Arborfield Garrison Major Development Progress Map
The military has moved out of the Arborfield Garrison site and now a sustainable new village is being built on the former garrison land and an adjacent farm.
Click on the map for a basic overview of each site. For more detail, click on the site code above. To see details for all sites, continue to scroll down below.
Highways Projects
My Journey Wokingham is a borough-wide sustainable travel campaign that aims to help and inspire residents to travel by alternative modes. My Journey provides information on travel modes other than private cars, such as trains, buses, cycling and walking.
Arborfield Garrison
In planning application process (A7)
The outline application is approved. Detailed applications will come forward on a site by site basis.
Outline application for up to 2,000 new homes (including up to 80 units of extra care housing); a district centre with a foodstore and other retail, office etc. space with flats above, car parking and a drop off area; a secondary school for up to 1,500 pupils including sports pitches, an indoor swimming pool and parking areas; a primary school with a sports pitch and parking areas; additional car parking; public open space including sports pitches, informal/incidental open space, children's play areas including a multi-purpose games area (MUGA), a skate park, community gardens/allotments; landscaping/buffer areas; boundary treatments; new roads, footpaths, cycleways and bridleways; sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) including flood alleviation works.
Parcels A - G
Under construction (A2a - A2g)
Details application for 220 new homes together with access from Sheerlands Road and the Nine Mile Ride extension, associated internal access roads, parking, landscaping, open space, footpaths, bridleways and sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS).
Parcels H - J
Completed (A2h - A2j)
Application for 185 new homes with internal access roads, car parking, landscaping and open space.
Parcel O1
Completed (A3)
Details application for 113 new homes with access from Briggs Lane and Princess Marina Drive, associated internal access roads, parking, landscaping, open space, footpaths and sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS).
Parcel T
Completed (A4)
Details application for 127 new homes with access from Princess Marina Drive, associated internal access roads, landscaping, open space, footpaths and sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS).
Parcel U2
Completed (A12)
Details application for 79 new homes, along with internal roads, paths, car parking, landscaping and open space.
Parcel U1&V2s
Completed (A18)
Details application for 114 dwellings and commercial floorspace (Use ClassesA1/A2/D1/D2) to form a Neighbourhood Centre, with access from Biggs Lane and Parcel U2, with associated internal access roads, parking, landscaping and open space, footpaths/ cycleways, and Sustainable Urban Drainage (SuDS.)
Parcel V1
Under construction
Details application for 126 dwellings with access via the Lakeside Bus Loop, associated internal access roads, parking, landscaping, open space, footpaths and drainage.
Parcel V2n
Under construction (A22)
Details application for 73 dwellings with associated internal access roads, parking, landscaping, open space, footpaths and drainage.
Parcel X
Completed (A19)
Details application for 70 new homes with access from the Primary School Access Road, internal access roads, parking, landscaping and footpaths/cycleways.
Parcel AA
Completed (A10)
Details application for the construction of 44 new homes, associated internal roads, parking and landscaping.
Parcel K
Completed (A14)
Details application for 12 new homes with associated internal access roads, parking, landscaping and open space, footpaths and cycleway and sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS).
Parcel M
Completed (A15)
Details application for 37 new homes including internal access, parking, footpaths and landscaping.
Parcel O2
Approved (work not started) (A28)
Details application for 135 dwellings within with access from Biggs Lane, associated internal access roads, parking, landscaping, open space, footpaths and drainage.
Parcel P
Under construction (A23)
Details application for 43 dwellings with access via Princess Marina Drive, associated internal access roads, parking, landscaping, open space, footpaths and drainage.
Parcel C2
Completed (A16)
Details application for 104 new homes including communal space (Clubhouse), access from the Secondary School access road, internal access roads, parking, landscaping, open space, footpaths, cycle ways and sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS).
Parcel Q
Completed (A13)
Detail application for 114 new homes with associated internal access roads, parking, landscaping and open space, footpaths and cycleways, and sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS), with access from the Nine Mile Ride extension.
In planning process (A29)
Details application for the refurbishment of the existing rugby, football and cricket pitches, the demolition of the existing Pavilion building and the erection of a new Pavilion building, the provision of two play areas, Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) and allotment, with associated internal access roads, parking, landscaping, footpaths and drainage.
District Centre
Approved (work not started) (A32)
Details application for a mixed-use District Centre including 206 dwellings, commercial floorspace (Use Class E), a pre-school, public open space, pedestrianised high street, and a mixed-use community centre building including café, associated community facilities and day nursery. New vehicular, pedestrian and cycle accesses to be provided with associated internal roads, parking, landscaping, drainage, substations, plant, bin and cycle storage.
Completed (A17)
Details application for a new primary school including nursery, hard court play area, all-weather pitch, changing pavilion and associated access, parking and landscaping.
Completed (A8)
Application for a 1,500 place Secondary School with associated sports facilities, parking provision and access roads.
Film Studio
Completed (A9)
Full application for use of existing former barracks buildings as a film studio for nine years.
Reading Football Club
Under Construction (A11)
This site is not within the boundary of the Arborfield Garrison Strategic Development Location.
An application for 140 new homes, along with parking, landscaping, play area and a nature park.
Nature Parks (SANG)
Full application for a nature park (Sustainable Alternative Natural Greenspace), including path/walkways, fencing and associated landscaping.
Full application for a nature park (Sustainable Alternative Natural Greenspace), including path/walkways, fencing and associated landscaping.
Full application for a nature park (Sustainable Alternative Natural Greenspace), including path/walkways, fencing and associated landscaping.
Hogwood Farm
In planning process (A1)
Outline application for up to 1,500 new homes, employment space, a Neighbourhood Centre with retail and office space, a new primary school, new sports pitches and pavilion, highways infrastructure including an extension to Nine Mile Ride and a new link from the Nile Mile Ride extension to the Hogwood Lane Industrial Estate, associated landscaping, public realm and open/green space including a children's play area, and sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS).
Full planning permission for a nature park (Sustainable Alternative Natural Greenspace).
Parcel P1
Completed (A24)
Details application for 178 new homes with associated access infrastructure, internal access roads, parking, landscaping, open space, footpaths/cycleways and sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS).
Parcel P2 & P3
Under construction (A25)
Details application for 135 dwellings across parcels P2 & P3 with access, internal access roads, parking, provision of Public Open Space, children's play areas, together with parking, cycleways, footpaths, landscaping and sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS).
Parcel P7
Under construction (A28)
Details application for 100 dwellings, associated internal access roads, parking and landscaping.
Parcel P9
Fully approved - work not yet started (A27)
Details application for 60 dwellings, associated internal access roads, parking and landscaping.
Parcel P10
Fully Approved - work not started yet (A31)
Details application for 256 dwellings with access via the Nine Mile Ride Extension and Southern Bus Loop, associated internal roads, provision of Public Open Space and play areas, together with parking, cycle ways, footpaths, landscaping and sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS).
Parcel P14&P15
Under construction (A26)
Details application for 157 dwellings with access via the Nine Mile Ride Extension (NMRE), associated internal roads, provision of Public Open Space (PG2 and AGS5), sports facilities land and allotments land, together with parking, cycleways, footpaths, landscaping and sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS).
Parcel Employment Land
In planning application process (A30)
Details application for buildings for General Industrial use (Class B2), together with associated parking, landscaping and sustainable urban drainage systems. Access via the Nine Mile Ride Extension