2018 Annual Report

Eastern Meadowlark's - photo by Haoyu Li at Archbold's Buck Island Ranch

From the Board and Director
The distinctive Archbold logo, a bold triangle of red, white, and blue with three white stars and an embedded blue triangle bearing the capital A often prompts the question, “What is the history of Archbold’s logo and what does it symbolize?”
The logo was designed in 1937-1938 by our founder Richard Archbold, for use on the 3rd Archbold Expedition to New Guinea. Guba the PBY seaplane used for that expedition wore the logo on her 1938-1939 round the world flight. Elements of the logo were derived from the burgee flag that flew above Richard Archbold’s father’s yacht, the ‘Hibiscus’. Richard Archbold spent some fun time on that vessel, judging by photos in his family photo album. People with a nautical background (signal flags, ropes and knots, charts and bearings, and all that) recognize some signal-flag elements in the logo.
After he established Archbold Biological Station, Richard Archbold continued to use the logo for the Station because it was under the aegis of Archbold Expeditions. He incorporated the logo into the bookplate he used for the library.
Paying homage to the historic symbolism, and adding a little modern repurposing, nowadays we explain proudly that the structure of the logo embodies the mission of Archbold. The stars symbolize our three coupled programmatic goals, namely science, education and conservation. The central A stands for Archbold and for its assets that sustain these programs—precious lands, substantive buildings and facilities, a wonderful community of board, staff, supporters and visitors, generous funding and support that together serve as the foundation, enabling and inspiring our work. In 2018 our ‘A’ expanded considerably with Archbold’s acquisition of the 10,500-acre Buck Island Ranch, ensuring this fabulous resource will continue as a vast natural laboratory protected by our ownership into the future.
The nautical genesis of the Archbold’s logo speaks to the idea of exploration on the unknown of the high seas. The concept of exploration, more specifically to learn, interpret and protect, continues to this day. We explore with an ever-increasing sense of urgency and purpose.
Our work, and your help, makes a difference and is moving the needle for the survival of our rarest plants and animals, for cleaner water and healthier ecosystems, and for a better quality of life across the ridges and ranches of Florida and beyond.
A deep and sincere thank you to all those in 2018 who worked with us to build our science and education programs, who invested in facilities and supported our staff and students, who were volunteers, donors, and ambassadors. You were all part of our living logo and all that it represented in 2018. We are grateful to you all.
Mary Hufty | Chair of the Board Hilary Swain | Executive Director
The mission of Archbold is to build and share the scientific knowledge needed to protect the life, lands, and waters of the heart of Florida, and beyond.
Mary Hufty, Chair; Assistant Treasurer, Assistant Secretary
Sebastian deAtucha, President, Assistant Treasurer
Daniel Alegrìa, Vice President
Lela Love, Vice President, Legal Affairs
Carter Leidy, Treasurer
Veronica Alegrìa, Secretary
Jack Hufty, Assistant Treasurer
Dylan Alegrìa
Loren Alegrìa
Schellie Archbold
Vevie Dimmitt
John Fitzpatrick
Barbara Stewart
Jim Strickland
Eric Stein, Ex-officio
Hilary Swain, Ex-officio
The Return of the Burrowing Spiders
2018 Staff
- Hilary Swain, Ph.D., Executive Director
- Elizabeth Boughton, Ph.D.
Reed Bowman, Ph.D.
Mark Deyrup, Ph.D.
Eric Menges, Ph.D.
Betsie Rothermel, Ph.D.
- Dustin Angell, Education Coordinator
Bert Crawford, Operations Manager
Sharon Hawkins, Human Resources/Risk Management
Gene Lollis, Ranch Manager
Kevin Main, Land Manager
Kevin Patram, Systems Administrator
Deborah Pollard, Development Director
Vivienne Sclater, GIS & Data Services Manager
Eric Stein, Chief Financial Officer
“In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand and we will understand only what we are taught.”
― Baba Dioum
Florida Bobcat Photo by Haoyu Li, taken at Archbold's Buck Island Ranch
2018 financials
THANK YOU for supporting our mission...
