History Graduate Student Conference

Saturday, December 10th, 2022

Panel 1A: Cultural "Outsiders"

Moderator: Heather Bergh

John McFarland:

Wernher von Braun Switches Sides

German-born Dr. Wernher von Braun is largely credited as being a critical mind behind the success of the U.S. space program. With the downfall of the Nazi regime in 1945, von Braun surrendered to the Americans and was taken to the U.S., where he was granted a Top Secret clearance, and became the impetus behind the success of the American space program. His advances in rocketry, first for the Nazis and later for the American government—two governments who were ideologically diametrically opposed—were remarkable, which raises the question this paper seeks to address: To whom was he loyal? Was he pursuing rocket development out of political necessity when he worked for the Nazis, or was it for a love of country? If the latter, why change loyalties when his former regime and employer was conquered? Was his fervor for rocketry and space exploration purely out of a love of science and human achievement? This paper contends Dr. Wernher von Braun was loyal to whomever enabled his ability to pursue his passion: Science, rocketry, and space exploration.

Travis Arnold:

Sports Icons, Nationalism, and National Identity in Interwar Germany and The United States: A Case Study on Max Schmeling and Babe Ruth

Kristy Wilson:

Black Voices of a Movement: Living with Racism, Discrimination, and Violence in London – 1958-1980

Immigration into London flourished after The Nationality Act of 1948. This increase in West Indians in London created a definitive color line in the city. This led to racism, discrimination, and violence that ran rampant throughout the city. The use of archival interviews, archival footage, documentary interviews, newspapers, and government documents will assist in the analysis of the thoughts and feelings of those who lived through and experienced racially motivated violence and discrimination in London. Violence against the West Indian community in London came from varied factions throughout the city: violence, racism, and discrimination came from the White Londoners, Commonwealth Officials, and the Metropolitan Police. In response to riots, violence, demonstrations, and the rise of the Black Power Movement in London, the British Commonwealth passed numerous laws and resolutions, expecting to quell the problems occurring throughout the country. The voices and narratives of the Black Londoners speak to the violence, racism, and discrimination that they were affected by from 1958- 1980; the voices of these activists, artists, and leaders continue to reverberate throughout London, and beyond, even today.

Kat Pacetti:

"We Just Got on With It": Women in Northern Ireland 1968-1998

The Troubles in Northern Ireland killed over 3000 people in an approximately 30 year period. While much has been written about these lost lives and the legacy of the violence in Northern Ireland, little attention has been given to how the Trouble impacted specifically the women of Northern Ireland. The Troubles occurred at the same time as the Women’s Liberation Movement swept across the UK. This paper examines how female involvement in the Troubles impacted the Women’s Liberation Movement in Northern Ireland. It concludes that female involvement in the Troubles, whether on the side of the Unionists, the Nationalists, or the Peacekeeping efforts led to backlash against women acting outside of traditional gender roles and caused the women’s liberation movement in Northern Ireland to be less successful than it was in the rest of the United Kingdoms.

Panel 1B: Religious “Outsiders”

Moderator: Stefan Huddleston

Damian Ruminski:

From Muddy Waters to Burning Lotus: Adaptation of Buddhism to American Culture Post-1893 Chicago World’s Fair’s World’s Parliament of Religions

This paper examines the evolution and development of American Buddhism, beginning at its first introduction to the American public at the World's Parliament of Religions, a part of the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. I contend that American Buddhism arose and developed by shaping itself to the contours of the American religious ecosystem. From the 1893 World's Parliament, through the internment of Japanese Americans during the Second World War, the rise of the Beat Generation, 1960s Counterculture, and anti-war movement, American Buddhism was constantly being re-shaped and redefined by the religious and spiritual landscape through which it moved. Ultimately, this led to a largely secularized form of Buddhism, which shed much of its Asian identity.

Jen Mills:

Saris, Dhotis, and Saffron Robes: The Hare Krishna Movement and Challenges to Easter Religious Traditions in the United States since the 1960s

Protestant religious traditions have dominated American religious history. However, since the 1960s the religious landscape has become more diverse especially with the influx of South Asian immigrants to the United States. The arrival of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1965 and the establishment of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness tested the limits of the free exercise clause of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and highlights the challenges eastern religious traditions face in the United States. This paper will focus on the establishment of ISKCON in the 1960s through the struggles and controversies of the 1990s. The first section will focus on the beginning of the movement and the death of Bhaktivedanta. The second section will focus on the struggles and push back the movement received from parents and anti-cult groups during the 1980s and the last section will focus on the court’s role from the late 1970s through the early 2000s in the acceptance of ISKCON as a religious movement. By focusing on the development and controversies surrounding the ISKCON movement I will show the complicated history of religion in the United States and how orientalist ideas about Hinduism in particular frame our understanding of eastern religious movements in the United States.

