Annual Report 2018/19
North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership
1) About Community Planning in North Ayrshire
All our Community Planning Partners are working to make North Ayrshire a better place to live. We want to work with each other and communities to provide services that people want and need locally, to make them as good as we possibly can.
Who are we?
Our partnership includes some organisations you will know well – North Ayrshire Council; Police Scotland; the NHS; North Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership (HSCP); Scottish Fire and Rescue, and Ayrshire College: as well as – Scottish Enterprise; KA Leisure; the Third Sector Interface; Skills Development Scotland; the Department of Work and Pensions, and Strathclyde Partnership for Transport.
What are we trying to achieve?
Our aim is to work with communities to deliver better services locally and reduce the inequalities across North Ayrshire.
Our Local Outcomes Improvement Plan 2017-2022 aims to achieve this across 4 key priorities:
- A Healthier North Ayrshire
- A Safer North Ayrshire
- A Working North Ayrshire
- A Thriving North Ayrshire (Children and Young People)
There is a section later within this story map on each of the LOIP priorities to highlight a couple of key achievements in 2018/19.
More information about North Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership can be found on our website www.northayrshire.community . This is where you can also access more detailed performance information.
2) Fair for All
Fair for All North Ayrshire is a commitment to a single vision: to reduce inequalities across North Ayrshire.
By 2030, the aim is to create a North Ayrshire that is Fair for All. To do this, we pledge to tackle the root causes of all inequalities in North Ayrshire, with a particular emphasis on addressing child poverty.
Fair for All focuses on five key areas – Health, Environment, Fairer Food, Economic Growth and Children. These five separate, yet interlocked themes have the greatest impact on the lives of those living in our communities. For a more in depth update on the progress of Fair for All please see our annual report Fair for All: One Year In . Some case studies from this report are outlined below.
Fair for All 18/19 Case Studies
3) Locality Partnerships
Three Towns Locality Partnership Membership
We have six Locality Partnerships which help us address inequalities at a local level. The Locality Partnerships are now delivering on their local priorities using various mechanisms including:
- Working with people in communities who have relevant expertise or experience
- Research into approaches already underway locally and nationally
- Using participatory budgeting to support communities to tackle local priorities
- Drawing up proposals with community groups and partners for use of the Community Investment Fund (CIF) and making awards. More information on the CIF is available here.
Locality Partnerships use community perspectives to deal with issues such as street naming and awarding local grants. Our Locality Conferences over the past two years have received good feedback, with participants welcoming the opportunity to share experience with other localities.
The Community Planning Partnership Website is a growing central source of information about Locality Planning, partnership working, consultations and local events. The Locality Facebook pages are also updated on a regular basis and have an increasing profile. More detail of the ongoing work of the Locality Partnerships is available in their meeting minutes and via the 2018 Locality Partnership Overview Report.
You can find some examples of what is happening at a community level below.
Locality Partnership Activity 18/19
Arran Locality Partnership
Participatory budgeting is an inclusive way for the community to decide how they want to spend public funds. A Participatory Budgeting event was held on Arran this year. The event was successful with many community members in attendance and the awards made supported the Locality Partnership priorities.
Garnock Valley Locality Partnership
Support towards the creation of a Men’s Shed to address social isolation and to provide opportunities for community involvement, health and well-being and employment.
Irvine Locality Partnership
Appointment of a “Digital Irvine” Project Officer to inspire and connect community, educational and business initiatives in Irvine to promote digital inclusion, participation and skills development.
Kilwinning Locality Partnership
Developed a traffic management plan for Kilwinning including supporting Police Scotland to identify strengths and weaknesses, reviewing town centre signage to improve pedestrian safety, and reducing the vandalism of vehicles.
North Coast Locality Partnership
Received a presentation from two young members of the Largs Skate Park Community which highlighted the popularity of the park, the benefits it brings for young people in the area and the need for an upgrade. As a result, the Partnership agreed to fund the £100,000 project through the Largs Carpark Fund and a new revamped skate park was opened.
Three Towns Locality Partnership
Approved match funding for a feasibility study to develop a Community Development Trust in Ardrossan to capitalise on and progress the work done by a number of local organisations and initiatives to date.
4) LOIP Priority Updates
You can find some examples of how we are addressing our Local Outcomes Improvement Plan priorities below.
Our ambition: All people who live in North Ayrshire can have a safe, healthy and active life
The key strategic plan for this priority is the North Ayrshire Health & Social Care Strategic Plan 2018-21
Looking forward….
We are bringing together locality arrangements for the Health & Social Care Partnership and Community Planning Partnership on Arran. This is the first combined Locality Planning arrangement in Scotland. The pilot will start in 2019 and as part of the preparation for this the HSCP have developed and enhanced the existing Patient and Service User group to include Locality Forum members as Community Champions. They hope this new development will give even more opportunity to engage with the community on plans for the locality.
Our ambition: North Ayrshire is a safer place to live, residents feel safer and communities are empowered
The North Ayrshire Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy 2015-18 and the North Ayrshire Violence Against Women Strategy 2015-18 are currently the key partnership strategic plans for delivering on this priority.
Looking forward….
A new Community Safety Strategy is in development which incorporates the North Ayrshire Council Violence Against Women Strategy and the Antisocial Behaviour Strategy, in addition to wider community safety priorities. The Strategy will cover the period 2019-2024 for North Ayrshire, providing a renewed focus for partnership working.
Our ambition: To have created the most improved economy in Scotland by 2026.
The key strategic plan for this priority is the North Ayrshire Economic Development & Regeneration Strategy 2016-25
Looking forward...
We will deliver our Ayrshire Growth Deal projects which will create employment through regenerating the local economy, and focus on ensuring a more inclusive and fair economy by developing our Community Wealth Building approach.
Our ambition: We want you to have the best start in life and for North Ayrshire to be the best place in Scotland to grow up.
The key strategic plan for this priority is ‘Getting It Right for You’- North Ayrshire’s Childrens Services Plan 2016-20
Looking forward….
Development has begun of the next Integrated Children’s Services Plan for 2020 to 2023. Priorities will be informed in part by a survey of children aged 9-16. This will be carried out by the Dartington Service Design Lab, and is a follow up to the research conducted in 2014. This will help us to ensure our partnership working is even more focused on the needs and aspirations of our young people.
5) What did you think?
Please take a few minutes to tell us what you think about this Annual Report by completing our survey online:
Contact Us
You can contact us at communityplanning@north-ayrshire.gov.uk ; or
Community Planning, Connected Communities, Cunninghame House, Friarscroft, Irvine KA12 8EE