Getting to Know GeoInquiries
an intro to teaching with maps
GeoInquiries™ are 15-minute instructional activities that use interactive maps (geographic) to enhance your academic instruction of standards-based topics from grades 4-12. GeoInquiries are available for many subjects:
- American literature
- Earth science
- AP Environmental science
- Government and civics
- AP Human geography
- Mathematics
- U.S. history
- Upper elementary
- World geography
- World history
GeoInquiries tie to relevant national curricular standards (C3, NGSS, AP, Common Core, etc), use common inquiry instructional models, tie to the most common textbooks, and license under Creative Commons for easy reuse.
As of fall 2023, there are three versions of GeoInquiries; each has slightly different features.
- Version 1 (2014-2024): Most of the content below applies directly to classic GeoInquiries. Classic GeoINquiries includes 165+ activities supporting ten different subject areas using both a Level 1 (no login) and Level 2. Explore at: GeoInquiries StoryMap Atlas
- Version 2 (2020+): Uses the updated map viewer and follows the same same patterns and resources found in version 1.
- Version 3 (2023+): "MapMaker/Atlas". Available for three collections: Earth science, human geography, and world geography. This version also includes new features like student self-checks and vocabulary support resources.
Teaching kids, content
GeoInquiries are composed of multiple "key" parts: a PDF teacher guide , an interactive webmap, and an optional student worksheet . Pedagogically, GeoInquiries provide a multi-layered inquiry arc around the map and data within. These questions provide an instructional toolkit for interrogating the map spatially and conceptually.
At the most basic level of teaching with GeoInquiries, a teacher displays the map on a white board in front of the classroom and verbally delivers the activities from the teacher guide.
Ian teaches a history GeoInquiry.
As teachers get more comfortable, many will have students load the maps on their devices, Chromebooks, or even smart phones as the teacher verbally guides the students through the inquiry.
Some teachers will distribute the student worksheets and map URL, asking students to return their work at the end of the hour. Student worksheets are in a Google Doc format, allowing for easy changes and are fully accessible.
Other teachers will begin to add their own data to the GeoInquiry map (or remove data), customizing the map for the local area or a specific topic of study. With a free ArcGIS Online school bundle from Esri, teachers save and share their modified maps to students.
Finally, some teachers just create their own GeoInquiries and share with the world through ArcGIS Online.
Anatomy of a GeoInquiry
These are the key parts of a GeoInquiry teacher PDF, available in every Esri GeoInquiry.
- Standards alignment, relevant to the content area
- Active link to the web map
- Five-stage inquiry process (5E or geographic inquiry depending on collection)
- Two "tech tip" boxes
- Activity extensions
- Common textbook alignment
- Feedback URL (also note activity version to the left)
- Creative Commons identifier
Levels 1 & 2
Classic GeoInquiries (version 1) are available in two levels: 1 and 2.
Level 1 GeoInquiry maps require no login, no installation and will run on any computer or device. Level 1 activities are intended to help students see patterns and think spatially about the concepts in the maps. Level 1 GeoInquiries use visual analysis by the learner.
Look for the "Level 2" banner on activities.
Level 2 GeoInquiries use the analysis tools in ArcGIS Online and require learner visual interpretation of those analyses. Level 2 activities need an ArcGIS Online Organization for schools (free from Esri) . Using Level 2 activities and maps requires users to have at least "Publisher" permissions to use the analysis tools. Level 2 activities are only available for six of the ten GeoInquiry collections.
Level 2 GeoInquiries have a distinctive banner across the top of each activity (teacher PDF). Level 2 activities are listed below the Level 1 activities, if downloading from .
Map basics
The 6-minute YouTube video walks through the major features of the classic ArcGIS Online "map viewer" - used in GeoInquiries (version 1). It's appropriate for students or teachers.
2019 GeoInquiries Tutorial Video
Get started
- Download a GeoInquiry and review. Use the GeoInquiries Atlas to help chose.
- Practice the activity by yourself.
- Display the map on your white board.
- Use the GeoInquiry with one class.
- Consider if you prefer to use student worksheets.
- Self-reflect on what to change and what worked.
- Use the GeoInquiry with all classes.
- Download the next GeoInquiry in your curriculum sequence.
- Explore cross-cutting themes in GeoInquiries.
- Some states have produced "state geoinquiries". See: GA , MI , MN , TX , VA .
Need help?
If you have questions or are interested in speaking with someone about Esri GeoInquiries, email You may also want to visit Esri Schools website for more information about Esri's commitment to schools
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