Loudoun Cemeteries

Stories from local burial grounds researched by the Loudoun Museum

Sharon Cemetery

Sharon Cemetery . Click to expand.

209 East Federal Street, Middleburg, Virginia

Waterford Union of Churches Cemetery

Waterford Union of Churches Cemetery. Click to expand.

40295 Fairfax Street, Waterford, Virginia

Union Cemetery Leesburg

Union Cemetery Leesburg. Click to expand.

323 North King Street, Leesburg, Virginia

Mt. Zion Community Cemetery

Mt. Zion Community Cemetery. Click to expand.

209 Old Waterford Rd NW, Leesburg, Virginia

Solon Cemetery

Solon Cemetery. Click to expand.

795 West Washington Street, Middleburg, Virginia

Lovettsville Union Cemetery

Lovettsville Union Cemetery. Click to expand.

12930 Lutheran Church Road, Lovettsville, Virginia

Hillsboro Cemetery

Hillsboro Cemetery . Click to expand.

37125 Charles Town Pike, Hillsboro, Virginia

Sharon Cemetery

209 East Federal Street, Middleburg, Virginia

Waterford Union of Churches Cemetery

40295 Fairfax Street, Waterford, Virginia

Union Cemetery Leesburg

323 North King Street, Leesburg, Virginia

Mt. Zion Community Cemetery

209 Old Waterford Rd NW, Leesburg, Virginia

Solon Cemetery

795 West Washington Street, Middleburg, Virginia

Lovettsville Union Cemetery

12930 Lutheran Church Road, Lovettsville, Virginia

Hillsboro Cemetery

37125 Charles Town Pike, Hillsboro, Virginia

Sharon Cemetery, Middleburg VA

Sharon Cemetery, Middleburg

Sharon cemetery dates from 1849 and is directly adjacent to the Middleburg Baptist Church, which at the time was a “Free Church” open to all denominations. By the late 1840s, the one acre graveyard surrounding the Free Church had become crowded. On February 24, 1849, seventeen citizens of Loudoun County, headed by Humphrey Brooke Powell, incorporated as the Sharon Cemetery Company. In November, 1850, they purchased four and a half acres from Marietta F. Powell for $520, with the deed noting that the Free Church and its graveyard were now owned by the new Company. After the Second Battle of Manassas (August 28-30, 1862), the Church served as a hospital for wounded Confederate soldiers.

Confederate Obelisk

Some of the soldiers that died at the Second Battle of Manassas are buried at Sharon Cemetery, including 81 Confederate soldiers. The cemetery contains a large obelisk, dating from the early 20th century, with unknown Confederate dead buried beneath and enclosed by a circle of plain gravestones of known soldiers. The obelisk was erected and maintained by the United Daughters of the Confederacy (c.1910). Hickory Tree Hall, a large columned structure formerly known as “Confederate Hall,” was brought to Middleburg in 1909 from the Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition of 1907. It was first located on the property of the current Exxon station at 208 E. Washington Street and later moved in 1972 to Hickory Tree Farm. In 1948, the UDC could no longer care for the building and sold it for $2,488. Nearly all the proceeds went towards the maintainence of the Sharon Cemetery obelisk and site. The iron Maltese crosses with a central "CSA" (Confederate States of America) that mark many gravesites of Southern veterans are paid for by veterans' families and other individuals.

Bolling Walker Barton (1846-1924)

Virginia Military Institute (VMI) cadet Bolling Walker Barton was born in Winchester, VA, on November 24, 1846, and entered VMI on September 25, 1862 (class of 1866). The VMI Corps of Cadets fought as a unit at the Battle of New Market (VA) on May 15, 1864. Ten cadets were killed in battle or died later from the effects of their wounds; 45 were wounded. The youngest participating cadet was 15; the oldest 25. In November 1864 Barton joined the 1st Foreign Battalion. After the Civil War he studied and practiced medicine, and also taught Botany at Johns Hopkins University. He married Ella Jane Gibson in 1872; the couple had no children. He died in Loudoun County, VA, on February 18, 1924.

