City of Cleveland Property Inventory - 2023

The  City of Cleveland and Western Reserve Land Conservancy partnered once again to survey, assess, and analyze nearly 163,000 parcels.  From October 2022 to April 2023, city staff from the Department of Building and Housing, the Mayor’s Office of Capital Projects, the Department of Community Development, and Healthy Homes Inspectors from local community development corporations (CDCs) recorded the current conditions of every parcel in Cleveland.

This data will build off the 2015 city-wide property inventory  Cleveland Neighborhoods by the Numbers  and  Cleveland Neighborhoods by the Numbers: 2018 Update  completed by the Land Conservancy. With federal American Rescue Plan Act funds forthcoming, the city will use the data to enhance existing programs and create new programs centered around supporting homeowners, protecting renters, increasing ADA accessibility, targeting reforestation efforts, and improving lead awareness, abatement, and harm reduction. This StoryMap includes statistical analysis of property ratings and locations and identifies property information trends by ward and neighborhood.  

Thank You Funders

Case Western Reserve University’s  Neighborhood Stabilization Tool (NST)  provided additional data for this analysis. All data collected in the field used the  Regrid  application. The 2023 Cleveland Property Inventory is funded by the Rocket Community Fund, Local Initiatives Support Corporation, and the Cleveland Foundation. 

Cleveland Property Inventory Results

How to use the StoryMap: As you scroll use the “+” and “-” buttons in bottom right corner to zoom in and out of the map. Legends are in the bottom left corner of each map. This is a large volume of data, please be patient for maps to load.  

Methodology:  The inventory required surveyors  to walk every Cleveland street in teams of two to collect data with mobile tablet devices. Surveyors used baseline data and  visual inspections  to determine if a structure exists on the property, if a structure is occupied or vacant and/or abandoned, and to assess the condition of the property on an A to F scale. Photos were taken of each property. Based on the category of a property, additional questions were asked about illegal dumping, lead paint, street trees, and sidewalks. 

Cleveland Boundaries

Move the slider to the left to see ward boundaries

Move the slider to the right to see neighborhood boundaries

Parcel-level Survey Category Results

Most parcels in Cleveland are occupied structures. This includes single-family homes, apartment buildings, commercial buildings, industrial buildings, schools, and hospitals. As compared to 2015, the proportion of vacant structures fell from 8% to 5.7%. Much of this reduction in vacant, hazardous structures is attributed to ongoing demolition and neighborhood stabilization efforts.  

As a result of demolishing vacant structures, the proportion of vacant lots increased. More than 20% of Cleveland parcels are vacant lots. 

Condition of Occupied Structures

94% of occupied structures are in the “A - Excellent” to “C - Fair” condition. This is a decrease from 98% in 2015. As occupied structures continue to age, without significant amounts of reinvestment and reinvigorated code enforcement, this trend is likely to continue.

Condition of Vacant Structures

Note: “A” and “B” graded vacant structures are likely new homes that are not yet occupied (new construction).

52% of vacant structures are in “D - Deteriorated” to “F - Hazardous” condition. Less than 6% of occupied structures are “D - Deteriorated” or “F - Hazardous”. As Cleveland’s housing stock ages, actively supporting homeowners and renters to maintain their homes can prevent more homes from needing serious rehabilitation or demolition in the future.  

With this data, the city of Cleveland, Cleveland City Council, and neighborhood CDCs can target and tailor outreach to residents. “A - Excellent” and “B - Good” may receive outreach aimed at helping maintain their homes. Residents with “C - Fair” and “D - Deteriorated” may receive more significant outreach aimed at restoring or rebuilding their homes. Structures with “F - Hazardous” grades can be targeted and prioritized by the city for potential demolition.

“A - Excellent"

  • No visible signs of deterioration 
  • Well maintained and cared for 
  • New construction/renovation 
  • Historic detailing, unique 


“B - Good”

  • Needs basic improvements 
  • Minor painting required 
  • Removal of weeds 
  • Cleaning necessary 

Old Brooklyn

“C - Fair”

  • Some cracking of brick or wood 
  • Major painting required 
  • Deteriorated cornice 
  • Crumbling concrete 
  • Cracked windows or stairs 

Union Miles

“D - Deteriorated”  

  • Major cracking of brick, wood rotting 
  • Broken or missing windows 
  • Missing brick and siding 
  • Open holes 


“F - Hazardous”  

  • House is open and a shell 
  • Can see through completely 
  • House ransacked / filled with trash 
  • Immediate safety hazard 

Slavic Village

Out-of-State Ownership

As a result of the foreclosure crisis, predatory lending, and disinvestment in Cleveland neighborhoods,  out-of-state investors  continue to buy properties throughout the city, with a concentration on east side neighborhoods. Housing advocates observe that these out-of-state property owners purchase low-priced homes to convert them into rental properties and  raise rents, poorly maintain properties, and extract wealth  from the local economy.

