:00am to 6:00pm

March to May: 8:00am to 8:00pm

June to August: 8:00am to 9:00pm

September to October: 8:00am to 8:00pm

Closed Christmas Day

Have more questions? Click  here. 

Raven Rock State Park

3009 Raven Rock Road Lillington, NC 27546


Park Amenities: The Cape Fear River is the frequent hiking destination for visitors entering Raven Rock State Park, whether it’s Lanier Falls, the Fish Traps rapids, or the massive Raven Rock, an ageless landmark for river travelers. Along the way, hikers will experience steep terrain, mountain laurel and rhododendron thickets, and tumbling creeks. The park offers primitive backcountry camping areas for families and paddlers; all supplies must be carried in, but the solitude is worth the effort. A separate equestrian area on the river’s north bank offers extensive trails and a large parking area. Frequent interpretive programs complement museum-quality exhibits in the visitor center exploring the Cape Fear region’s cultural and natural history.

Hours Operation:

November to February: 7:00am to 7:00pm

March to May: 7:00am to 9:00pm

June to August: 7:00am to 10:00pm

September to October: 7:00am to 9:00pm

Closed Christmas Day

Have more questions? Click  here. 

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Contact Us!

455 McKinney Parkway Lillington NC 27546


Open Monday- Friday 8am-5pm

Want to make a reservation? Click  here  to be directed to the reservations page.

Erwin River Park

Erwin River Park