Knowledge is Power!
Cervical Health Awareness
Did You Know?
Each year in the United States, about 11,500 women are diagnosed with and 4,000 women die from Cervical cancer. 1 Timely screenings and HPV vaccines are two ways we can address this important public health issue.
There are geographic and racial/ethnic disparities related to Cervical cancer, but health equity is still possible.
A teal and white colored ribbon is used to raise Cervical cancer awareness and support.
"The ultimate end to cancer is as much matter of public policy as it is a scientific and medical challenge. In California, ACS CAN advocates use their voices to demand elected officials make the prevention and treatment of cancer a top priority. Won't you join us?"
--American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network 2

The Cervix
What is it?
The lower, narrow end of the uterus (womb) that connects the uterus to the vagina (birth canal). 3
What roles does the Cervix play in the body?
- Protection of the Uterus: The cervix prevents objects inserted into the vagina (i.e., tampons or diaphragms), from slipping into the uterus.
- Fertility: Around ovulation, cervical mucus becomes thinner and less acidic so that sperm can to reach the egg more easily.
- Pregnancy: The cervix secretes a mucus plug that seals entry to the uterus.
- Delivery: In preparation for labor, the mucus plug dissolves, the cervix becomes softer and thinner. It also widens (dilates) so that the baby can exit through the birth canal. 4
Human Pappillomavirus (HPV)
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a very common sexually transmitted infection. It can cause genital warts as well as various types of cancers (including Cervical, vulval, vaginal, penile, anal, and oropharyngeal). 5
Cervical Cancer
This video provides an overview of Cervical cancer, including causes, risk factors, preventive measures, and global impacts. 6
Symptoms of early-stage cervical cancer include:
- Vaginal bleeding after menopause
- Vaginal bleeding between periods or periods that are heavier or longer than normal
- Vaginal discharge that is watery and has a strong odor or that contains blood.
- pelvic pain or pain during sex and vaginal bleeding after sex. 7
Advanced stage cervical cancer (when cancer has spread beyond the cervix to other parts of the body) may include the symptoms of early-stage cervical cancer and more.
If cervical cancer is suspected, testing typically begins with a detailed examination of the cervix. 8 A colposcope, a special magnifying instrument, is used to look for any signs of cancer. During the colposcopy, the doctor will collect a sample of cervical cells for laboratory testing. To obtain this sample, one of the following procedures may be used:
Punch biopsy is used to remove small samples of cervical tissue. Endocervical curettage, which involves using a surgical instrument called a curet or a thin brush to scrape tissue from the cervix.
If these test results are concerning, your healthcare provider may order more tests.
Cervical cancer treatment varies based on factors such as the cancer's stage, your overall health, and personal preferences. Treatment options may include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or a combination of these approaches. 9
Cervical Cancer Diagnosis Trends in the United States, 2017-2021
Data from the National Cancer Institute demonstrates how Cervical cancer diagnosis rates differ across the United States. 10
After Sangeeta was diagnosed with Cervical cancer, she became an advocate for vaccination against HPV. 11
There are several ways to reduce one's risk of Cervical cancer, including taking action to prevent HPV infection and transmission. 12
HPV Vaccine
The HPV vaccine contains an imitation of the HPV virus, which stimulates your immune system to produce antibodies to fight HPV. These antibodies prevent the virus from causing an infection in your body if you are ever exposed. 13
Cervical Cancer Screenings
- 78.0% of adults age 21 to 65 reported being up to date with cervical cancer screenings (Based on Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) 2020 data). 14
- Both the HPV and Pap tests are usually done during a speculum/pelvic exam. 15
- Another option for the HPV test is self-collection (while being supervised by a healthcare provider), which doesn’t require a pelvic exam. 16
Organizations Addressing Cervical Health
- The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) site can assist in finding a cervical cancer screening program in your area. 17
- The National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC) "is dedicated to serving women with, or at risk for, cervical cancer and HPV-related disease. NCCC has thousands of members around the world, and chapters across the U.S." 18
- TogetHER for Health is an organization that is mobilizing a global Cervical cancer prevention movement. 19
- Every Woman Counts (EWC) provides free breast and cervical cancer screenings and diagnostics services for the underserved in California .20
Jasmine had a family history of cancer mortality and was ready to take action after her Cervical screening results came back. 21
Health Disparities
- When Cervical cancer is diagnosed early, more than 90% of women live for 5 years or more.
- In contrast, only 20% of those diagnosed with late-stage Cervical cancer live 5 years or more post-diagnosis. 22
- For non-Hispanic White women the 5-year survival rate is around 67%. It is even lower for for non-Hispanic Black women: 58%. 22
Taking Action
1. Most Cervical cancer is found in people who never or rarely have been screened. 25
2. Routine Screening through a Pap Test, HPV Test, or both, can prevent Cervical cancer.
3. A Pap Test looks for precancerous cells in the Cervix.
4. An HPV Test looks for the virus that can cause Cervical cancer.
5. Most abnormal results, won't be cancer, but it is important to follow up with your Healthcare Provider about the next steps. 26
6. HPV Vaccines can prevent the virus that causes Cervical cancer. This vaccine is for children and adults. 27