Jeff Turkowski:


The Kashubian population from the northern area of Poland, known as Pomerania, often escapes the historical narrative in both American and World history. The origin of the Kashubian population cannot be proven with the available evidence, however, maintains traditions closely related to Sarmatism, with Slavic, German, and Swedish contributions. Closely related to their Polish neighbors the nationalized classification has overlooked a subaltern population of people that struggle to emerge from centuries of cultural oppression, forced labor, and internal colonization policies from Polish, Prussian, German and American governments. Through this process the Kashubian identity is strongly associated to its dialect of the West Lechitic language, and its unique religion that strongly identifies as Catholic. With the synchronization of the Baltic traditions, and influence from its preferred governance of the Slavic Polish Kingdom, the Kashubian population held onto a unique set of beliefs that they brought with them when they immigrated to the United States. Though many of these traditions were no longer practiced upon their arrival to the United States and Canada, Kashubian folklore ranged from the belief in gnomes, ghosts, demons, witches, werewolves, and the danger of vampires rising from the dead to feed off of the family and Catholic parish community. However, in direct conflict with the fraudulent work of historian Jan Perkowski, many of the immigrants remember these tales from the stories of their childhood without actually practicing them. It remains important to understand that many of these traditions were seen as entertaining fiction and imaginative tales without actually believing they were real. Much like Santa Claus and elves in American popular culture. Today these descriptions are seen as harmless superstitions and fun Halloween tales, but to late nineteenth century America, the newspapers reprimanded these beliefs and superstitions as Polish ignorance.

Upon arrival in the United States through contract labor and labor trafficking the Kashubian immigrants did not simply embrace assimilation, however, were accustomed to the process through German and Prussian laws. Many Kashubian immigrants were not convinced they were able to be Catholic upon arrival, let alone practice the ceremonies and traditions of Kashubian folklore. After the Polish American Church Wars and the two different World Wars, the Kashubian population publicly resigned into their national classification of Pole, Pollack, or Polish in the United States and Poland until its reemergence in 2005 with a recognition of the Kashubian population by the Polish government. Through their faith, religious ceremonies, and language the population of Kashubian Americans endured through the policies of Ostsiedlung, serfdom, Kulturkampf, and American nationalism to enable the Kashubian population to reemerge from Western civilization and modern classifications.

Michelle Coté:

Prayin’ for Gold, Diggin’ for God

In this presentation, I analyze two perspectives of the 1848 California Gold Rush: The gold miner and the eastern church. Each side viewed California as a new land rife with opportunities to further their goals and career. The church specifically viewed California as a wicked and moralless territory filled with men whose souls needed salvation. However, it becomes clear that the church failed against a savage frontier for a cause that was no longer relevant to the miner population. As those who would proselytize the essence of faith in an unfamiliar world, they failed to comprehend the pragmatic ways of the miners.

Panel 2A: Cultural Expressions of Alternative Perspectives

Moderator: Ian Torres

Bryana Owens:

The Spirit of Social Justice within Black Christianity

In the early parts of the American nation, Afro-Christianity as a religion culminated between the personal experiences of African slaves and their relationship with Christianity. This mix allowed for enslaved and freed Blacks in America to maintain their moral ideologies as well as gave them the ability to create a space within the Christian religion outside of their oppression. One of the most impactful and long-lasting seeds that have grown within this culture of Afro-Christianity is the prevalence of ideologies concerning liberation, resistance, and social justice. These ideologies have been maintained through the Black Church and continue to be defining aspects of Black Christian culture throughout American history. Using primary evidence examples like music, sermons, articles, speeches, and personal accounts from representative Black Christians that detail their experiences, this longue durée research study analyzes the interweaving thread that exists between Black Christianity and these ideologies of social progress and civil rights. Starting with slavery and ending off in our modern era, my presentation will examine how each of these ideologies are characterized and maintained within Black Christianity and Black Christain culture throughout history.

