Communities of Interest Report

Examining Publicly-Submitted Data

The map below shows all the Communities of Interest that were submitted by the public. These range from very large in size (shapes covering the whole state) to very small (shapes that cover just one house). 

Due to the number of responses (910), this data on its own is busy. The following pages show how it was analyzed to create useful data for redistricting. 

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Communities of Interest Map

Grouping Communities on Overlap Count

To create Communities that can be used during redistricting, the shapes submitted by the public were sorted into 182 groups based on the area they covered. These groups were then used to create 'Overlap Counts' for each Community; if more people said one geographic area is Community A, then that area of overlap between their shapes received a higher Overlap score.

If less people said an area is part of Community A, then that area received a lower Overlap score.

All of the shapes created by the public were used in this analysis. The Overlap scores were placed into 5 groups: Highest, High, Medium, Low, and Lowest.

Explore the Data

Use the map below to select different Overlap Counts and see the community groups at those levels. 


Use the "Communities of Interest - Overlap Count Class" pop-up on the bottom left of the map to toggle on and off different classes of Overlap Count. If there is a blue highlight to the left of each class, it is turned on. Click it again to turn it off.

Use the '+' and '-' buttons in the top left of the map to zoom in and out. The button with a house will zoom back to the initial view. A mouse scroll button can also be used to zoom.

The next map allows you to query for specific Communities and view the results of the analysis in those locations. 


Step 1: Zoom into an area of the map that you are interested in. As you zoom in, labels will appear on the green circles. If there is not a label, zoom in more. Make note of the label(s) in the area you care about.

You may download a document showing the Community you are interested in by clicking the green point and then clicking the link in the pop-up.

Step 2: In the upper half of the panel on the right side, where it says "Layer List", click the check box to the left of the "Communities of Interest - Overlap Count".

Make the Layers panel looks like this.

Step 3: In the "Find Community Filter" panel on the bottom half of the panel, use the drop-down to select the name of the community that was found using the labels on the green points in Step 1.

Step 4: Toggle the button in the top-right so it turns green. The map will zoom to that community. You may select multiple.

Toggle the Filter on.

If you would like to download the PDF for all communities, use the button below. This is a large file, please be patient when it is loading.

Paper Forms

The IRC received 243 paper-based forms. Of those, 234 were legible and entered into the spreadsheet below.

3rd Party Data - Representable

During the Commission's initial listening tour some Arizona residents mentioned they used the "community of interest" tool instead of the Commission's tool to draw their communities of interest. To ensure the Commission and public have access to as much data as possible, the community maps submitted by residents to are presented below.


Step 1: Zoom into an area of the map that you are interested in. As you zoom in, labels will appear on the green circles. If there is not a label, zoom in more. Make note of the label(s) in the area you care about.

Step 2: In the upper half of the panel on the right side, where it says "Layer List", click the check box to the left of the "Communities of Interest - Overlap Count".

Make the Layers panel looks like this.

Step 3: In the "Find Community Filter" panel on the bottom half of the panel, use the drop-down to select the name of the community that was found using the labels on the green points in Step 1.

Step 4: Toggle the button in the top-right so it turns green. The map will zoom to that community. You may select multiple.

Toggle the Filter on.

If you would like to download the PDF for all communities, use the button below. This is a large file, please be patient when it is loading.

Make the Layers panel looks like this.

Toggle the Filter on.

Make the Layers panel looks like this.

Toggle the Filter on.