MATBUS Transit Development Plan Service Scenarios

Review two scenarios for how MATBUS could be changed and tell us what you think by taking a short survey.


Metro COG and MATBUS are working together to prepare a new Transit Development Plan (TDP) that will look at current transit needs and develop a forward-looking vision for regional transit. This project aims to create a robust and sustainable transit plan that better serves the community, improves connections, and supports economic growth. 

We now need your input!

Over the past few months, the project team has gathered information about existing MATBUS transit services, collected feedback from the community through an online survey, and had discussions with Metro COG and MATBUS staff. Using what we have learned through this process, two conceptual service scenarios have been developed for how MATBUS fixed route service could be provided in the future:

  • Scenario 1: This scenario streamlines fixed route services and includes route changes that focus on generating more ridership. This means that some areas with low or no ridership will see reduced or eliminated service.
  • Scenario 2: This scenario maintains much of the same network throughout the region and introduces several new on-demand zones to expand geographic coverage.

Please note that these two scenarios are conceptual and are intended primarily to get input on your priorities. The preferred service plan resulting from this plan will likely contain a combination of concepts presented in both scenarios based on your input! We also recognize that transit service in the Fargo/Moorhead region is currently operating at reduced service levels compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic. As much as we want to restore and/or add service, our first goal must be to ensure that service can reliably be operated with existing resources. To help us plan for the future when additional funding, operators, and vehicles are available, we are also asking for your input on future service improvement priorities. Thank you for your interest and as you make comments, please be specific about what you like or do not like! If you would like help completing this survey, please contact Blue Weber at 701-960-9107 or .

Scenario 1

Streamline Fixed Routes & Focus on Ridership

Use the slider map to compare the existing service (left) to the Scenario 1 (right)

Key themes of Scenario 1 include:

  • Streamlines fixed route service, particularly on lower-ridership routes
  • Reduces the number of transfers (particularly in Dilworth and South Fargo/West Fargo)
  • Eliminates segments with low or no ridership
  • Focuses on direct connections to major destinations

Major changes in Scenario 1 include:

  • Routes 6 and 9 would be connected to a new express route (4E) in Moorhead offering service to the GTC without transferring
    • Route 4E would operate every 30 minutes on weekdays and Saturdays
  • A local Route 4 would serve the Clay County Service Center and other portions of existing Route 4
    • This route would operate every 60 minutes on weekdays and Saturdays
  • Routes 14 and 15 would be streamlined to offer faster, more direct service to major destinations
  • Routes 18, 20, and 24 would be modified to focus service just on major destinations and be connected offering service to the GTC without transferring
  • A new Route 19 offering service to south Fargo and faster service to the Walmart on 52nd Avenue S.
    • This route would operate every 60 minutes on weekdays and Saturdays
  • Route 13 would be modified to operate in both directions on Broadway north of 19th Avenue N

Scenario 2

Maintain Coverage/New On-Demand Zones

Use the slider map to compare the existing service (left) to the Scenario 2 (right)

Key themes of Scenario 2 include:

  • Introduce several new on-demand zones that would replace lower-ridership routes​ (see below to find out how on-demand zones work)
  • Maintains most of the coverage-oriented service throughout the region​
  • Prioritizes transfers to core routes with higher frequency.

Major changes in Scenario 2 include:

  • A new on-demand zone in SW Fargo/West Fargo would replace the existing Route 24 (see below to find out how on-demand zones work)
  • Route 20 serving West Fargo would be restructured to provide fixed route service connecting Sanford Health to West Acres
  • A new on-demand zone would replace Route 6 in Dilworth and Route 9 in Moorhead (see below to find out how on-demand zones work)
  • Route 15 would be streamlined to offer faster, more direct service to West Acres
  • Route 18 would be streamlined to improve on-time performance
  • The existing on-demand service to the Fargo Industrial Park would provide service to the Cass County Jail

How on-demand service works


MATBUS TDP Service Scenarios Survey