Josh Van Sanford:

Plant Teachers, Ceremonies, Medicines, and Drugs: An Investigation of Entheogen Usage in Ritual, Health, and Everyday Life

Psychoactive chemicals are convincing experiences, and they always leave users with long-lasting effects, usually positive, sometimes negative but assuredly religious or spiritual in tone. Psychoactive chemicals without a doubt affected humans from Neolithic periods to the present, and the long-lasting effects must be further understood because they range from mental, physical, and spiritual health benefits. This thesis showcases the issues surrounding not just the term “psychedelics” but their religious and historical contexts as well; entheogens and psychoactive substances have clearly been present throughout most of human history, yet historians fail to recognize and recontextualize their usage by numerous peoples, especially in the advent of religious ceremonies and beliefs.  Even when they do receive study, Western perspectives still muddy the discussion of entheogens from becoming fruitful for all academia; this bias combined with colonization and racism directly corrupted honest investigations.

Sam Stansel:

Race on Sunday, Sell on Monday: Religion and Stock Car Racing in America

The historiography of NASCAR and stock car racing represents a very small body of scholarship. Despite decades of histories written by journalists, enthusiasts, and amateur historians, many of the more unconventional aspects of the sport remain unexamined. This paper addresses the historical relationship between religion and stock car racing by examining how this relationship has changed over time. The early years of stock car racing were characterized by religious groups who resisted the automobile and protested the expansion of racing–on the grounds of safety, order, and temptation. As the sport developed over the course of the 20th century, religion became increasingly incorporated into the sport and is now almost wholly integrated on an institutional level.

Panel 2B: Chinese Experience in Culture, Rebellion, and Reform

Moderator: Dr. Yang Wei and Damian Ruminski

Matthew Martinez:

“Between Revolution and Rebellion: the Changing Narratives of the Taiping Rebellion 1870s to 1990s”

In 1850 a Christian led religious movement in China took up arms against the leading Qing Dynasty. This event known as the Taiping Rebellion left millions dead and an entire country in disarray. The unique intersection of religion and Western influence in China has led to numerous different interpretations and arguments over the nature and purpose of the event. Some claim it was a rebellion, others a revolution. Interpretations vary from Karl Marx to Sun Yat-sen to Mao Zedong. Through these figures, the event is politicalized and subjected to variety of propaganda. This project will analyze the historiography of Taiping to show the numerous amounts of historical interpretations that surround the event. By doing this this project argues that a postmodernist view of Taiping is necessary in order to fully understand the event and the numerous different interpretations surrounding it. Only a postmodernist view shows the multiple complexities surrounding not only the event but also the philosophies and beliefs of the multiple people theorizing and propagating on this violent event in Chinese history.

Jeff Turkowski:

A Historical Genealogy of Dr. Wong “Wing Tsue” Fee Lee: The Multicultural Society of Deadwood South Dakota

The history of Chinese population is much more complicated than the history of San Francisco, and must be analyzed well before the establishment of the 1868 Burlingame-Seward Treaty that provided the ability for Chinese and American citizens to freely travel from one country to another. The involvement of Chinese Americans in the production of railroads and mines across the country as employed by white conglomerates was indeed, an oppressive system of contract labor, compounded with government immigration policies that were based on racism. However, the individual experience of each Chinese population throughout the United States deserves its own historical analysis and monography to include the individual experience of Chinatowns across the country. In Deadwood, South Dakota the early advocacy and relationship of Coon Sing, Judge Granville Bennet, Dr. H.A.L. Wendelsteadt, Grand Master Mason Sol Star and Fee Lee Wong, or Dr. Wing Tsue, created the conditions for a multicultural community that was able to navigate through Chinese celebrations, mining contracts, indoor plumbing and infrastructure, and the legitimacy of the benevolent Chinese Freemason society. According to the publication by the South Dakota State Historical Society by Liping Zhu called Ethnic Oasis, “Perhaps the most powerful guardian of Chinese interests was Deadwood’s mayor [and University of Michigan Alumni] Sol Star.” The relationship that began within the nexus of the University of Michigan that produced government officials that are directly related to the policies within Chinese immigration to include Anson Burlingame of the Burlingame-Seward Treaty, and James B. Angell, U.S. Minister to China 1880-1881, whose revision to the treaty inadvertently enabled the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.[1] In addition, the University of Michigan produced government officials in South Dakota, and other states in the West. Importantly, South Dakota Congressman Eben Martin and other members of Washington that enabled the anomalies of a respected Chinese community with citizenship, ownership, and agency within the not so wild west community of Deadwood, South Dakota.