Out-of-State Ownership

This map shows parcels with out-of-state tax mailing addresses.

Most structures owned locally are graded “A - Excellent” or “B - Good.” However the majority of out-of-state-owned structures are graded “F - Hazardous” to “C - Fair.”

Harmful investor activity can take many forms. For this analysis, “out-of-state ownership” means the property’s tax ID mailing address is outside of Ohio.  

While out-of-state owners only own 7.6% of parcels in Cleveland, they are not giving the same level of care to their properties as in-state owners. A mere 7.7% of their structures are graded “A - Excellent.” Out-of-state owners have proportionally fewer “A” and “B” properties, but proportionally more “C”, “D”, and “F”-graded properties than in-state owners.

 This observation is concerning  as out-of-state investors continue to purchase property in Cleveland with intent to raise rents and provide minimal upkeep and improvements.

Lead Hazards and Abatement

In 1978, United States banned consumer uses of lead-based paint. Now, almost 50 years later, lead-based paint is still present in millions of homes throughout the country. With 75% of its housing stock built before 1978, many homes in Cleveland remain potentially contaminated with lead, a dangerous neurotoxin that can cause  damage  to the brain, central nervous system, and internal organs. While lead exposure is harmful at any age, children under the age of six are at greatest risk, having underdeveloped systems that can be damaged by ingesting lead found in paint chips, soil, and water supplies. This damage is most likely permanent. Symptoms in children can include a decreased ability to pay attention, underperformance in school and work, lower IQ scores, and slow physical and cognitive development.  According to the Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition , it takes less than a teaspoon of lead dust—the size of a sugar packet—to cause serious, long-term harm.

Rates of lead poisoning in Cleveland are nearly  four times the national average . In 2019,  25% of Cleveland Metropolitan School District kindergarteners had elevated lead levels.  While lead is in older toys, jewelry, and ceramics, the most significant contributor to lead poisoning is lead paint. Chipping paint is especially hazardous when on surfaces that get worn out – doors, stairs, porches, banisters, windowsills, etc. The chipping paint and dust carries into the air, water, and soil.

In 2019, Cleveland City Council passed an ordinance requiring rental properties built before January 1, 1978, to prove that they are lead safe.  You can check properties for uncorrected lead hazard violations here:  If you have questions about lead safety, the Lead Safe Coalition has a  resource center. 

Lead Placards

Image of Lead Placard

Cleveland is mandated by the State of Ohio to place a placard declaring a home with lead contamination unsafe for human occupancy, especially children or those who are pregnant. Homes are placarded when owners have not made attempts to resolve lead hazards despite warning letters, repeated non-compliance notices, and repeated lead hazard control orders.

Surveyors observed 336 lead placards of 370 issued by the city. Placarded properties should not be occupied. Surveyors suspect that 75% of placarded properties are occupied.

Certify your rental as lead safe through Cleveland Department of Building and Housing  here .

Additional Lead Hazard Warning Sign

Peeling Paint

Lead-contaminated dust and paint chips from nearby structures can settle in nearby vacant lots. Environments with ample grass, trees, and shrubs can catch and filter lead particulates, keeping them from accumulating in bare soil or from continuing to blow around in the air.

Additional Lead Hazard Warning Sign

Bare Soil

When children go look for places to play with relatively clear sight lines and close to home, a neighborhood vacant lot can be an appealing spot. Lead-placarded properties and peeling paint close to vacant lots with bare soil can pose a danger to children playing in the dirt.

Children under six years old are especially vulnerable to lead risks. These two structures with lead placards are in lots adjacent to Madison Community Elementary School. In addition to having lead placards, both are graded “F - Hazardous,” have boarded windows, and surveyors recorded peeling paint and bare soil. One of the property owners has a mailing address in California, and the other is owned by an Ohio-based Limited Liability Company (LLC). Nearby properties have bare soil and peeling paint as well.

Vacant Lots

Between 2015 and 2023, the number of vacant lots rose from 18% to 20% (1/5th of parcels in the city). 

Condition of Vacant Lots

The management of vacant land is complex. With nearly 1/5th of the city being vacant land, the management of vacant land can determine the aesthetics of large areas of the city. While the majority of vacant lots are in a “typical” condition, 20% are in a “distressed” condition. “Distressed” vacant lots have overgrown vegetation, illegal dumping, car parking, or abandoned projects like urban farms or gardens.

