Upper Missouri Basin Federal Lands Map
Coordinated by the Missouri River Basin Interagency Roundtable
A map to help preserve cultural resources
This area along the Upper Missouri River from Sioux City, Iowa to its headwaters in Three Forks, Montana, is prone to looting and destruction of Tribal cultural resources. The map below shows Federally-managed lands that fall within a five-mile buffer around this stretch of the river. Tribes can use the map to find contact information for Federal agencies if looting is observed over Federal lands.
Click on any Federal land area, and a pop-up with contact information will display. Some Federal lands overlap each other. The pop-up will have a small arrow at bottom right—click it to see the information for overlapping areas.
To see the legend, click the button (with four small dots and lines) at the lower left corner of the map.
Pan around the map by clicking and dragging your mouse. Zoom in and out using the plus and minus buttons at the lower right corner of the map.
The slider bar at the center of the map can be moved right or left to switch between aerial imagery and the map.