Scene Viewer 6x6

Explore the Scene Viewer in six short activities.

In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of the Scene Viewer in ArcGIS Online by completing six activities you can do in six minutes each.

The Scene Viewer Six by Six tutorial is also available as a text document. To access the text document, visit: .

A scene allows you to visualize your data and analyze geographic information in an intuitive and interactive 3D environment. You can choose between a global or local scene to best display your data, such as airline flight patterns, school facilities, or underground utilities. A scene is similar to a map, but it combines 2D and 3D data to add dimension, create context, and display the features from all angles.

1.Explore a Scene

Explore BC Place Stadium in 3D. The scene you explore will allow you to familiarize yourself with the geographic area and the 3D navigation controls.

Video Tutorial

2.Change a Scene

You are able to change a number of aspects of a scene. This includes the layers visible, the basemap, and the time of day and month of the year, which change the sun angle and resulting shadows. Change the scene of downtown Vancouver.

Video Tutorial

3.Analyze a Scene

You can measure area and distance in your scene. You can also use the Slice tool to reveal occluded content in a scene. The Slice tool hides any layers or terrain the slice intersects. For example, you can slice a building to display inside layers, such as interior walls and furniture.

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4.Create a New Scene

Previously, you explored a scene that had already been created. Next, you will sign into ArcGIS Online and create your own scene showing earthquakes and tectonic plates. First, you'll begin a new scene. Then, you'll search for and add layers to your scene and change the basemap. Last, you'll save your scene so that you can continue to work on it at a future date.

Video Tutorial

5.Symbolize Data

Now that you have created a scene, we are going to search for data in ArcGIS Online and create a scene from the details page. Next, you will explore various options to symbolize your data.

Video Tutorial

6.Capture Slides

We are going to create a tour of the capital cities in Canada by creating slides in a scene. Slides capture the extent, layer visibility and daylight settings of the scene. We will finish off by sharing our capital cities tour.

Video Tutorial


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