Hot Sulphur Springs


Final Draft Documents - September 23, 2024

We've received additional comments and have incorporated them into this final draft for public consideration. This draft will be presented for the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider at a public hearing on November 7th at 6:30pm and the Board of Trustees will consider the same final draft at a public hearing on November 21st at 6:30pm. Both meetings will be held at the Town of Hot Sulphur Springs Town Hall.

Updated Public Draft - August 2024

Thank you all for all the feedback received! We have evaluated all comments and updated the public draft for review. Please access the updated documents at the links below:

Public comment period open through September 1, 2024! Please email comments to or drop them off at Town Hall during business hours!

Additional Discussion Opportunities

Following the May 2nd Public Meeting, we've received great feedback and are offering additional opportunities for feedback and discussion on the land development code updates.

Community Listening Session

Join your neighbors in hearing a brief update from the Town's Planning consultant, TJ Dlubac, followed by an open Q & A session where we can discuss your questions and concerns revolving around the proposed land development code and the zoning map updates.

When: Tuesday, July 9, 2024 from 6-8pm

Where: Town Hall 513 Aspen St.

Meeting Information:

  • Zone Districts Key:

Zone District


Code Section

Parks and Recreation District


Sec. 9-5-3

Rural Development District


Sec. 9-5-4

Low Density Residential


Sec. 9-5-5

Medium Density Residential


Sec. 9-5-6

Mixed Use


Sec. 9-5-7

Downtown Core


Sec. 9-5-8

General Commercial


Sec. 9-5-9

Business (Formerly Limited Industrial)

B (Formerly LI)

Sec. 9-5-10

1 on 1 Sessions

Do you have a question about how the proposed amendments impact your property specifically or what the changes mean for you? Schedule a 45 min 1-on-1 discussion with TJ Dlubac. We'll be able to discuss your specific situation. NOTE: all 1 on 1 sessions must be pre-scheduled with Katie LaDrig at Town Hall.

When: Friday, July 12, 2024 9am - 8pm

Where: Town Hall 513 Aspen St.

May 2nd Public Meeting

We are excited to present the project overview and update to the community in a Town Hall style meeting at Town Hall at 6:30pm on May 2nd. The latest drafts of the documents are linked below. The project team will present the overall project approach, objectives, and outcomes at this meeting. The intent of this discussion is to provide context and background for residents to read, digest, and offer input and feedback on the draft documents. Following the presentation, residents, property owners, and stakeholders are encouraged to review the draft information and provide comments. Comments can be submitted to:

  • Hardcopy comments to Town Hall: 513 Aspen Street
  • Email comments to
    • TJ Dlubac, AICP, CPS Project Manager, ( and/or
    • Katie LaDrig, Town Clerk (
  • Submit comments via the project  website .

Comments due by Monday, May 20, 2024

Meeting Recording

Presentation Materials

Land Use Regulations

Click on the buttons below for the entire code or  click here  for a folder with the document separated out by chapter. The separate chapters may be easier to read and navigate.

Comprehensive Plan 2024

Click on the buttons below to access the latest draft of the Comprehensive Plan 2024 and other applicable documents.

Community Character

Project Overview

Why Is the 2023 Comprehensive Plan Important?

  • Provides a roadmap for evaluating land development applications submitted to Hot Sulphur Springs on an ongoing basis. 
  • Serves as a general document that establishes priorities guiding the allocation of Hot Sulphur Springs' funding.
  • Provides a policy structure and action plan for revisions to the Land Use Code, official zoning map, and other departments’ future planning needs. 

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

  • A comprehensive plan is generally a broad guiding document creating a long-term plan that covers planning jurisdictions and addresses physical elements such as future land use, parks, transportation, etc. It starts by giving a community a chance to come together to share and create a collective dream. With the communities input, a comprehensive plan is drafted to create a bridge between the dream and making it a reality. It is a unified voice of the community expressed through a strategy to build a better place. The 2023 Hot Sulphur Springs will cover:
    • Land Use
    • Economic Development
    • Parks and Recreation
    • Transportation, Infrastructure, and Utilities
    • Housing
    • Community Resiliency

Why Does the 2023 Comprehensive Plan Matter to You?  

Hot Sulphur Springs is your town. Whether you are a resident, business owner, or visitor, the 2023 Comprehensive Plan helps officials decide how to shape the future of the places you live, work, play, and stay.

