Food for Californians

A statewide guide to help all Californians find free food resources during the COVID-19 pandemic

The spread of COVID-19 has dramatically impacted the lives of Californians up and down the Golden State. With food banks serving 10 times more working and low-income Californians during the pandemic, L.A. Controller Ron Galperin released a statewide guide to free food resources. It builds upon Galperin’s Southern California food resource maps focused on the  City  and  County  of Los Angeles. Because COVID-19's influence is not limited to one geographic area, the resources were expanded to assist people in need statewide.

Below is a map of 1,800+ locations throughout the state where Californians can pick up fresh, healthy and free food. In addition, L.A. County residents can scroll further to find a map of nearly 500 grocery stores with special operating hours to accommodate seniors and other high-risk shoppers.

NOTE: The data on this map is not exhaustive and is subject to change at any time. Explore below.

Free Food Resources in California

This map includes 1,800+ food banks, food pantries and food distribution centers across the state of California.

Click on a dot to see the name, location and contact information for each food resource. You can also use the search bar at the top left corner to find the resources nearest you.

Please note that food distribution dates and times vary and are subject to change. Before visiting, please contact the location to verify it is open and to find out if you live within its service area. Some sites may also require photo identification and supporting income documents.

Local food banks and pantries are serving more Californians than ever before.

Click  here  to see the Free Food Resources in California data on the Controller's Open Data portal.

Grocery Stores with Shopping Hours for Seniors

Many grocery stores have announced special shopping hours for seniors, individuals with disabilities and the immunocompromised. This map includes nearly 500 grocery stores in Los Angeles County – the state's most populous region – offering adjusted store hours for high-risk shoppers.

Due to the rapidly changing circumstances, some stores may continue to adjust their schedules. Before visiting, please verify these hours by visiting the store's website or contacting them directly using the information on this map.

Senior shoppers at a grocery store during the coronavirus pandemic.

Click  here  to view the Grocery Stores with Shopping Hours for Seniors data on the Controller's Open Data portal.

This data was collected from several sources, including store websites, news outlets and the  L.A. One Degree COVID-19 Resource Guide .

More California food resources

Stay connected with L.A. Controller Ron Galperin

Local food banks and pantries are serving more Californians than ever before.

Senior shoppers at a grocery store during the coronavirus pandemic.