Mère et enfant (Mère et Fille Mourante/Mrs. Merrill & her Daughter Sally), 1910

A bronze sculpture by French sculptor Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) until recently overlooked the graves of Elizabeth and Thomas Merrill in Sharon Cemetery for nearly a century. It was commissioned in 1908 by American timber tycoon Thomas D. Merrill (1855 - 1932) and his wife Elizabeth Musgrave Merrill (1853 - 1928) for Elizabeth's daughter Sally Hicks Croswell (1886-1904)—a child from an earlier marriage to former Michigan Governor Charles Croswell (1825 - 1886). The bronze was removed and auctioned at Freeman's auction house in Philadelphia on February 22, 2021 (ultimately selling for $277,200). According to the Auction catalog, Rodin conceived Mère et enfant as an allegorical representation of maternal love and the transcendental and everlasting bond between a mother and her child. When shown the final version in marble (presently in the Musée Rodin), Mrs. Merrill reportedly said, "My dream of making my child immortal has finally come true." 


Waterford Union of Churches Cemetery, Waterford, VA

Waterford Union of Churches Cemetery

Waterford was founded by Quakers who moved to Virginia from Pennsylvania. Although many Quakers did not own slaves due to their religious beliefs, the Union Cemetery in Waterford, laid out in the early nineteenth century, was strictly segregated. The white section of the cemetery contains 389 graves, 253 with identifiable names. The African American section contains 208 graves: 77 have identifiable headstones, 81 have markers with no names, and 50 have no marker. Stones of three African American veterans of the Civil War have been discovered. These veterans were likely to have been wagoners – responsible for the care and transportation of army supplies.  https://waterfordcemetery.org/  

Loudoun Rangers

Waterford cemetery contains the remains of at least twelve Union soldiers, including several who served in the Waterford-based Loudoun Rangers, the only organized military unit from Virginia to fight for the Union. The Loudoun Rangers were an independent cavalry unit drawn from the largely Quaker and German farming communities of northern Loudoun County, Virginia.  Captain Samuel C. Means , who commanded the Loudoun Rangers during the Civil War, recently received a U.S. government-issued headstone for his burial site, 138 years after his death in Washington D.C. The headstone was dedicated on Saturday, March 26, 2022, at a ceremony at Rock Creek Cemetery held by the Lincoln-Cushing Camp of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW), the successor organization to the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR).

Photo: 1903 Reunion of Loudoun Rangers at Taylorstown (sometimes identified as 1910). Front row, left to right: Charles W. Virts , Briscoe Goodhart, John P. Hickman, Joseph T. Divine, George Davis, Samuel Tritapoe, and Isaac Hough. Back row, left to right: John Densmore, George Wilt, Robert W. Hough, John Davis, John Lenhart, Daniel Harper, and Thomas Harrison. (Photo courtesy of t he Waterford Foundation Archives and Local History Collection) Bulletin of Loudoun County History, 2020/21 Edition

James Lewis (1844 - c.1910)

James Lewis was a Waterford resident at the time of his enlistment as a private in the 55th Massachusetts Infantry. He enlisted in May 1863 at Pittsburgh and was mustered out in August 1865 at Charleston, SC. From 1863 on, he served further south on the battlefields and picket lines of Florida and South Carolina. At least seven other enslaved or freeborn Black Americans from Waterford enlisted with the Union Army, either with state outfits like the 54th and 55th Massachusetts, or with the nation’s first U.S. Colored Troops regiments. After the war many southern Black soldiers settled in Ohio, New York, or even Texas, but James Lewis came home to Virginia. James returned to Waterford, married, and built a small house in 1877 on Butchers Row.

The 55th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment was a volunteer regiment made up of men who wanted to enter the Union Army’s 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, the first officially recognized Black military unit in the United States (highlighted in the 1989 Civil War film, Glory). In 1863, when Massachusetts Governor John A. Andrew saw the demand for enlistment in the 54th, he created the 55th Regiment. Like the 54th, the 55th was commanded by white officers, many of whom were from abolitionist families.  https://waterfordcemetery.org/people/james-lewis/ 

Henson Young (1846 - 1930)

Union Veteran - U.S. Colored Troops Infantry Son of Henson Young (Senior). He was enslaved by William Russell, Sr., of Waterford. He was later freed and went on to join the 1st United States Colored Infantry at Baltimore. He returned to Waterford after the war and became a trustee of the John Wesley Methodist Church.