Michael Scott:

From Revolution to Reform: Transformation of China's Economic Policies “1949-1997"

In the year 1947 Mao Zedong took the position of the Chairman of the Peoples’ Republic of China. With the guidance and mentoring of Joseph Stalin, Mao made China a communist based country. Mao utilized an agriculturally based economy to begin Chinas’ rebuilding. Mao had at his disposal an eighty-percent peasant farmer-based population and Mao utilized his population to the best of his ability to grow Chinas’ economy. Mao kept China a closed market country, which kept Chinas’ individual wealth low and didn’t allow for the growth of wealth in China all together. After Mao’s passing in 1976, Deng Xiaoping became Chinas’ leader as the president of the Chinese Communist Party. Deng immediately began opening up China to foreign trade and technology. By opening up the economic market, Deng was allowing his people the opportunity to grow their individual wealth. Deng also focused on getting China ranked on a global scale in regard to its economy. Due to Deng’s economic decisions, China began to rise in global economic ranking. Without Mao’s economic and leadership decisions, Deng would not have been able to achieve the global economic ranking that he did.

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Evan Taparata

Dr. Evan Taparata

Panel 3A: Culture and National Experience in the Time of the Cold War

Moderator: Andrew Palella

Gavin Rogers:

BRATS, Bratwurst, and Trauma: Childhood in Cold War Germany, 1967-1992

An examination of the effect that the Cold War in Germany had on American children growing up in-country through the context of the Third Culture Children phenomenon and the trauma inherent in a military standoff. The methodology involves both oral history interviews and a close study of Cold War within the German political context.

Erin Rogers:

Children In Northern Ireland: The Stories and Effects of “the Troubles”

In Northern Ireland, from the mid-1960s to the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998, there was a period of violence between Protestants and Catholics referred to as “the Troubles.” Over the last 20 years, more adults have started to speak out about the experiences they went through as children during this period. With stories pouring in, more research has begun as to what, if any, trauma may have occurred to the children during this time.

This essay aims to add to that research and gathering of stories. From a historical perspective, stories are being shared by both book publications and the gathering of oral histories. While from a psychological perspective, the stories are used to see what trauma many of the children might have suffered. Through conversations with a survivor of the attacks, this paper will compare his story to others. It will add a new unheard story to the already growing oral histories, but it will also look at if he might have suffered trauma and, if he did not, what made his childhood different. This study will heavily rely on primary sources in the style of oral histories and the children's stories during this period. The primary source is a conversation with a “Troubles” survivor named Colin McFarland. It will also look at how those children might have handled the period and its effect on them.

Kristine Henrich:

Middle-of-the-Road Interior Design in East Germany Under the German Democratic Republic

The propagandistic campaign to brand the East German nation under one united design did not work. Officials from parties like the SED, the Soviet Housing Delegation, the U.S. State Department, and various designers from the Ministry of Culture (RfF) attempted to implant an unaffordable, politicized design into domestic spaces of the German Democratic Republic. In response, East German dwellers decorated with heirloom objects, antique items, and do-ityourself techniques they observed in magazines like Kultur im Heim. Nevertheless, this influx of design influences, concentrated within the 1950s and 1960s, meant to sway German citizens. In reality, it created a more complex hybridity of interior design options from modern to antimodern for GDR occupants and paved the way for a middle-of the-road interior design that lasted for the duration of the German Democratic Republic.

John Sexton:

"Na mě nejsou žádné struny!": Jan Švankmajer, Czechoslovak Intellectuality, and the Failure of Normalization

Czech filmmaker Jan Švankmajer once stated that “No man can escape the times in which he is living.” It is from this idea of the insurmountable nature of a historic time and place that this research finds its jumping off point. Despite the physicality in the statement’s phrasing, it relates to more of an internal psychological quality. Thus Švankmajer and his cinematic texts necessitate an introspection into how they function intellectually. This intellectual function not being what the films are perhaps attempting to convey ideologically to a spectator, but rather how these cinematic texts reflect the intellectual and philosophical conceptualizations and conclusions that the artist himself personally has made. This introspection into his short films produced in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic between 1968 and 1989 via a three pronged intellectual gradient consisting of Marxist, psychoanalytic, and post-structuralist frameworks attempts to illuminate a more emancipated artistic environment inside the authoritarian state than previously understood. One within which Švankmajer engaged in conceptualization and even reinterpretation of these aforementioned frameworks. Such an introspection not only reframes and expands conclusions regarding Švankmajer’s particular identity as a filmmaker but also the intellectual’s role and its abilities within a repressive centralized state.