Technical Advisory Committee

The Project Team will be meeting with the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) each month to update and discuss the project. The information presented to the TAC can be found below:


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Question: How can I get involved? Answer: Check out the feedback section on the 2023 Comprehensive Plan website.
  2. Question: What will happen to the comments I provide? Answer:  The comments will be read and compiled by the project team. Your comments will all be taken into consideration to help guide future policy decisions in Hot Sulphur Springs.  Your comments are critical to the success of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan.
  3. Question: What will the 2023 Comprehensive Plan do for Hot Sulphur Springs? Answer: The 2023 Comprehensive Plan will guide future land-use decisions in Hot Sulphur Springs to ensure the vision developed through community engagement is realized. The 2023 Comprehensive Plan allows the community to collaborate on Hot Sulphur Springs' future. The 2023 Plan will replace the  1999 Hot Sulphur Springs Comprehensive Plan  once adopted.
  4. Question: How long is the 2023 Comprehensive Plan in effect?   Answer: The 2023 Comprehensive Plan will be effective until the next comprehensive plan update. Usually, a comprehensive plan is updated every 5 to 10 years.
  5. Question: How will this impact the Land Development Code? Answer: The 2023 Comprehensive Plan will guide any future changes or updates to the Land Development Code. 
  6. Question: How will this impact my property? Answer: The 2023 Comprehensive Plan is an advisory document. While it focuses on possible future land use, it does not change the zoning or allowed uses currently allowed on any property.  
  7. Question: What is a comprehensive plan?  Answer: Please see the Glossary of Terms page on how Hot Sulphur Springs views a comprehensive plan or the above description in the "What is a Comprehensive Plan" section.
  8. Question: Why is Hot Sulphur Springs updating the  1999 Comprehensive Plan ? Answer: Hot Sulphur Springs and the surrounding community have changed since the last comprehensive plan was adopted in 1999. Based on current data, the 2023 Comprehensive Plan will provide a more accurate strategy for where the Town of Hot Sulphur Springs is heading.

Glossary of Terms

Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU): A residential dwelling unit located on the same lot as a single-family dwelling unit either within the same building as the single-family dwelling unit or in a detached building. 

Alley-loaded house: This means a detached dwelling unit located on a single lot with private yards on all four sides; however, the house is set closer to the street than a single‐family detached house, and access is from the alley.

Comprehensive Plan: This means the long-range physical development plan for the Town. This provides long-range development policies for the areas in the town that can be built up or revitalized in the near future. This includes, among other things, the plan for land use, land subdivision, transportation, and community facilities.

Duplex: A two-family house is a building arranged to be occupied by two (2) families.

Dwelling unit: This means a building providing complete and permanent living facilities for one (1) household and includes the following: alley-loaded house, multifamily dwelling, single-family detached, townhouse, two-family house, upper-story residential, and zero lot line house.

Future Land Use Map: The town’s visual guide to future planning is the future land use map. The future land use map should show how the comprehensive plan elements such as natural resources, economic development, housing, and transportation all work together.

Major street system: This means all streets within the Town.

Multifamily: Means three or more attached dwelling units in a single structure on a single lot. A multifamily dwelling can vary in height from 2 to 3 stories; individual units can be mixed vertically.

Rights-of-way: Means an area or strip of land, either public or private, on which an irreversible right-of-passage has been recorded for the use of vehicles or pedestrians, or both.

Rights-of-way line: A boundary or dividing line between a lot, tract, or parcel of land and a contiguous street. Also known as the property line. Also, it is a line between private and public ownership.

Right-of-way, private: This means a strip of land in private ownership to be occupied or intended to be occupied by a street, accessway, railroad, road, electric transmission line, oil or gas pipeline, water main, sanitary or storm sewer main, or for another conditional use. The usage of the term rights-of-way shall be maintained by the property owners next to the rights-of-way.

Rights-of-way, public: Means a strip of land dedicated to the public to be occupied or intended to be occupied by a street, accessway, railroad, road, electric transmission line, oil or gas pipeline, water main, sanitary or storm sewer main or for another conditional use. 

Roadway: This means the improved or unimproved portion of a street intended to accommodate vehicular traffic.

Single-family detached: This means a dwelling unit located on a single lot with private yards on all four sides.

Street: Means a dedicated and accepted public right-of-way for vehicular traffic and pedestrian use. 

Street, public: This means any county road dedicated to the public annexed to the Town or any street or road dedicated to the Town for public purposes.

Street stub: This means a temporary dead-end street designated to provide a future connection with adjoining unsubdivided areas.

Townhouse: This means two or more attached dwelling units located on separately owned lots or on a single lot where the units are lined up in a row and share side walls; individual units can be mixed vertically.

Town of Hot Sulphur Springs Land Development Code, Land Development Code (LDC): This code establishes the regulations and standards for the use and development of land within the Town. Included are rules for the annexation, subdivision, and zoning of land and the administrative process for applications, administrative and public reviews, and appeals. Also included are Town standards for site design, landscaping, parking, and public infrastructure.

Two-family house: Means two attached dwelling units in a single structure on a single lot (often called a duplex). The two units can be located on separate floors or side‐by‐side.

Upper-story residential: This means a dwelling unit located on a floor above a nonresidential use or in the rear half of the first floor, preserving the front half for nonresidential uses.

Zero lot line house: This means a detached dwelling unit located on a single lot with private yards on three sides. The unit has a single side yard on one side comprising the equivalent of 2 side yards of a single‐family detached house.

Zoning: The division of the Town by the Land Development Code into areas, or zones, which give allowable uses for property and size restrictions for buildings within these areas.

Draft Documents



Project Timeline

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