Donors $200,000 & Over
- Schellie Archbold
WEM Foundation
Donors $100,000 & Over - Pacesetter
- Mary Hufty and Daniel Alegria
Donors $10,000 - $14,999 - Explorer
- Warren and Chris Abrahamson
Dylan and Veronica Alegria
Kathy Archibald / The Archibald Foundation
Coleman and Susan Burke
Lela Love
Samuel and Joyce Machotka
Donors $5,000 - $9,999 - Innovator
- Kyle Ashton
Vevie and Lawrence Dimmitt
John and Molly Fitzpatrick
Susan Galvin
Butch and Beth Norden
Donors $2,500 - $4,999 - Patron
- Mary Enright
Robert and Donna Lloyd George
William and Linda Macaulay
Hilary Swain
Donors $1,000 - $2,499 - Sustainer
- Mary Jo Barkaszi
Jim Carrel and Jan Weaver
Robert and Courtney Boyd
Amy and Cecil Conlee
Doug and Pam DeNeve
Miranda Donnelley / The Donnelley Foundation
Maria Eisner
Joshua Ginsberg
Paul Gray
Harry Greene and Kelly Zamudio
Dean and Barbara Hansen
Jack Hufty
Paul Kendra
Suzanne Koptur
Carter and Marie Leidy
Fred and Charlotte Lohrer
Sally McConnell
Marty and Gina McFadden
Eric Menges and Linda Rodriguez-Torrent
John and Katherine Mitchell
Dana and Kristina O'Connor
Jerre Stallcup
Costa Farms
Artists in Residence in Everglades (AIRIE)
The Lowry Murphey Family Foundation Inc.
Donors - $500 - $999 - Trailblazer
- Craig and Diana Barrow
Reed Bowman and Charlotte Wilson
Katie Carpenter and Peter Schulte/ Everwild Media
Danny DeCiryan and Lois Timyan-DeCiryan
Charles and Heather Dorsey
Janet Falk
Garet and Luisa Garrett
Glades Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Elizabeth Hailman
Roger and Karyn Janssen
Beth and Andrew Kulick
Vince Lamb
Carol Lenker
Lykes Brothers, Inc.
Peter Marks
Boris Meditch
Ann F. Ober
Clair Parsons
Carolyn Robbins
Betsie and Scott Rothermel
Pamela and Douglas Soltis
Keith Tarvin and Mary Garvin
John and Susie Wean
Mark and Nancy Deyrup
Patricia Meacham
Carl and Ann Weekley
$100 - $499 -Contributor
- Paul Ahnberg
Andres and Isabel Alegria
Margaret and Robert Alexander
David Althoff and Kari Seagraves
Mary Louise Antle
Donald Appelquist and Jane Hancock
Suzanne Bennison and Lars Peterson
Andrea Bixler
Marilyn Blair
Gwen Burzycki
Billy and Marcia Boothe
Betsey and Raoul Boughton
Dwight and Majel Bowerman
Michael and Joyce Brattain
Mark Brenner and Susan Milbrath
Carol Bresticker
Susan Brisk
Janice Broda
James and Terry Byrnes
Dona Conway
Linda and Byrum Cooper
Alan Covich
John Cox and Merunissa Lambat
William and Melinda Conner
Patricia Crisman
Gilbert Daigneau
Richard and Kim Daugherty
Robert Dean and Barbara Claas
Anthony and Gilia DeGange
Dick Diener
Mallory Dimmitt and Bertram Martin
Mary and William Donahue
John Douglass
Robert and Lynn Dunn
Paul Ebersback
Joan Edwards and David Smith
Hugh Ellis
R. Todd Engstrom and Kimberly Kelling
Katherine and John Ewel
Rocky Fairbank
Zach Forsburg
Keith Fountain
Helen Fox and James Koopman
Lawrence Franz
Evelyn and Keith Frum
Evelyn Gaiser
Jacob and Jennifer Gibbs
Kerry and Barbara Givens
Doria Gordon
Jamie and Mary Lou Gordon
Susan Graham
Annamarie Grimes
Michael Grunze
Stuart and Allison Haft
Sylvia Halkin
David and Barbara Harman
Pamela and Robert Heilman
Heather and Patrick Henry
Robert and Brenda Hippchen
Lynne and Robert Holt
David Hopkins
Robert and Merrill Horswill
Jason and T. Yvette Houck
David and Judy Jackson
Frederic W. Jahna, Jr. / Jahna Concrete, Inc.
