Employment Land Investment Readiness
This resource provides employment land investment readiness for Whitby’s business park and industrial areas. Whitby offers a great location for your business expansion. Situated in proximity to Highways 401, 407 and 412, Whitby’s employment areas are designated to meet a variety of business needs.
Whitby has vacant employment areas situated along Highways 412 and 407. With an estimated 1,619 acres (655.1 ha) of vacant land, your business could be next and part of over 2,300 business and 43,300 people who call Whitby home as a place of business.
Contact our economic development team to discuss property specific information or connect directly with the property owner where provided.
Official Plan and Zoning Information
There are a variety of industrial and business park areas in Whitby. The Town’s Official Plan designates areas industrial to meet the employment and economic needs of the Town and Region with governing land use policies.
The Zoning By-law designates land uses within these industrial areas and makes provisions for industrial, commercial or other land uses to help implement these policies. There are two Zoning By-laws for the Town of Whitby that cover employment areas: Zoning By-law 2585 and Zoning By-law 1784. Vacant employment areas within the Zoning By-law 2585 area are typically Select Industrial or Preferred Industrial Zones and Zoning By-law 1784 are typically Restricted Industrial or Prestige Industrial Zones.
Note: The Town of Whitby assumes no responsibility for any errors, and is not liable for any damages of any kind resulting from the use of, or reliance on, the following information contained on this web app. The Town of Whitby does not make any representations or warranty, express or implied, concerning the accuracy, quality, likely results or reliability of the use of the information contained in web app.
This app contains information made available under Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority’s (CLOCA) Open Data Licence v1.0. Click here for additional information.
Building Permit Issued
These properties had a building permit issued by the Town for development. They are not for sale and will be removed from this investment readiness resource upon business occupancy.
Broccolini property
Broccolini property
Broccolini property
Oshawa Clinic Group
William Smith Drive building
Development Application Submitted
These property owners have submitted to the Town of Whitby a development application. This includes an Official Plan Amendment, Public Meeting, Zoning By-law Amendment or Site Plan Submission. These sites are not for sale, but they offer leasing opportunities for businesses.
4680 Garrard Road
5360 Thickson Road
Tricont Avenue
Investment Ready
These sites are serviced with water and sanitary services. The private land owner is a willing seller and can be contacted for further discussions. Zoning provisions are largely in place.
West Whitby lot severance
Developable in 2 years
Many of these sites are unserviced with water and sanitary sewer, but plans have started to make them developable. Some of these sites may also need to be pre-zoned or need a holding provision removed prior to developing for employment uses. These impediments can be resolved within the next two years.
860 Conlin Road
Developable in 3+ years
These sites are unserviced with water and sanitary sewer. The expansion of these services is three years or greater until they are at the lot line.
860 Conlin Road
Not for Sale – Developer
These sites are owned by developers and not for sale for companies to purchase and expand on. In many cases, these parcels will be developed in the coming years and offer possible leasing opportunities for companies.
Anatolia Capital property
Broccolini property at Lakeridge
Not for Sale - Business/Government Expansion Potential
These sites are owned by businesses or government organizations (i.e. Town of Whitby, Region of Durham, Durham College) that plan on keeping them and potentially expanding their facilities on them.
Des Newman Boulevard MTO property
Province Owned (Metrolinx)
These sites are owned by Metrolinx, a provincial government agency. These sites are held for transit network expansion and unavailable for private sector development.
Des Newman Boulevard MTO property
Province Owned (MTO)
These sites are owned by the Province of Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation. In order for them to be developed, they need to be declared surplus by the Province and disposed of in a public surplus properties process. They are unavailable for private sector development.
Des Newman Boulevard MTO property
Contact Whitby’s economic development team for further site specific information.
Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, ON L1N 2M8
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