Distressed Vacant Lots

Vacant lots can be community and public health hazards or  community assets . Vacant land in the City of Cleveland is disproportionately concentrated in communities where  racially discriminatory practices, including historical redlining and predatory lending , have led to a heightened concentration of foreclosures, abandonment, and blight. Those same neighborhoods experience significantly lower tree canopy coverage than wealthier communities, greater air pollution, and the urban heat-island effect that cause high chronic disease and other dangerous health impacts on residents. Poorly maintained vacant lots can attract illegal dumping that are public health hazards, reducing the perception of a safe and well-maintained neighborhood.

West Boulevard: Dense Vegetation

Fairfax: Dumping

Detroit Shoreway: Dumping

Union Miles: Car Parking

Improved Vacant Lots

Repurposing vacant land benefits entire neighborhoods. When vacant lots are made into clean, safe public spaces, neighbors enjoy improved landscaping, a greater sense of community pride, space for outdoor recreation, improved mental wellbeing and sense of dignity and safety, and more opportunities to build social connection.

Recent studies  (University of Pennsylvania ,  CWRU ) found that greening plays a supportive role in nourishing environments that narrow health disparities as well as reduce violent crime. 

Surveyors observed that 17% of vacant parcels were in an enhanced condition. Improvements can be urban agriculture, fencing, landscaping, a pocket park, public art spaces, tree plantings, side yard expansions or other creative ways to improve vacant spaces.  

Taking ownership of the vacant parcel adjacent to your home like  acquiring a side yard  restores life to formerly vacant parcels by giving the appearance of a cared-for and well-maintained lot. Side yards improve community cohesiveness and empower homeowners to care for their new lot and the greater neighborhood. Side yards can create an aesthetic upgrade in targeted dumping zones, create a physical barrier between the vacant lot and bad actors, take parcels out of the land bank inventory, and reduce the City and County’s maintenance burden. In the Land Conservancy’s dumping inventories, the study observed a reduction in the instances of dumping or excessive littering on vacant lots that received cleanups and greening interventions.

If you are interested in a side yard, see who owns the parcel  here . If it belongs to the Cuyahoga County land bank, follow the steps  here  (search for your own address, and then look on the map for the 8-digit ID# of the parcel next to your property). If it belongs to the Cleveland Land Bank, follow the steps  here . If you need  support completing your application , you can contact Khalid Ali .  

Ohio City: Fence

Kinsman: Agriculture

Kamm's: Landscaping

Hough: Landscaping

Vacant Lot Hot Spot Analysis

Move the slider to the left to see vacant lot hot spots.

Move the slider to the right to see vacant lot locations.

"Hot Spots" are shown in green. These represent high concentrations of vacant lots in close proximity to each other.

"Cold Spots" are shown in grey, and represent areas of sparse vacant lots.

Hot Spot Methodology:  Getis-Ord GI* 

"To be a statistically significant hot spot, a feature will have a high value and be surrounded by other features with high values as well." In other words, hot spots are created when vacant lots are closely surrounded by other vacant lots.

Vacant Lot Hot Spots - 2015 to 2023

Move slider to the right to see 2015 vacant lot hot spots

Move slider to the left to see 2023 vacant lot hot spots

The number of vacant land parcels in Cleveland increased  21.5% from 2015  to 2023. This suggests that demolition activity has removed a significant number of distressed structures.

Between 2006 and 2019, Cuyahoga County has secured a little over $224 million through the Neighborhood Initiative Program, Moving Ohio Forward, and the Cuyahoga County Demolition Bond (Frangos, G. and Rokakis J.,  The Land Bank Revolution , Appendix A).

Areas with clustered vacant lots create opportunities for creating more pedestrian connections between neighborhoods, park spaces, memorial spaces, public art spaces, and other community-centered land uses.  

Illegal Dumping

Five Wards with Largest Proportions of Observations of Illegal Dumping

Vacant land in the City of Cleveland is disproportionately concentrated in communities where racially discriminatory practices, including historical redlining and predatory lending, have led to a heightened concentration of foreclosures, abandonment, and blight. Vacant structures or buildings and vacant lots can attract illegal dumping.  

While the citywide percentage of parcels experiencing illegal dumping is 4%, some areas of the city experience more dumping than others. In Ward 4, nearly 10% of parcels experienced illegal dumping. Ward 1 and Ward 2 experienced the most dumping by total number of parcels. Dumping often occurs in vacant areas, and bad actors will bring their waste from other areas of the city or nearby suburbs into areas with high vacancy and poor sight lines.

Ward 4 Dumping

Ward 14 Dumping

Alignment with Existing City Initiatives

15-Minute City Initiative

Property Inventory data supports the city administration’s goal of  Cleveland becoming North America’s first 15-minute city . This planning framework is based on an ideal geography where "human needs and desires" are accessible in a 15-minute walk, bike ride, or transit trip. 