Warren C. O'Harra (1874-1900)

Warren O'Harra was a Spanish American War veteran, laid to rest at the Waterford Union Cemetery. He was murdered on the evening of July 23, 1900, in the livery stable of Samuel Jenkins in Waterford, VA. O'Harra was originally from Ohio and lived in Waterford before moving to Washington, DC, where he was employed at the Navy Yard. He returned to Waterford on the evening of July 23rd and took shelter in the livery stable with a number of others during heavy rain. There, O'Harra exchanged words with Ernest Mullen, who was from the northern part of Loudoun County. O'Harra took exception with disparaging remarks Mullen made about a young Waterford lady O'Harra had taken an interest in, and O'Harra challenged Mullen to a fight. Mullen refused, but then waited until O'Harra was distracted and approached him from behind with a knotted club which he used to knock him to the ground with three heavy blows to the head. Mullen threatened to use his club on the others if they intervened, and then walked off into the night. O'Harra died about 30 minutes after the attack. Mullen was eventually caught, convicted of second degree murder, and sentenced to 11 years in the penitentiary.

Union Cemetery, Leesburg, VA

Union Cemetery, Leesburg

Union Cemetery (given its name before the Civil War) was established c.1851 and was the site chosen by county and city leaders who wanted a centrally located cemetery open to all people of all faiths. It predated three other Union cemeteries in Loudoun County established at Hillsboro, Waterford, and Lovettsville. The cemetery contains a 1908 Union Chapel and a 30-foot-high granite War Memorial erected in 1938, dedicated to the “Unknown Confederate Dead who lie near this monument and the many noble Sons of Loudoun who fell and were left on the field of battle.”

Ida Lee Rust (1840 – 1921)

Ida Lee Rust was the daughter of Edmund Jennings Lee, first cousin of Robert E. Lee. Ida spent her married life at “Rockland,” the Rust family home near Leesburg, and in her later years lived in a house build by her sons at 113 East Cornwall Street in Leesburg. Ida Lee Park was made possible by the generous donation of prime, undeveloped land formerly known as the Greenwood Farm by the Rust Family. In 1986, William F. Rust and his wife, Margaret Dole Rust, donated 138 acres to the Town of Leesburg for perpetual use as a public park which was named in memory of Mr. Rust’s grandmother, Ida Lee, to preserve an important historic link between the Lee Family of Virginia and the Town of Leesburg.

Potter's Field

A 2011  Washington Post  article highlighted the intersection of East Market Street and Catoctin Circle in Leesburg. At that site in 1839, the Town of Leesburg acquired a half-acre, half of it “for the burial of white persons and the other half for the burial of free persons of colour.” Interments continued well into the 20th century. The County had jurisdiction over Potter’s Field, the cemetery’s common name, because it was then outside the town limits. Some years later, when Leesburg’s limits were extended to include the graveyard, the town hired Glenn Weatherholtz to clean the grounds and tell Slack’s Funeral home where to dig the graves. The interments, paid for by the county, were listed as “pauper burials.” By 1980, the east end of Leesburg was ripe for development. A survey computed Potter’s Field to be .29 acres, about 60 percent of its original half-acre size. Weatherholtz estimated the number of burial sites as 70 or 80. In 1982, when the town commissioned a preliminary archeological survey, the .29 acres had been assessed for $243,000. In summer 1983, the archaeologists completed their survey and found 308 burial sites; they estimated 100 or more lay beneath Market Street and the dirt spur that would become the extensions of Catoctin Circle. The archaeologists told the Town that their report would recommend a more intensive survey. Alarmed that a second survey would stymie widening of East Market Street, force a relocation of the north end of Catoctin Circle and preclude the sale of Potter’s Field, the Town ordered the archaeologists to stop work before they wrote the report. In November 1983, a truckload of bones and remains were spilled into a vault donated by the Loudoun Funeral Chapel. A crane lowered the vault into a large opening that had been dug in a corner of Leesburg’s Union Cemetery. The inscription on the small gravestone reads: “Unknown Citizens Reinterred From the Town of Leesburg’s Cemetery 1983.”  

