My Trip to Middleburg

with my Human Geography Class

My walk around Middleburg on Strava

Strava app on my phone(with a GPS chip) collecting data points my location through sattalites(GPS) constantly till I hit the stop button

Place- A place is a location with a distinctive characteristic making it unique.

The distinctive characteristic of this place being the giant sign with a cup on it, making it recognizable.

Absolute Location- The coordinates of a location, longitude and latitude.

This street sign includes it's longitude and latitude through what's written above the street name, T1203.

Toponyms- A name that is given to a place, name can come from people, religion, physical features, etc.

On the sign it gives physical features of what Reuther's lease, given the person a rough idea to how the area around it is.

Situation- The relativity to other places.

This map of Middleburg shows the relativity to other places with it's center(where the map) is and the radius(which is a 5min walk, 1/4 mile).

Site- A way to identify a place through physical characteristics.

This site was modified to have roadways to make transportation easier to people.

Spatial pattern: clustered- How close together things are.

The Coca-Cola in the image above is clustered together, so close that they are right next to each other without gaps.

Spatial pattern: dispersed- How far things are from one another

These different types of nuts are spread out more having huge gaps between them making it dispersed compared to Coca-Cola.

Scale: local-Something that's only found in a local area.

This is a place that can be only found in the local area, being Middleburg.

Scale: regional-Things that are only in a regional area.

Safeway can be found all across the US making it not be just one in one location but many in a regional area.

Scale: global- Things that can be found across the globe.

Stop Signs are used across the world, consisting of the same octogon shape and/or red color.

Formal Region- Area in which everyone shares characteristics.

The street names are all similar to each other, all using some name relating to plants/trees.

Functional Region- A defining characteristic that diminishes in importance the further away from the center it is.

The further away someone lives from this Safeway the less likely they are to shop here.

Vernacular region- Areas' that people believe to be a part of their culture.

Foxcroft School is a part of Middleburg despite it not being in the boundaries of Middleburg.


Palmer, David. AP Human Geography. 2nd ed. Perfection Learning, 2022.

Strava app on my phone(with a GPS chip) collecting data points my location through sattalites(GPS) constantly till I hit the stop button

The distinctive characteristic of this place being the giant sign with a cup on it, making it recognizable.

This street sign includes it's longitude and latitude through what's written above the street name, T1203.

On the sign it gives physical features of what Reuther's lease, given the person a rough idea to how the area around it is.

This map of Middleburg shows the relativity to other places with it's center(where the map) is and the radius(which is a 5min walk, 1/4 mile).

This site was modified to have roadways to make transportation easier to people.

The Coca-Cola in the image above is clustered together, so close that they are right next to each other without gaps.

These different types of nuts are spread out more having huge gaps between them making it dispersed compared to Coca-Cola.

This is a place that can be only found in the local area, being Middleburg.

Safeway can be found all across the US making it not be just one in one location but many in a regional area.

The street names are all similar to each other, all using some name relating to plants/trees.

The further away someone lives from this Safeway the less likely they are to shop here.

Foxcroft School is a part of Middleburg despite it not being in the boundaries of Middleburg.