'OneMap' SDI Hub Template: How-To Guide

Your Guide to take action with this initiative

About this template

The 'OneMap' SDI Hub concept is multi-organizational. Use it to foster the sharing of data among partners, manage foundational data, and promote collaboration across borders, jurisdictions, and sectors to address today's challenges.

This OneMap SDI Hub template includes a Hub website that your organization can configure with your own branding and content to share and collaborate with partners, and helpful resources to support your jurisdiction.

Throughout these guides, we use the term "OneMap" as a placeholder for your community GIS branding.

This Guide

This How-to Guide includes the following sections to provide you with a clear scope of the elements recommended for establishing your OneMap website in a timely and manageable way.

  1. Deploy the template
  2. Customize your site pages

Before you begin

Your OneMap Hub has complementary Settings that must be set by an Administrator. For detailed configuration recommendations, see:

1. Deploy the template

We've created a OneMap SDI template to help you get started creating your own site.

Navigate to ArcGIS Hub in your ArcGIS Online Organization, then follow the steps below to set it up:

Begin by adding a new initiative.

Before giving your initiative a name, click Browse Templates to find the OneMap SDI template.

Find the OneMap SDI template published by Esri by searching the terms “OneMap” “SDI” or “Collaboration.”

Click Activate Initiative.

Next, give your initiative a name, and Go!

This initiative is your site! Give it a distinct name that reflects your jurisdiction and brand so everyone can easily find it.

GOOD PRACTICE: Your site Name (Item title) should be succinct yet descriptive, including your jurisdiction placename, community GIS branding, or full organization name.

After naming your initiative site, you will be given several options. Choose ‘Initiative Site’ and proceed with these instructions to customize your OneMap.

Deploy the OneMap SDI Hub template and follow these steps:

2. Customize your OneMap Hub pages

The following pages are included in the template. Build out the pages that best reflect the mission of your organization. Explore each of them, along with tips and best practices below.

  • Home   
  • Featured Topics 
  • Contributors  
  • Open Data 
  • Learn More
  • Foundational Data Initiatives
  • About

GOOD PRACTICE: Deploy what works best for your community. Update text, images, and content cards; add or remove rows and pages as appropriate.

Home Page

The OneMap home page has been preconfigured to link to other areas of your site. It includes the following sections:

Add apps to the Making an Impact area that you would like to highlight.

Fill in statistics relevant to your audience under Our Jurisdiction at a Glance. Statistics cards update dynamically from your data.

Browse by Category takes users to the Open Data page.

As appropriate, highlight important jurisdiction-wide initiatives under Foundational Data Initiatives, which link to Foundation Data Theme pages.

Promote your partners in the Our Partners section. This section also links to the Contributors page, where you can feature the content provided by your partners.

Featured Topics Page

Every organization has featured topics or thematic initiatives that are unique to your jurisdiction. They are often the “why” behind your community GIS.

Use this page to communicate the value of your work to stakeholders, policymakers, and funders.

Include use cases, important topics, and shared challenges. Organize the page sections thematically by adding rows and section headers, then add maps, apps, and related Hub initiatives.

For example, share more information on your OneMap initiative under Good Government.

Contributors Page

This page highlights the contributions of your partners, sister organizations, and other contributors to your community GIS.

GOOD PRACTICE: Reciprocate the benefits of participation by promoting your partners.

We’ve set up some Category Cards whereby visitors can browse by the contributor. Configure the cards to point to your Partner Shared Content groups.

Invite others to contribute data using the embedded survey.

Open Data Page

On this page, visitors can search for or browse data by category.

When you deploy the OneMap Hub template, a 'OneMap' Content Group is created for you. This Group is automatically indexed by Hub. Content added to this Group will automatically appear in your Hub catalog. Index additional groups using the Hub Groups Manager.

We've set up several Category Cards using well-known ISO categories. To use the cards, enable categories in your ArcGIS Online organization and make sure to add categories to your data.

Read more about categories here:

Learn More Page

We've set up this page for you in advance. You can use it as-is or customize it to reflect your organization.

Here you will find Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), links to Learn ArcGIS, and the ArcGIS Platform developer’s corner.

Foundation Data Theme pages

If your organization is responsible for framework data management, Foundation Data Theme pages can provide a focal point for community collaboration. Duplicate the page template as needed for multiple themes.

Publicize your organization's core themes here by adding Summary Statistics regarding progress.

Provide a Theme Overview and highlight topics that depend upon the data. Embed a Map Viewer app to exhibit datasets in the theme. Provide a Gallery of data layers. Finally, include any necessary Documentation and link to workgroups as appropriate.

Ready to go further?

We observe two main patterns for supporting foundational data themes:

  1. Foundation Data Theme pages, as presented in this template, and
  2. Foundation Data Theme initiatives using Hub Premium. In this pattern, each theme can be set up as a separate initiative and community members can join in, utilizing additional functionality enabled by Hub Premium.

Foundational Data Theme pages are linked to from the corresponding section in the Home Page.

About Page

Complete the About page to explain your Vision, Goals & Objectives, organizational structure, and relevant authorization that makes collaboration among multiple organizations possible.

The About Page is linked to from the website footer.

3. Next steps

Engage Stakeholders

Implementation of your integrated geospatial infrastructure starts with a strategy, followed by the pillars of collaborative governance, data and technology, capacity building, and engagement.

Throughout the process of building your collaborative Hub, you will engage with various members of your community of practice. Engage with stakeholders and contributing partners to better understand their priorities and build buy-in along the way. Keep your champions informed of your progress early and often.

Unveil, promote...!

Ready to unveil your Hub and welcome people inside? Establish a communication and outreach plan to share your good work with data consumers and partners.

Get creative about outlets to help spread the word. For example, social media, libraries, universities, and public television can be great channels to help promote your initiative. Remember to lead with "Why."

Consider ArcGIS Hub for your GIS Council website

If you are creating a new or updated website for your GIS Council, consider using Hub.

GIS Councils make good hosts for committees, working groups, and foundational data initiatives.


We all, geospatial collaboratives worldwide, are ourselves a geospatial community of interest. Join the Esri Community to learn from each other, ask questions, share experiences, and share your site, tips, tricks, and good practices!

Throughout these guides, we use the term "OneMap" as a placeholder for your community GIS branding.