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State of Global Water Resources 2022
River Discharge & Reservoirs
Groundwater Levels
Soil Moisture, Evapotranspiration, Terrestrial Water Storage
Throughout 2022, anomalies in soil moisture, total terrestrial water storage and evapotranspiration echoed the deviations in river discharge conditions, e.g. Europe experienced increased ET and decreased Soil Moisture during summer, conditioned by drought.
High Impact Hydrologic Events
Selected most notable high impact hydrological events across the globe in 2022 - points indicate flood (blue) and drought (red) events.
Highlight Stories of 2022
State of the Snow Cover and Glaciers
In 2022, the snow cover in the Alps remained significantly below a 30-year climatology, affecting discharge of the major European rivers. The Andes saw declining winter snow, being the lowest in 2021 with some recovery in 2022, impacting water supplies in Chile and Argentina. Observations of Georgia's glaciers, especially the Shkhara, reveal doubling of melting rates over the past years. The Asian Water Tower observed significant glacial melting and changing river run-offs of the Indus, Amu Darya, Yangtze and Yellow River basins, highlighting the deepening influence of climate change on regional water resources.
EW4All (Early Warnings for All)
Thanks to partners, WMO Members and experts