Victims of PCA Flight 410, 1947

Pennsylvania Central Airlines flight 410, carrying 47 passengers and a crew of three, left Chicago on Friday the 13th, 1947, en-route to National Airport in Washington DC. The flight was due to arrive in DC at 6:35PM but was declared missing when the pilots failed to respond to repeated radio calls from the dispatcher. Search parties began efforts to locate the crash site within a three-state area—West Virginia, Virginia and western Maryland— then narrowed down to an area between Hillsboro and Purcellville, VA. The crash site was eventually located about 100 yards down the western slope of a ridge just inside West Virginia. The wreckage was a mile and a half from a mountain road but searchers starting out from the west side of the mountain had to abandon their jeep and climb through more than four miles of tangled undergrowth in their attempt to find the site of the crash. In order to reach the site from the Appalachian Trail to the east, the searchers had to beat their way through thick brush as well as descend rocky ledges. The plane had slashed a swath through trees and then smashed into a granite out-cropping known as “Lookout Rock.” Bodies of the victims were transported to a temporary morgue at Union Cemetery in Leesburg, where the FBI worked to identify them. The Common Grave in Union Cemetery holds the bodies of eight unidentified dead from that plane crash. Two additional names are included on the tombstone of persons that were never recovered. The multidenominational service was conducted by Reverends and Pastors from four local churches. 

Mount Zion Community Cemetery, Leesburg, VA

Mt. Zion Community Cemetery, Leesburg

Joseph Waters of the 5th Massachusetts Cavalry; James Gaskins of the 39th U.S. Colored Infantry; William Taylor of the 1st U.S. Colored Infantry; and John Langford, a Union Navy sailor (all buried at Mount Zion Community Cemetery) were among the hundreds of African American Civil War soldiers from Loudoun, of whom only a handful returned to the County after the war. Kevin Grigsby, a local historian, has highlighted their names and some of their stories in his book, From Loudoun to Glory. Grigsby tells of Loudoun County’s intrepid Black men who flocked, often from the slave cabin, to the defense of the Union, and chronicles the role of African Americans in this County during the Civil War.

Mary Mallory (1813 - 1921)

A former slave, Mary was held in bondage by Thomas Swann (governor of Maryland from 1866-69), who lived at Morven Park in Leesburg from 1834-1861. An article titled "Good Colored Woman Dead, said to be 108 Years Old" appeared on the front page of the Sept. 15, 1921, issue of the Loudoun Mirror. At the time of her death, Mary was thought to be the oldest person in Virginia.

Watch the video on  Mt. Zion and Mary Mallory  posted by the Loudoun Museum and the Mosby Heritage Area.    

James Gaskins - 39th U.S. Colored Infantry

Gaskins’s regiment was organized in 1864 in Baltimore, MD, and saw significant action on the battlefield, including the Siege of Petersburg in VA, and the battles of Fort Fisher and Wilmington in North Carolina. After the end of the war Gaskins returned to Loudoun where he married Hannah Buchanan and had at least five children. (Grigsby 251)

John W. Langford of the Union Navy (c. 1848)

At least eleven African American men who were born in Loudoun County served in the Union Navy during the Civil War. John. W. Langford was born in Washington, DC, and became a Loudoun resident after the war. Unlike the Union Army, which engaged in great debate over the enlistment of Black soldiers prior to the creation of segregated Black regiments, the Navy had Black enlistees serving prior to the Civil War. The Navy was integrated, and there were no all-Black ships. There were also opportunities for advancement and an early policy of equal pay for Black sailors. (Grigsby 68-69)  

Solon Cemetery, Middleburg, VA

Solon Cemetery, Middleburg

African Americans have historically had an important presence in Middleburg. In 1864, Asbury Methodist Church, Loudoun County’s first official African American congregation, was established. Three years later, Baptists founded Shiloh Church. The federal government opened a Freedman’s Bureau Office at Jay and Marshall Streets in Middleburg, and many Black families lived on “Bureau Corner.” Solon Cemetery was established in 1883. By 1938 there were many Black business owners in  Middleburg—perhaps the strongest presence in Loudoun County—with John Wanzer’s blacksmith shop, W.N. Hall & Sons general contractor, two roofers, multiple restaurants, a pool hall, barber shop, shoe repair, two cleaners, two beauty parlors, and three private cabs. 