Robert and Louise Jeanne
Clair Jernick
Ann Johnson
Charlotte Jorgensen / The Jorgensen Foundation
Olivia Karas
William Keating
Georgia Keriazes
Susan and Robert king
Marianne Korosy
Douglas and Patricia Kramer
Leslie Kraus
Nicole Mader
David Martin
Tricia Martin and Doug Morrison
William Masters
Roderick Matthews and Marie Sieker
Steven McAllister
Wayne McDiffett and Ruth Burnham
Richard Meyer
Naomi Miller
Daniel Miller
Marc and Maria Minno
Maria Morales-Hernadez and Pedro Quintana-Ascencio
Joan Morrison and James Sanderson
Louis and Carol Napoli
Jane O'Donnell
Helen Obenchain
John and Nancy Ogden
Thomas and Laurene Owen
F. and Mary Paine
Bill and Bobbie Parken
Clyde and Diane Peeling / Peeling Productions
Patricia Peroni
Colin and Anne Phipps
Roberta and Richard Pickert
David Rakes
Milan and Sheryl Reed
Harrey Ressler
Amanda Reynolds-Murray
Valerie Ricordi
Robert Ricklefs
Jacqueline Rolly and John Brock
Ed and Mel Rothermel
William and Patricia Schneider
David and Elizabeth Schwab
Donna Scott
James and Sharyn Schortemeyer
Larry and Nancy Shinn
Timothy and Mary Pat Sheehan
Kenan and Betsy Siegal
Benjamin Sikes
Jeff Slotten
Edward and Anne Smoak
Jeannie and Jim Snively
Pamela and Douglas Soltis
Ann and Terry Starck
Joseph String
Robert Sutter
Maureen and Steve Swanson
Scott and Elaine Taylor
Paul and Laura Teal
Fred and Alyce Townsend
Suzanne Townsend
Emily Wade
Gale and Barbara Wade
Jay Walpole
James Weaver
Nancy White
Alex and Sue Williams
Ernest Wilson
Deanne Witiak
Alfred Wood
Debra Worley
John and Karin Wu
Kim Zarillo / Fletcherae Consulting Solutions
Donors - Less than $100
- David Aborn
Jan Anschuetz
Paul Austin and Martha Steuart
Judith and John Bachman
Paul and Sara Baud
Craig Beatty
Elaine Becker
Mary Ann Beekman
Allen and Catherine Belden
John Benning
Cindy Bennington
Alan Berkowitz
Linda Bertrand
Wes Biggs
David and Maria Bosch
Jeffery and Michelle Brewington
Steve and Doris Brookens
John and Jenne Brown
Stanley and Lorelei Bullard
Laura Castanza
Beatrice Cayzer
Lauren Cirino
Tom Clisham
Arlene and Robert Clouston
Kathleen Coates
Stephen Coates
Joseph Colosi
Anne Cox
Pat Crocker
Nicholas Day
Donna Day and Ernest Winn
Margret and Charlie Dee
Peter Del Tredici
Louis and Kathleen Dersch
Ruju Desai
Cammie Donaldson
Jamie Dos Santos
Jo Anne and Danny Du Bose
Debra Duncan
Paul Dunn and Christine Mazzucco
Thomas Elman
Amy Faivre and Marten Edwards
Carol Farber
Susan and Everett Finney
Sarah Fitzpatrick and Sarah Evans
Mary Foster
George Fox and K. Svensson
Eric Fridenberg
Charles and Joan Lee Froman
Judith Gallagher
William Gasser and Linda Ellis
Richard and Lorrie Gault
Denise and Edwin Gehring
Steve Geiger
Marilyn and Robert George
Kathryn Goerlach
Suzannne and James Grady
Stephanie Grant
Sydney Gray
Deborah Green
Thomas Gross and Linda Hein
Michael Grundler
Carol Hamilton and Thaddeus Mikolajczak
Barry and Mary Hannigan
Sandra Hartnell
Tom Heitzan
Sharon Hemann
Mary Hillier
Charles and Nona Hinkle
Anne Hoctor
Robert Hummel
Laurie Hurner
Richard James
Karla Jasso and Manuel Barajas
Marian Jordan
Laura Kearns
Lucy and Maziar Keshavarz
Patricia Klatt
Jessica Krynak
Roberta and Steven Lake
Miles Lambert
Paula Lane
Carol Larson
Nancy Laytham
Michael and Mary Lee
Irene Liu
Cary and Marcia Lightsey
Mary Lowery
Jane Lundh
John MacLennan
Lance and Patricia Mahaney
Katherine and Carl Main
Michael Marika
Joetta Mast
Jennifer McAnlis Harvey and John Harvey
Joanna McCaffrey
Courtney McCusker
Terrance and Joan McGarigle
Daniel and Wendy McGuire
Helen McGuire
Janet and Elmer Meadows
Lucy Medendorp
Michael Meyer
Peter and Anne Meylan
Peter Midford
Joyce and Henry Miles
Timothy Miller
Virginia Miller
Joy Mitchell
Karen and Doug Moon
Stevia Morawski
Nigel Morris
Susan Njus
Elaine Norman
Michael Obea
Virginia Overstreet
Larry and Ruth Palmer
Marcia Palmer
Loretta Pankow
Barbara Petersen
Ian and Shannon Pfingsten
Cherie Pittillo
Deborah and Samuel Pollard
Eileen Pokorny
Thomas Reinhart
Paul Reynolds
Lewis and Maggie Ricci
Ronald Risner
Wainwright and Audrey Roebling
Vanessa Rolfe