The inventory verified and identified areas within walksheds where resources are needed to achieve this goal. Identifying street conditions, sidewalks, ADA accessibility, and vegetative growth impeding sidewalks will support pedestrian movement and bicyclists on city streets.  

Vacant Lots

"High-Scoring" walksheds are classified as areas that score 30 or higher in the 15 Minute City Index.

16% of the city’s vacant lots fall in a high-scoring walkshed. This is an opportunity to create walksheds that have pillars of living, working, supplying, caring, learning and enjoying. With this data, city planners can better strategize about where to attract new housing developments, revitalize existing housing, restore park spaces, and create and enhance recreation spaces, grocery stores, and libraries.

Sidewalk Conditions

In addition to grading properties, assessing vacancies, and recording land use, the inventory recorded the condition of additional city assets. The inventory assessed the presence and conditions of sidewalks, tree lawn, and truncated domes (an Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA] textured sidewalk structure).  

Within high-scoring walksheds, 79% of sidewalks are in satisfactory condition. The city can use this data to target sidewalk improvements to support greater walkability and pedestrian infrastructure in 15-minute walksheds, allowing all residents regardless of age or ability to access amenities within their neighborhood without relying on an automobile.

Example of Poor Condition: Spalled Blocks

Example of Poor Condition: Heaved Blocks

Urban Forestry

In January 2023, the  Bibb administration  and  City Council  revived the Cleveland Tree Commission as the  Urban Forestry Commission .  Urban Forests  improve public health, provide environmental benefits, and add aesthetic value to urban areas. Establishing and preserving tree canopies is a key component of equity-centered climate resilience. The data collected from the inventory will enhance information available to the City administration, City Council, the Urban Forestry Commission, the Cleveland Tree Coalition, and other stakeholders to prioritize tree preservation, planting, and tree care activities in formerly redlined neighborhoods to address heath inequities exacerbated by climate change.

Vacant Lots and Street Trees

Planting trees on vacant lots on their own, or in combination with additional creative community uses of vacant lots (park spaces, memorial spaces, public art spaces, urban micro forests, etc.) are a nature-based climate change solution that provides additional value to Cleveland households by lowering utility bills, increasing home value, and absorbing storm water.

More than 80% of vacant lots in the city have no trees in the tree lawn. The volume of vacant land (1/5th of the city) presents an opportunity to plant trees to support reaching the Cleveland Tree Coalition's 30% tree canopy coverage goal by 2040.

A healthy tree canopy  provides shade, filters air, and sequesters carbon pollution , reducing the compounding impacts of climate change and air pollution on human health. The U.S. Forest Service estimates to advance tree equity and slow climate change, urban areas should have 43.3% tree coverage. Cleveland has an 18% tree canopy that continues to decline. The Cleveland Tree Plan’s goal to increase tree canopy to 30% by 2040 is ambitious and central to improving tree equity, reducing heath disparities, and combating climate change.

Looking Forward

Cleveland continues to grapple with the compounding impact of the foreclosure crisis and an aging housing stock. The results of this project provide important data to assist in identifying and prioritizing areas for rehabilitation, lead abatement, and other proactive code enforcement measures and planning efforts.

Thank You

The support of the Rocket Community Fund, the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, the Cleveland Foundation, the City of Cleveland, and Cleveland City Council was instrumental in starting, sustaining, and completing the survey.

This would not have been possible without city staff from the departments of Building and Housing, Community Development, the Mayor’s Office of Capital Projects, and the Healthy Homes Initiative Inspectors. Thank you Kim Lanum, Jason Cooper, Justin Corrao, Brenda McClure, Steven Lang, James Graham, Branko Medancic, Bobby Cuevas, Cheryl Gregg, Chris Kotabish, Janet McMichael, Fisnik Zekaj, John Mahoney, Robert Conte, Walter Wilson, Michael Smith, Charles Davis, Gregory Conwell, Jeff Barkas, Devine Anderson, John Robinson, Rhoda Cantrell, Bonnie Howard, Sharon Spruill, Anthony Peterson, Kena Chappell, CJ Demchak, Cynthia Gooden, Marty Brass, and project manager Adrian Marti. Thank you for your time, patience, and for battling the winter weather!

For questions about the Cleveland Property Inventory, other property inventories, or the StoryMap please contact

Note: “A” and “B” graded vacant structures are likely new homes that are not yet occupied (new construction).


Old Brooklyn

Union Miles


Slavic Village

Image of Lead Placard

Condition of Vacant Lots

West Boulevard: Dense Vegetation

Fairfax: Dumping

Detroit Shoreway: Dumping

Union Miles: Car Parking

Ohio City: Fence

Kinsman: Agriculture

Kamm's: Landscaping

Hough: Landscaping

Five Wards with Largest Proportions of Observations of Illegal Dumping