John Wesley Wanzer (1889 - 1957)

Born in Middleburg, John Wanzer was the 5th of 14 children. He took a job in Will Mitchell’s blacksmith shop to learn a trade, and a few years later bought the blacksmith and wheelwright shop business. For years his was the only shop of its kind in Middleburg, and he was one of Loudoun County’s most successful African American businessmen. Wanzer served as president of the County-Wide League which organized in 1930s to campaign for better schools and an accredited Black high school, which was built in 1941 (Douglass High School). 

William N. Hall (1890 - 1958)

William Hall learned the stonemason trade from his father and later started his own contracting and real estate businesses with only a 7th grade education. He was elected to Board of Directors of Loudoun County Emancipation Association in 1932. With his father, Nathan, he formed W.N. Hall & Son, builders of such notable Middleburg stone public buildings as the Phoenix Building, old Middleburg National Bank, Firehouse, and Upperville’s Fauquier Loudoun Bank (now the Upperville Post Office). Their reputation won them the contract in 1932 to rebuild George Washington’s grist mill at Mt. Vernon. As the largest building firm in Loudoun, they built the new wing of Leesburg hospital, 1949-50. 

Raymond F. Berryman (25 Dec 1889 - 23 Oct 1947 )

Raymond and his brother Thomas (1884 - 1940) lived near Marble Quarry and had two of the largest Black-owned farms in the county --- more than 100 acres each. Raymond bred and trained horses and showed them in St. Louis (village in southwest Loudoun). George Berryman, their grandfather, was a founder of the St. Louis Colored Colt Show, along with Charles McQuay. Established in 1898 to show horses and colts and to stage races and jumping contests, it was intended as an African-American alternative to the exclusionary Upperville Colt and Horse Show.


Carr Phillip Cook, Jr. (1919 - 1991)

Carr P. Cook, Jr., graduated in 1937 from the Loudoun Training School in Leesburg and joined his father in the family roofing contracting business begun in 1913. He served in the Army in Europe during WWII as a staff sergeant and was the first African American to run for public office in Leesburg. Cook served as the first Black school board member (1976-84) and as a chairman of the Middleburg Planning Commission, spearheading development of a Comprehensive Plan and affordable housing. He was also one of the first African American people to serve on a Grand Jury in Loudoun. 

William McKinley Jackson (1900 - 1970)

William M. Jackson started out as a stonemason with a fourth-grade education and became a successful building contractor and president of Loudoun County branch of the NAACP. He was involved with County-Wide League’s early efforts to improve schools for Black children and  desegregated the Middleburg Community Center by making the case for the NAACP’s use of the facility. 

Lovettsville Union Cemetery, Lovettsville VA

Lovettsville Union Cemetery

Lovettsville Union Cemetery provides a resting place for many pioneer settlers along the Catoctin Mountain. Located between the Catoctin and Short Hill Mountains at the northern edge of Loudoun Valley, the Lovettsville Union Cemetery was established in 1879 by an Act of the Virginia General Assembly. However, as many as 30 early burials existed before that time. The earliest headstones were removed from the adjacent New Jerusalem Cemetery and placed in the Lovettsville Union Cemetery. Today, the Lovettsville Union Cemetery Company provides for the care and maintenance of the estate, property, and affairs of the cemetery. The Company is managed and controlled by a board of trustees elected annually during lot owner meetings.  Trustees then elect officers to manage the company. As a not-for-profit organization, the Company has no paid employees and is staffed and supported by volunteers. Lot owners are encouraged to attend annual meetings and participate in the care and maintenance of their gravesites.  http://www.lovettsvilleunioncemetery.org/  


Pre-1879 Burials

Hessian Soldier Friedrich Schloetz (d. 19 Sep 1830), his wife Margaret Schloetz (12 Nov 1764 – 20 Apr 1828), along with their children Adam (30 Apr 1796 – 21 Jan 1831) and 1-year old daughter Elizabeth (19 Oct 1789 – 1 Nov 1790) and grandson George (1 Sept 1821 – 4 Oct 1822) were originally buried in the old cemetery with their grave markers using an anglicized version of their name: “Slates.” In 1941 a new marker was placed in Lovettsville Union Cemetery with the original spelling, “Schloetz.”  

