Road Surface Management System
Municipal Pavement Planning and Budgeting

New Hampshire Association of Regional Planning Commissions
Presenters & Contributers

Andrew Smeltz, Planner Southwest Region Planning Commission - Keene, NH

Dave Jeffers, Regional Planner & GIS Ryan Paterson, Planning Technician Lakes Region Planning Commission - Meredith, NH

Stephen Geis, Planning Technician Jackson Rand, GIS Planner Strafford Regional Planning Commission - Rochester, NH

Chris Dowd, SADES Manager UNH Technology Transfer Center (UNH T 2 ) - Durham NH

Matt Waitkins, MPO Coordinator Tyrel Borowitz, GIS Specialist Vince Noga, Transportation/Planning Analyst Nashua Regional Planning Commission - Nashua, NH
Matt Baronas, Region Planner Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission
Regional Planning Commissions
- Non-profit, membership organizations comprised of local municipalities
- Governed by commissioners appointed by the municipal officers
- Primary role to assist municipalities with planning and community development
RPC Services include: · Master Planning, Zoning, and Land Use Regulation · Intermunicipal Coordination · Transportation Planning · Housing Build-Out and Suitability Analyses · Economic Development Planning · Emergency Management Planning · Water Resource Planning · And More!
Road Surface Management System
RSMS is a methodology which provides an overview of a road system’s condition and the anticipated costs for future maintenance and improvement.
RSMS provides a systematic approach for local officials to answer basic questions about their road system.
The RSMS process includes:
- Road inventory
- Paved surface condition survey
- Pavement Condition Index (PCI) values
- Priority analysis
- Repair selection
- Forecasting future pavement conditions and repair costs
- Paving plan
Importance of Pavement Preservation
Pavement Preservation • Repairs that improve or sustain the condition of pavement already in good condition • Non-structural, surface applications • Seal paved surface and prevent water intrusion • Example: crack seal, surface treatments that utilize spray emulsions and thin overlays
Importance of Pavement Preservation • Protects the significant investment made in road network • Corrects surface deficiencies • Preserves the pavement system • Maintains or improves the functional condition of the pavement system • Practices to extend pavement life • $$$ Saves budget dollars
Pavement Life
- After installation, pavement requires little maintenance
- For about 75% of pavement life, maintenance costs are low
- Pavement will deteriorate rapidly in the last quarter of life
- Maintenance costs are high
- Pavement deteriorates at different rates
- There is an “art” to management in knowing when a road has reached the critical 75% mark
- A RSMS will help track pavement deterioration across the road network and implement cost-effective maintenance strategies
Benefits of RSMS
1. Road Inventory
RSMS Provides objective data on road network, including maps and visual representations of condition across entire road network and detailed road attributes.
Potential Inventory Deliverables: Maps, Summary Reports, Dashboards and Web Maps, Excel Tables
Web Maps:
Milton RSMS 2022
SADES RSMS Dashboard
2. Budgeting and Capital Improvement Planning
- RSMS promotes communication between DPW/Highway Department and Select Board and Budget Committees
- Data allows DPW/Highway Department to communicate and justify maintenance need
- RSMS communicates road maintenance needs and consequences of deferred maintenance
- RSMS predicts future repair cost and future pavement conditions
Annual Repair Spending and Pavement Condition Graph
Dave Katz - Town of New Hampton
3. Prioritizing Maintenance Need
- During RSMS process, roads roads are assigned a priority value based on:
- Pavement Condition Index (PCI)
- Traffic Volume
- Road Importance Value
- Prioritizing roads is important to avoid a “worst-first” approach to maintenance
- Worst-first approach to pavement maintenance can lead to expensive repairs and leaving inadequate funding for preservation and other maintenance
- Prioritizing roads provides an objective, unbiased approach for selecting roads for repair
- Citizens can see when their road will be repaired
4. Making Efficient Use of Town's Highway Budget
