Coronado Hills/Creekside Neighborhood Shared Street


The City of Austin Shared Streets program is working to improve safety and mobility in the Coronado Hills/Creekside neighborhood. The project area includes Glenhill Road, Brookhollow Drive, Coronado Hills Drive, Shelbourne Drive, Raven Drive, Pebble Brook Drive, Pebble Brook Cove, Pebble Cove and Brookhollow Cove.

From May 22 to June 16, 2024, the project team launched a public process to inform of the expanded design proposal, which incorporated neighborhood feedback. Read the  feedback report  for a summary of public input received, as well as a  stakeholder email update  for anticipated next steps.


The  Shared Streets program  aims to make neighborhood streets without sidewalks safer and more comfortable for walking, bicycling, and rolling, accommodating all travel modes, ages, and abilities.

Shared Streets refer to an environment where people walking, bicycling, and driving share the same space in a way that prioritizes the safety and comfort of pedestrians while allowing for the movement of bicycles and motor vehicles.

Project Goal

The project intends to improve safety and mobility for people of all ages and abilities by encouraging slower speeds, slowing turning movements, reducing the crossing distance for people walking, incorporating green spaces, and creating opportunities for placemaking.

Scope Map

Project Background

The City identified Shelbourne Drive as a potential Shared Street location where walking activity is relatively high and vehicular traffic volume is low and received support from area residents. The design proposal expanded the project limits to incorporate feedback received from two pop-up events held in the neighborhood in March 2021 and November 2023. This included taking a holistic approach to neighborhood improvements, including slowing traffic on Coronado Hills Drive and Glenhill Drive and modifying the Coronado Hills Drive and Creekside Drive intersection. Based on this feedback, the design team has developed proposals for several streets within the Coronado Hills/Creekside neighborhood, as described below.

 Click here for the proposed map  and scroll down to review each component.


Proposed curb extensions looking north on Brookhollow Drive at Shelbourne Drive

  • A new sidewalk on the east side of Glenhill Road between Pebble Brook Drive and Coronado Hills Drive 
  • A new sidewalk on Brookhollow Drive between Coronado Hills Drive and Pebble Brook Drive 
  • Sidewalk and driveway repairs on Brookhollow Drive between Shelbourne Drive and Pebble Brook Drive 
  • New curb ramps at Pebble Cove, Pebble Brook Cove and Brookhollow Cove 
  • Sidewalk and driveway repairs on Pebble Brook Drive 
  • A new sidewalk on Coronado Hills Drive between Berkman Drive and Brookhollow Drive 

Shared Streets

Proposed traffic circle looking south on Glenhill Road at Shelbourne Drive

A City of Austin Shared Street sign.

By clearly marking the street entrance with street markings, extending sidewalk curbs and adding signage (as shown in the image to the right), it raises awareness to everyone that they will be sharing the street with people walking, biking, rolling and driving and that they should pay attention to their surroundings. 


  • Curbs on Coronado Hills Drive will be bulbed out with ramps to support safer, slower turning movements and to decrease crossing distance for people walking.  
  • Pedestrian island crossings and crosswalks will be installed on Coronado Hills Drive to encourage slower speeds and decrease the crossing distance for people walking.  
  • Traffic circles will be installed at Glenhill Drive's intersections with Shelbourne Drive and Raven Drive to create green space and support slower speeds and turning movements.  
  • Offset curb extensions will be installed at Brookhollow Drive's intersections with Shelbourne Drive and Raven Drive to create green space and encourage slower speeds and turning movements.  
  • The intersection of Coronado Hills Drive and Creekside Drive
    • Option A will be re-configured to create a clear path of travel and provide a safe, ADA-accessible route for pedestrians. It provides parking areas and space for ARR collection. Additionally, new green space will be created.
    • Option B will provide a clear, shorter crossing distance and a safe, ADA-accessible route for pedestrians. It will also create new green space. 

Option A (left) Option B (right) for the intersection of Coronado Hills Drive and Creekside Drive

Share Your Feedback

Feedback from people who use these streets is key to developing a project plan that best reflects the needs of the community. The comment period closed on June 16, 2024; results will be posted on this webpage. 

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Proposed curb extensions looking north on Brookhollow Drive at Shelbourne Drive

Proposed traffic circle looking south on Glenhill Road at Shelbourne Drive

A City of Austin Shared Street sign.