George William Baker (7 Nov 1838 - 10 Aug 1912)

George William Baker of Lovettsville was 24 years old when he entered into service as a private in Company A of the Loudoun Rangers (Virginia’s only Union Cavalry Unit) on June 20, 1862, in Waterford, VA. He was 5’5’, with hazel eyes, light hair and a fair complexion. He listed his occupation as carpenter. He was wounded in the shoulder and captured during fighting at Leesburg, on a picket south of town along the railroad. His younger brother Charles was captured at the same time and is believed to have died in a Richmond prison. George was paroled in October 1862 and records show that he served as an orderly for Lt. Col Cook until he was mustered out of service May 31, 1865. He and his wife Elizabeth had at least two children. 

The Loudoun Rangers consisted of about 250 men overall including two African American auxiliaries who do not appear in the official roster, as they could not be mustered into a white unit, but whose service is elsewhere documented. These Loudouners, labeled as traitors by secessionist Virginians, were singled out for harsh treatment by Confederate forces, and could be hanged as traitors if they were captured. For this reason, many Loudoun Rangers identified themselves as belonging to other Union units when captured. When George Baker was captured, he claimed service with Cole’s Calvary (1st Maryland Cavalry Battalion).  

Gravestone Symbols - Trees

Beginning in the early 18th century, American traditional grave marker motifs with puritan images of mortality and death shifted to images depicting a more hopeful afterlife and idealized peaceful eternal slumber. Markers began to incorporate angelic figures and hands reaching down from heaven. In the 19th century, Victorian romanticism influenced the imagery of flowers and animals – meant as a way not only to commemorate the dead, but to comfort the living. Markers that resemble Tree trunks or tree stumps are found in cemeteries throughout the United States, and usually mark burials from the 1880s through the 1930s. Treestone grave markers were so popular that they were offered for sale by Sears and Roebuck and other mail-order catalog companies. One could purchase the stone from the catalog and hire a local stonecutter to engrave it. There are a few of these types of grave markers in Loudoun cemeteries, some which are located in Lovettsville Union Cemetery.  

Elihu Sheldon Arnold (1853 - 1902), a farmer, and his wife Elizabeth (1854 - 1940) share a single treestone. The trunk of their treestone is carved to look like it is growing out of the ground with ferns at its base. A shorter trunk on the side holds an open Bible with the words “Holy Bible” engraved on its pages.

A more unusual double treestone marks the graves of Joseph L. Grubb (1862 - 1934) and his first wife, Sarah Virginia Wire Grubb (1860 - 1923). The trunk of the Grubb’s treestone rests on a wall of stones with ferns growing in front. The two crossed branches in front are thought to symbolize the linked arms or embrace of the two deceased. 


Hillsboro Cemetery, Hillsboro, VA

Hillsboro Cemetery

The Hillsboro Cemetery Company was incorporated in April 1896 by seven local residents -- James E. Clendening, J. Harry Thompson, W.D. Thompson, S.O. Clendening, R.W. Grubb, J.W.A. Virts, and C.C. Bell. Land was acquired for the establishment of a cemetery near the Town of Hillsboro, Loudoun County, VA. In the early years, graves were hand-dug, usually by a man named Theodore Longerbeam who performed this task for many years, and later by Edward Utterback and Bob Hardy. 

