Kentucky Water Heroes

Small Changes Add Up to Heroic Water Savings

When the weather gets dry, every drop counts! Water Conservation is key to preventing water shortages, and the decisions of individual citizens every day can make the difference between a community having enough and running out.

Water Heroes

A Water Hero is someone who commits to find ways to save water and help their community be resilient to water shortages. We are looking for leaders in the community to take charge of their water bill and improve water efficiency in their home.

Water Heroes in Your Community

Kentucky Water Heroes pledge to "conserve water every day, use it wisely, not waste it." They are making a plan and taking action to lower their water use.

Tour the map below to see what people across the state are doing to protect water for all people in the Commonwealth, then scroll on to the Pledge Campaign to become an official Kentucky Water Hero!

Signing up for the Water Hero Pledge automatically enters you in our prize drawing!  See here for rules .

Pledge Campaign

Will you take the pledge and commit to reduce water waste? Tell your community how you will save water in your daily life! Fill out the form below. (Name and Email will NOT be shared publicly)

"I pledge to conserve water every day, use it wisely, not waste it. I will save every drop I can, every day of the week, here is my plan!" The form below has a bunch of ways to save, but feel free to add your own, and check out the  KY Water Hero Conservation Checklist  for more ideas.

Fill in the survey below:

Click this link for contest rules and eligibility:  Kentucky Water Hero Prize Drawing 

Learn More

Visit the 5 Ways to Save website

5 Ways to Save

Check out  5 WAYS TO SAVE , to learn ways that you can become a Kentucky Water Hero through simple steps to improve your water efficiency and use less water.

For even more ideas about how to conserve water in and around the home, take a look at the  KY Water Hero Conservation Checklist. 

You can be a KY Water Hero!


Take steps each day to save water and protect the environment by choosing  WaterSense labeled products  in your home, yard, and business.  Learn more  about WaterSense and how we can all get more by using less.

Water Conservation Week

September 23-27. Join communities across the state in celebrating Water Conservation Week in Kentucky! Cities statewide will be encouraged to work together to help save water and ensure that everyone has access to clean drinking water.

UK Extension

Kids can conserve too!

The EPA WaterSense for Kids website has a variety of fun activities that teach kids about the importance of water, including the  Test Your WaterSense Game .

 ProjectWET (Water Education Today)  also has a variety of lesson plans and online resources about water conservation.

The,  Use Water Wisely  game is a great activity for students in grades 3-7.

Kentucky Division of Water

For questions or comments on this page please call 502-564-3410.


Kentucky Division of Water

Signing up for the Water Hero Pledge automatically enters you in our prize drawing!  See here for rules .

Visit the 5 Ways to Save website

You can be a KY Water Hero!