Community Co-Benefits of Water Utility Resilience Planning

Why consider community co-benefits in resilience planning?

The benefits and potential impacts of water utility projects are key considerations for assessments and planning of these projects in small, rural, and disadvantaged communities. These communities have higher exposure to impacts from flooding and heat, fewer resources to cope with these threats, and sometimes have less involvement in planning.

To address these issues, water utilities can consider projects using a community co-benefits lens. Utilities play an important role as service providers, public health protectors, and  anchor institutions , uniquely situating them to provide benefits to their communities.

Water Systems play a pivotal role in community wellbeing. A blue line labeled “Water System Adaptations” passes through the water drop labeled “Co-Benefits” and comes out the other side of the water drop labeled with Community Engagement, Accessible Water, Healthy Communities, Equitable Adaptations, and Economic Well Being.
Water Systems play a pivotal role in community wellbeing. A blue line labeled “Water System Adaptations” passes through the water drop labeled “Co-Benefits” and comes out the other side of the water drop labeled with Community Engagement, Accessible Water, Healthy Communities, Equitable Adaptations, and Economic Well Being.

Which strategies are other utilities implementing to realize community co-benefits?

Where to learn more about current practices in these communities?