Physical Geography of Africa
Example geographic questions in a Story Map walkthrough
Physical Geography
Use the map to the right to explore and describe the physical environment of the African continent. In this map you will investigate differences in elevation, major rivers and the direction in which they flow, the distribution of climates, and and the process of desertification. You will also learn the locations of key features identified in the Georgia Standards of Excellence.
Where are the areas of high elevation located within Africa?
Examine the map to the right. Remember in an elevation map green signifies a low elevation and mountains are drawn.
How would you describe the topography of Africa?
- Click the Layer List icon and turn on the "Countries Today" layer.
- If needed type in the name of the country in the search box to zoom to its location.
- Click the About icon in the upper right to learn how to use the Search Tool,
- Which country has a greater proportion of higher elevation -Kenya or Nigeria?
- Which country has a greater area of low elevation - Egypt or South Africa?
- Click the Bookmark icon and select the bookmark for the Atlas Mountains. [Click the About icon to learn how to use the bookmarks.]
- Close the bookmark pane.
Where in Africa are the Atlas Mountains located? [Use direction in your answer, e.g., southeast]
- Click the Bookmark icon and select the bookmark for the Great Rift Valley.
- Close the bookmark pane.
What do you observe?
- Use the Measure tool to estimate the length of the Great Rift Valley..
- Click the About icon for directions on how to use the tool if needed.
- Measure the length of the Great Rift Valley from the northernmost lake southward to the coast.
- When finished clear and close the measure tool.
- What is the approximate length of the Great Rift Valley?
- Width across lake Tanganyika? [Hint: click on the lakes on the map to learn their names.
- Click the Layer List icon and turn on the "Selected African Rivers" layer.
- Click each river to reveal its pop-up.
- Which of the major rivers is the longest?
- Describe the direction each of the major river flow. [Hint: Rivers flow downhill.]
What climates characterize Africa?
- Click the Layer List icon and turn off the "World Relief Map" and "Countries Today" layers.
- Turn on the Climates layer. Click the Legend icon and view the legend.
- Which climate zones border the Congo River? The Nile River?
- What surprises you about the Nile River?
- Turn on the "Congo Watershed" layer.
- Zoom in to examine the number of other rivers (tributaries) that flow into the Congo River.
- Why do you think the Congo River's drainage basin covers so much land area?
- Turn on the "World Deserts" layer.
- Describe the location of the desert areas within Africa.
- What surprises you about the location of these desert areas?
How has the Sahara changed over time?
- Click the House icon to return to the original view.
- Use the Measure tool to estimate the area of the Sahara.
- Click the About icon to learn how to measure area.
- How many square miles of land area does the Sahara cover?
In the past 100 years, the Sahara has expanded by 10%. ( Read more )
- Which countries would be affected by the expansion of the Sahara?
Conduct some research,
What do you think could be done to stop the spread of the Sahara?
Exploring Africa's Deserts
Use the app below to examine images and information about Africa's desert areas.
Click the symbols on the map and read the information in the pop-ups.
- How are the images of the images within the Sahara alike and different?
- Which two desert areas are located in Namibia? How do they differ?
The two images below illustrate the spread of the Sahara over time.
Which areas were the most affected?
Top image taken April 2, 2014; bottom image November 2, 2022. Images from Esri's World Imagery Wayback.:
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