ESRI User Conference 2019

The Forestry Department Experience

Who & Why

The Forestry Department sent a total of four representatives to the 39th annual staging of the ESRI User Conference in San Diego, California during the period of July 8- 12, 2019. 


To seek customized solutions and cutting edge technology. 

Each member of the team had specific areas of interest to topics to focus on. These areas were significant to each individual job functionality to enhance Agency's objectives.

  • ArcGIS Enterprise and Portal
  • ArcGIS Online Applications
  • Cartography
  • Image Analysis


What Happened?


Pre-conference workshop

July 6th and 7th - ArcGIS Enterprise

July 8th - Plenary Sessions

Exhibit Hall - app. 525,701 gross sq. ft and 300 exhibitors.

Approximately 19000 persons attended.

July 10th - Sessions began.

 Lectures from industry professionals, Hands-on training sessions and question and answer sessions. 

The Way Forward

ArcGIS Enterprise

This a full-featured mapping and analytics platform that runs behind our firewall and includes a powerful GIS server and a dedicated web-based GIS infrastructure to organize and share your work, referred to as our ArcGIS portal

Field Applications

Collector for Arcgis " Beta"

The Agency currently utilizes Collector for ArcGIS "CLASSIC" as one of its main forms of field data collection. There are currently updates such as Collector 19.1.0 on iPad and iPhone, however, its in the process for android.

Workforce of Arcgis

Workforce for ArcGIS provides better management of tasks and assignments especially for field teams who are required to complete specific tasks in a given time-frame.

ArcGIS Quick capture

This is an app which is the fastest way of collecting field data while assessing damages, or on the move by just the touch of a button. Data is sent back to the GIS offices for analysis instantly as it is integrated with ArcGIS Online.

Tracker for ArcGIS

This is a mobile application that enables different organizations to capture the fieldworkers’ tracks and monitor their location as well as locate where they were. This gives track pattern that gives information for field activities and perform analysis

What did we take Home?

During this conference we discovered that companies are involved in Forestry and the Environmental Management are utilizing the full benefit of either ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise or both, as well as other GIS applications.

We also discovered steps to implement theses application within the agency for effective management of our agency's workflow.

Future Implementation (What's Next?)


ArcGIS Applications (IMPLEMENTED)

Drone Capture (IN THE PROCESS)

Upgrade from using Collector for ArcGIS 'Classic" to "Beta" on androids.

Create collaboration of ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online

Image of ArcGIS Enterprise


This conference enabled the agency to increase its capacity in areas specifically ArcGIS Enterprise, Collector for ArcGIS and Portal. It helped us to understand and put in context the power of the ArcGIS solution.


Image of ArcGIS Enterprise