- RSMS will assist in implementing well-timed pavement preservation
- RSMS can generate future cost savings by preventing the rapid decline of pavement and costly future repairs
5. Staff Transitions
- Using a RSMS to create a multi-year paving plan will make it easier for a new road agent to step in
RSMS with a Regional Planning Commission
1) Technical Expertise
- Regional Planning Commissions (RPC) will provide technical expertise
- RPC staff receive training from UNH Technology Transfer Center (UNH T2) on technology and paving from subject matter experts
- RPC staff work independently to collect data and perform analyses with computerized applications
2) Cost
- NH Department of Transportation provides some funding that can help make this a cost-efficient option
3) Local Familiarity
- RPC's have existing relationships and familiarity with Towns in their Region
Program History
- Before 2015, Regional Planning Commissions used pencil and paper to collect field data for RSMS
- In 2015, NH RPC’s partnered with the Statewide Asset Data Exchange System (SADES) to provide a computerized system for field data collection and analysis
- In 2015, the SADES RSMS program was launched. Each RPC conducted a RSMS for a Town in their Region
- To date NH RPC's have assessed:
- 59 Towns and 1 Condo association
- 2,170 miles of road
University of New Hampshire Technology Transfer Center
- SADES and the University of New Hampshire Technology Transfer Center (UNH T 2 ) provide RPC staff with:
- Training and access to technology applications for data collection and data analysis
- Training on pavement fundamentals and repair
- Services and support provided by UNH T 2 include:
- ArcGIS online module for off-line, field data collection with tablet
- Custom web-based analysis tool for forecasting
- Central, secure data storage
- Consistent methodolgy for data collection and analysis
- System maintenance and technology support
RSMS Map for Presentation
Completing a RSMS
1. Kick-Off Meeting
- RPC staff meet with municipal officials to provide project overview and discuss pavement management goals
- Define road network and local factors
- Explain data collection protocol
RPC Staff collect data on local factors from municipal officials:
- Road importance value
- Traffic volume value
- Road maintenance history
- Local observations
2. Field Work
- Technicians trained by NH DOT and UNH T 2 assess road surface conditions every 0.25 mile of local paved roads.
- Severity and extent of multiple categories pavement distress is assessed.
Pavement Distress
Pavement Distress
Pavement Distress Categories
Other attributes:
- Length and width
- Shoulder
- Number of lanes
- Local factors:
- Road importance value
- Traffic volume value
Data Input
- Field data collected with offline tables through ArcGIS Online
- Data syncs across platforms
- PC and tablet editing
- Online tools for sharing
3. Calculate the Pavement Condition Index (PCI)
- Value representing pavement condition ranging from 0 (failed) to 100 (perfect)
- PCI is rated invidiually for each segment (0.25 mile)
- PCI is based on pavement conditions observed during field data collection
- PCI is also determined for the entire road network
4. Repair Analysis
- Repair treatments are assigned to roads based on condition in the year of need
- The RSMS program uses a set of recommended repair treatments
- Repair treatments and repair costs can be customized
- Repair strategies can be analyzed with scenarios
- Balancing preservation with rehabilitation
Isolated Patch
Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Overlay
5. Forecasting and Budgeting
- RSMS software will predict:
- Future pavement condition
- Cost of future repairs
- RPC Staff and works with public works staff to create 10-year Scenarios
- Select roads for repair
- Select repair type
- Select repair year
6. Pavement Preservation Plan
- Comprehensive final product
- Maps
- Summary of data and scenarios
- Key findings and recommendations
- List of roads for repair by year and intended repair type
- Educational presentation for staff, committees, and public
Final deliverable may take on different forms:
For more information contact:
Henry Underwood - hunderwood@swrpc.org Dave Jeffers - djeffers@lakesrpc.org Stephen Geis - sgeis@strafford.org Tyrel Borowitz - tyrelb@nashuarpc.org