Panel 3B: Complicating the Religious Historical Narrative

Moderator: Chris Schreck

Aaron Wilson:

The Branch Davidian Siege in Three Keys: Event, Experience, and Myth

This paper engages with the 1993 Branch Davidian Siege by using the methodology established by Paul Cohen in History in Three Keys: The Boxer as Event, Experience, and Myth. The Branch Davidians gained notoriety during the 51-day siege, from February 28 to April 19, 1993. Initially, their narrative centered around the perspective of the US government, but then became a pop culture phenomenon, due to an uptick in documentaries and Hollywood dramatization. This paper uses the methodology established by Cohen to present the Branch Davidian narrative in a triptych manner; looking at how Event (the government’s perspective) and Experience (the Branch Davidian perspective) both worked together to shape an evolving mythology. The project engages with a mix of sources, including Congressional reports, poetry, sermons, and oral history to provide a holistic narrative. This paper aims to demonstrate how the Branch Davidian narrative has transformed over time, and to highlight how an event in the recent past can be morphed to fit the desired means of present-day actors.

Kory Matthews:

The Corruption of Max Weber: How White Protestant Leaders Attempted To Maintain Control in 20th/21st America

Protestant leaders in America during the 20th and 21st centuries reflected a corrupted form of Max Weber’s famous work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism established a perceived connection between the Protestant God, economic power, and race to justify domination of society, such as minorities and government institutions. Historical sociological and quantitive methodologies were utilized to discover why this was the case. These actions were undertaken to “preserve” an America that was rapidly changing due to immigration, minorities gaining greater political power, and economic growth outside the white American Protestant mainstream culture. Weber’s work explored how western capitalism was developed and formed through 16th and 17th century European Protestants. Before passing away, Weber’s magnum opus was the exploration of the major world religions and how they contributed to economic and societal developments. White American Protestants, through the manipulation of historical inspection of American events and figures, built upon Weber’s sociological/economic theories about Protestantism to justify their powerful societal positions. This intellectual and historical manipulation led to a corruption of American economic, religious, and political thought intended to keep a societal status quo of dominance that lingers today.

Will Franks:

“The Laws of God and the State”: Anne Hutchinson, Space, and the Puritan Political Polity

This paper is an examination of the events surrounding the Antinomian Controversy and the trial of Anne Hutchinson in New England at the time of the Puritans. Many historians have used the trial as a way of investigating or imagining their own ideas in history, and have cast Anne Hutchinson in a variety of different roles. My goal is to examine these different modes and to look at Hutchinson and the Puritans through the lens of space: specifically the power that space, both physical and metaphorical, can play in the political shaping of the world.

Shannon Fortune:

Intellectual Queens in a Spiritualist Community: Woman’s Equality in Lily Dale, New York

In general, this article will discuss how Spiritualism in Lily Dale supported the Woman’s Suffrage Movement in the late nineteenth century and beginning twentieth century. This remote, peaceful location in Western New York off of Lake Cassadaga, provided an environment where women could share their thoughts with one another. Through the religion, the town of Lily Dale and the annual Woman’s Day, Spiritualism supported the Woman’s Movement from the 1880s into the 1920s. Major historical actors such as Marion Skidmore, Susan B Anthony, and Anna Shaw Howard utilized the Spiritualist mecca Lily Dale, New York to encourage Women’s Equality in the United States by creating Woman’s Day.  

Panel 4A: China and the World: Conflict and Competition

Moderators: Eric Witte and Jen Mills

AmyBeth Fredricksen:

Connecting to the World: How China Joined the International Chess Community

China eschewed interaction with the international community for centuries. When the British Empire sent a delegation to the empire in the nineteenth century they were greeted with scorn and indifference. China was a vast country with a complex system of government and a level of technology that made the gifts from the Western World superfluous. It was not until after Mao’s Cultural Revolution in the mid Twentieth Century that Chinese leadership and culture shifted to value interaction with the rest of the world. This shift is exemplified by China’s participation in competitive international chess. Once banned as a frivolous western activity China is now represented by a significant portion of the world’s elite players.

Sam Stansel:

The Rhetoric and Reality of Free Trade: Two Case Studies in Chinese History

The current wave of economic warfare being waged between the United States and China represents a situation in which the neoliberal rhetoric of free trade has been deployed to serve self-interested ends. This situation is not without precedent, as this paper will demonstrate. I present a comparative analysis of the US-China Trade War with the economic negotiations that occurred during the 1793 Macartney Embassy. Both case studies represent situations in which a rising power deployed free trade rhetoric, which appeals to the classic economic adage: “a rising tide lifts all boats.” In both case studies, the reality is much less simple–free trade rhetoric manifests as a one-sided version of free trade wherein barriers are lowered for markets, but in an asymmetrical manner, which is disproportionately beneficial to the rising power.