Gravestone Symbols

The rural cemetery became popular in the United States and Europe in the mid-nineteenth. Prior to that time most burial grounds were sectarian and located on small plots and churchyards within a city or town. These larger rural cemeteries allowed for the purchase of family plots large enough to allow the burial of several generations of a single family. In 1847, the New York State Legislature passed the Rural Cemetery Act which authorized commercial burial grounds in New York. The law led to the burial of human remains becoming a commercial business for the first time. By the 1860s, rural cemeteries could be found on the outskirts of cities and smaller towns across the country.  

The incorporation of natural imagery was a large part of the Rural Cemetery Movement. Gravestones designed for rural cemeteries tend to reflect this trend and many examples of animals, plants, flowers, and tree trunks (as seen in Union Lovettsville). Among the more common animal examples are doves and lambs, often used to adorn the graves of children. With their strong religious associations, these symbols were used to communicate the innocence and purity of the deceased. The lamb marker in particular can be found atop many gravestones around Loudoun County, including ones at Hillsboro Cemetery for Jack Lee Case (1923 –1925), Robert L. Fowler (1935- 1936), and Susan K. Creel (1963 – 1969).  

The Grubb Family - Hillsboro

William Grubb (13 Feb 1735 – 27 Nov 1816) was the founder of the Loudoun County Grubb family. He was the (probably adopted) son of Joseph and Sarah Grubb of Brandywine Hundred, Delaware. William married his cousin Rachael Grubb at Old Swedes Church in 1762 and they had ten children.

Ebenezer Grubb (31 May 1763 – 12 Jan 1835), the oldest son of William and Rachael Grubb, was a Loudoun County farmer who married Ester Lodge in 1788. He adopted her son Jacob Grubb and they had at least three additional children before she died in 1800. He then married Mary Smallwood and they had eight more children.

The early descendents of the Grubb family are buried at a family plot in Hillsboro and some of the later family are buried in Hillsboro Cemetery.

William H. Grubb, Jr. (6 Dec 1920 - 28 Nov 2006)

Willaim was raised in Purcellville on his grandmother's farm. About age eleven, he made the rounds with his father, Dr. William Hugh Grubb (17 Sept 1888 – 8 Apr 1969), who was the area's long-time veterinarian. He attended Hillsboro Elementary School and Lincoln High School. After graduating from Virginia Polytechnic Institute with a B.S. in Biology, Mr. Grubb served as an artillery officer during World War II. After the war, he returned to Loudoun County, where he was the postmaster in Purcellville for 25 years and postmaster of Falls Church for 12 years, and was elected National Secretary Treasurer of the 40,000-member National Association of Postmasters of the United States. Mr. Grubb was very active in his community with prominent roles in the Loudoun National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis during the polio epidemic, the American Legion, VFW, Loudoun County Jaycees, First and Merchants Bank of Leesburg, Bethany United Methodist Church of Purcellville, Loudoun Memorial Hospital, Loudoun County Rescue Squad, and countless other organizations. He served as treasurer of the Hillsboro Cemetery Company. Mr. Grubb was a photographer who took wedding, portrait, forensic, and news photographs. He helped found the Miss Loudoun County beauty pageant and took photos of the contestants for many years. Hugh and his wife Mary Ester Derring Grubb raised four children on a farm they called "The Grubstake".  



The Thomas Balch Library's  Loudoun County Cemetery Database -  Listing of most cemeteries and tombstones in Loudoun County based on a 1995 book produced by Thomas Balch Library staff. There are additional cemeteries indexed only in books available at Thomas Balch Library.

 Loudoun County Cemeteries and Burial Grounds -  an online database of more than 200 active and historic cemeteries. The project was prompted by repeated incidents in which historic burial grounds—often from Loudoun’s black communities—were found on land slated for development, such as at the intersection of Rt. 7 and Belmont Ridge Road. That site is now preserved as the Burial Ground for the Enslaved at Belmont.

 Find a Grave  - a website that allows the public to search and add to an online database of cemetery records. It is owned by Ancestry.com. It receives and uploads digital photographs of headstones from burial sites, taken by unpaid volunteers at cemeteries. Find a Grave then posts the photo on its website.

 The History of Loudoun County, Virginia  - a collection of articles that give an overview of the County's history.

National Park Service's,  P  reserving Grave Markers in Historic Cemeteries  - Preservation Brief