Jacqueline Rolly and John Brock
Frances Rolston
Michael Ross
Irene Ruga
Kathleen and Craig Runde
Katherine Runyeon
Thomas and Tammy Sanders
River Santina
Dan and Grayle Scanlon
Jenny Schafer
Randy and Nancy Schnepp
Mary Alice Shackelford
James Sinclair and Lori Neuman
Michael Skalski
Dora Smith
Catherine and James Sockwell
Meda and William Sonntag
Caroline and Bailey Sory
William and Nancy Steele
Alan Steinman
Betty Stephens
Doug and Joy Stern
Warren and Darlene Stoner
Robert Stout
Paul Strauss
Kristen Summers
Laurene and Robert Swanson
Lynn Sweetay
Charmaine and Frank Thorley
Joel Timyan
John and Susan Tonzetich
Angela Tringali and Joseph Gentili
Barbara Tuckey
Richard Turner
Nancy Turner
Robert and Marie Ulanowicz
Kevina Vulinec
Rebecca and Raymond Ware
Rosa and Daniel Waters
Joyce and Malcolm Watters
Katherine Webster and Robert Foy
Joseph and Sharon Whelan
Travis and Jessa Wilcoxen
John and Laura Wilhelm
Sally and Robert Windsor
Casey Wohl Hartt
Janette Wojciak
Debbie and Mark Wolf
Marylou Woodard
Susan and Brian Woodworth
Craig and Ann Young
Rita Youngman
Archbold at Sunset from the Fitzpatrick Observation Deck
- Fish and Wildlife Foundation of Florida
Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation
The Mosaic Company
Vaughn-Jordan Foundation
Florida Cattleman's Association
Bok Tower Gardens
University of Illinois
Alltech, Inc.
- Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
National Science Foundation
South Florida Water Management District
U.S. Department of Agriculture-Natural
Resources Conservation Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture
U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agriculture Research Services
U.S. Department of Defense
U.S. Department of Interior-Fish and Wildlife Service
Okeechobee Soil and Water Conservation District
Buck Island Ranch from above, photo by Carlton Ward.
Archbold announced the purchase of the Ranch in 2018, after leasing it from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation since 1988. Making this purchase is a great step in securing the future of conservation for all Floridians.
- Dr. and Mrs. MD Abrahamson
- Jill R. Abrahamson
- Dr. Reed Bowman
- Byrum "Buck" Cooper
- Dr. Mark and Nancy Deyrup
- Lawrence Dimmitt IV
- Ann Dunn
- Persis Fen Fitzpatrick Evans
- Zach Forsburg
- Nancy Gill
- Nathaniel Burke Jackson
- Hank and Ruth Kowalski
- Helga Lamb
- Dr. James N. Layne
- Kevin Main
- Dr. Eric Menges
- Bruce Obea
- Eugene Pleasants Odum
- Anne Reynolds
- Janet R. Reynolds
- Leon Jack Salmela
- Bud Stracker
- Alex Swain and Mason Scott
- Dr. Hilary Swain
- The Entomology Program
- Dr. Betsie Rothermel
- John and Norma Scott
- Jan Weaver and Family
We honor those who have gifts made in their honor. A beautiful way make a lasting tribute to someone special while also helping Archbold. Thank you.
Photo: Steven Long
VOLUNTEERS...keeping Archbold strong
- Pranav Ananthan
- Kartik Ananthan
- Diane Andrews
- Lee Andrus
- Carson Angell
- Don Appelquist
- Arek Barkaszi
- Marc Behrendt
- Marilyn Blair
- Tanner Boley
- Zachary Boley
- Hermonie Bouduedu
- Bryce Boughton
- Majel Bowerman
- Peyton Breault
- Rebekah Burke
- Wei Chen
- Ed Cunningham
- Mark Deyrup
- Nancy Deyrup
- Brianna Diaz
- John Dudra
- Pat Dudra
- Ann Dunn
- Michael Edgemon
- Sarah Faroq
- David Fuller
- Linda Gette
- AnnaMarie Grimes
- Madison Harman
- Dylan Johns
- Gabriel Kamener
- Helen King
- John King
- David Lloyd George
- Fred Lohrer
- Dave Mahan
Photos: Dustin Angell Photography
- Stavros Maillakakis
George Molinaro
Kathy Main
Dhruv Manik
Mike Mazzeo
Charlie Miller
John Nichols
Wanda Nichols
Helen Obenchain
Alice Oldford
Rohin Patel
Brenden Quinlin
John Reece
Karis Register
Larry Riopelle
Austin Ritenauer
Megan Rivera
Jared Roberts
Janet Robinson
Paul Jr. Robinson
Noah Rodriguez
Fran Rolston
Scott Rothermel
Edilma Ruehling
Kristal Shands
Chad Shechtman
Dave Schwab
Liz Schwab
Gavin Sjoblom
Kira Swift
Pat Talbott
Joan Thornton
Von Tietig
Steve Turner
Susan Volpitta
Bob Wohlwend
Chris Wohlwend
Thank you for your support.