Calvin Rausch:

Spy or Scientist: The Contested Legacy of Robert Fortune

Tea history can be traced back millennia, but the distribution of tea on the international level has a much shorter legacy.  While tea began its international conquest as one of the most consumed beverages centuries before, there is one man in particular who can be accredited with much of the expansion of tea distribution.  Robert Fortune was a Scottish man who worked for the British, and his work helped the British greatly establish their own tea plantations. Fortune is a complicated character, as he was not only a botanist, he was a botanist with corporate sponsors.  These sponsors had Fortune extract tea plants from China, sometimes with and without their permission.  This presentation focuses on Robert Fortune and his contested legacy.  While he began as a humble botanist exploring China, he would later see China as a profitable place for the East India Company.  My argument is to show that Fortune cannot be defined solely as a botanist or spy; rather, he is human and is too complex to be summarized in a word.

Panel 4B: Changing Historical Perspectives

Moderator: Aaron Wilson

Andrew Palella:

Mythkrieg: A Comparative Analysis of U.S. and Soviet Contributions to Decision in the East

This paper attempts to correct the misconception found both inside the U.S. military and in popular American histories that the U.S. is responsible for decisive victory against Nazi Germany during World War II. By comparing decisive operations on both the Western and Eastern Fronts within a Clausewitzian framework, the disparity of the scale of operations on each front clearly shows the Eastern Front to be the decisive effort in the Allies' "Germany First" strategy. The U.S. Lend-Lease Act, however, introduces a confounding variable in determining which nation, the U.S. or the USSR, contributed most to the defeat of Nazi Germany. Primary source analysis of U.S. Lend-Lease aid to the Soviet Union, furnished by both the U.S. State and War Departments in equal volumes, shows that most economic aid arrived in the Soviet Union after the Nazi war machine's back had already been broken at Stalingrad. Comparing the volumes and arrival timetables of U.S. economic aid to the Red Army's own casualty rates and replacement rates, and global German casualty rates shows unequivocally that Nazi Germany was defeated in the East by the Soviet Union, largely with the Soviet Union's own domestically produced materiel.

John McFarland:

Stuffy Old Dead Guys and Normandy: Clausewitz and Jomini in the Context of the D-day landings

There are many theorists who are taught to professional military officers today, but two stand out as the most important: Carl von Clausewitz and Antoine Henri de Jomini. Both wrote in the early nineteenth century when the battlefield was dominated by single-shot muskets, bayonets, and black powder cannons. Ships were made of wood and powered by the wind, and the aircraft would remain a mere theory for another century. However, despite the major technological innovations that have rewritten the character of the battlefield, the nature of war remains unchanged. Thus, the ideas of both Clausewitz and Jomini remain relevant in an era of warfighting via satellite and globally connected computer networks.

During the time the generals of World War Two were growing through the military ranks, Clausewitz and Jomini had fallen into disfavor; neither had been taught either at West Point or Sandhurst, or throughout the course of their professional development after commissioning.

This leads to the research question this paper seeks to answer: How did nineteenth-century military theorists Clausewitz and Jomini influence the landings at Normandy? With the two having been taught to the generals’ forebears, it seems likely they would have introduced ideas, lexicon, and ways of thinking about war that had been passed down through institutional knowledge, even if the original works were no longer studied. Despite the gap where neither was taught, an examination of primary source documents demonstrates the ways of thinking about war, the relationship between the soldier and the state, understanding the strategic and operational environments, and the actual methods of conduct of war had become so deeply ingrained into Western militaries that the influence of both theorists on the Normandy landings is palatable.

Trinity Parker:

Self-care is Sacred work: Intuition, Holy Spirit, and ritual healing practices

Midwives across time and space share a belief in Intuition as Authoritative knowledge. My research covers the careers of Patty Sessions, whose diary covers her career as a midwife from 1846-1888, and Pam Crowl, a midwife in Colorado from 1981-2019. Comparing Pam’s understanding of Intuition and Patty’s relationship with the Holy Ghost demonstrate similar characteristics. They both had similar ritual practices such as; Journaling, gathering with other women, and "taking space," which strengthened their faith in God, or more daringly, Ourselves.

Shannon Ritchey:

Between Moses and Aaron: King Hakon IV, Bishop Brandr, and Gyðinga Saga

Digital Program Created by Will Franks

Dr. Evan Taparata