Bellevue Porchella Saturday, May 15, 2021

A Live Music Walk from 1-7 PM for Bellevue Musicians and Residents. Be safe, wear a mask, and maintain social distance.

Rain Date: Saturday, May 22, 2021

Click "Join the BCA" or make a donation (put "Porchella" in the Comments box)

Support our neighborhood musicians and show your love! Everyone has volunteered their time and talent to make "Porchella" happen. At each home, bands may have open guitar cases or tip buckets, and some may provide donate online platforms such as CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal.

As you walk around, please respect our community by wearing a mask, and don't leave trash. If we do this right, we can do it for a long time.

Support our Bellevue Merchants: Once Upon a Vine, Stir Crazy, Demi's, One Three Guitar, The Mill, Mí Jalisco, Dot's Back Inn, Northside Grill, Nicola Flora, Nuttalls, Morsels, Zorbas, Early Bird Biscuit Co., and Little House Grocery

Get your  Bellevue Porchella merch here . All proceeds go to the Bellevue Civic Association

Thanks for the help with traffic control

Bellevue Porchella Credits

A sincere thanks to the spring committee: Brooke Ullman as founder; Summer Gentry as band mom and coordinator; Jami Bricker as social media coordinator, and Bellevue Civic Assoc. Secretary, Rob McAdams doing logistics and mapping or something; and Johnny Utterback as the designer, including the original Porchella logo. Additional support and thanks: Barry Long, Chris Sterling, Ray Flournoy, Zach Schindler, Don Glazer, RVA Events, SunBelt Rentals, The Bellevue Civic Association that makes these fun events possible, and all the performers. Be sure to thank these wonderful people and associations when you see them.

Support our Bellevue Merchants: Once Upon a Vine, Stir Crazy, Demi's, One Three Guitar, The Mill, Mí Jalisco, Dot's Back Inn, Northside Grill, Nicola Flora, Nuttalls, Morsels, Zorbas, Early Bird Biscuit Co., and Little House Grocery

Get your  Bellevue Porchella merch here . All proceeds go to the Bellevue Civic Association

Thanks for the help with traffic control