Rev. Alexander Heritage Newton
c. November 5, 1837- April 29, 1921 Explore Alexander Heritage Newton's life as an Abolitionist, Civil War veteran, Minister, and Author

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c. 1837-1852
Alexander Heritage Newton was born in New Bern, NC. on November 5, 1837. His father, Thaddeus Newton is enslaved while his mother Mary is a free woman of color, therefore Alexander and his siblings are also freeborn.
1852 Tools of the Trade
Alexander Heritage Newton is the only Black youth bound out by the court to be an apprentice to an artisan trade. He was bound out to Jacob G. Gooding, a white man who is also an enslaver, to learn the bricklayer's and plasterer's trade. Newton is painfully aware of the regime of slavery and his status as a second-class citizen.
1854 Acts of Resistance
Newton was placed under Henry E. Bryan, an enslaved artisan hired from another owner. Rather headstrong as a typical adolescent, Alexander Newton defied an order from Bryan and got into a scuffle with him. For that, he was punished severely with 39 lashes by his employer Jacob Gooding. Thirty-nine lashes was the maximum allowed under the apprenticeship code. This whipping put him out of work for three weeks. Newton further resisted and said, "I suppose I could have gone to work sooner, but I was determined that my punishment cost my employer something as well as myself." Newton's experiences sparked his innate desire for liberation and to lift his people from oppression.
1854 A Daring Escape on that Mystic Train "I Was Deeply Interested in this Means of Travel"
Alexander H. Newton, "I tried to get all the passengers for this railroad that I could find." After Newton's foreman Henry E. Bryan disobeyed his master and was threatened with whipping, Newton helps Bryan escape to freedom by dressing him in women’s clothing to get him through town and hid him in a safe house for a week before sending him to the North. “There was a most diligent search made for the slave in the country. A reward was offered, and he was advertised, but all to no avail. He could not be found high or low. At last things quieted down and we found opportunity to get him on the “mystic train” and send him to a chime where he enjoyed his freedom. He wrote, “This was indeed a daring attempt of mine, but it was in me to do it with a great deal of delight. And from that day to this, I have been proud of this one feat of my boyhood life which was on the side of right and humanity."
July 4, 1857 Newton Leaves the South
Alexander H. Newton leaves New Bern for Beaufort, NC and found a job as a cook on a ship heading to New York. In NYC he reunites with his mother who was already there raising money to buy her husband's freedom with the leading abolitionists of the era. He met Robert Hamilton, Black newspaper publisher of The Anglo African and his future father in-law, who found him a job in his trade. In New York, Newton also went to school and attended A.M.E. Churches lead by pioneer Black preachers who made a significant impression on him.
June 28, 1860 Alexander H. Newton Marries Olivia Hamilton
Marriage announcement in the Black owned newspaper The Anglo African of Alexander Newton and his first wife Olivia Hamilton (1839-1868). Olivia and Alexander had two children a daughter named Ada Augusta and a son named William Alexander Newton. They lived in New York and later Connecticut while Rev. Newton traveled the country on ministerial duties, his daughter Ada often accompanied him. Olivia passed away in 1868.
July 1863 Alexander H. Newton is an Eyewitness to the New York Draft Massacre
In his own words he said, "There was a riot in New York City. The Colored people were being dreadfully treated, being stoned, killed, and shown how despised they were even in the North. An orphan asylum (Colored) was burned, having at that time three hundred children in it. I returned to Brooklyn under the command of General B. F. Butler, who had been ordered to put down the riot. While engaged in this mission I got into the very midst of the rioters. Soon they were after me. I ran through the streets of New York like a wild steer, while the rioters cried out, "Head the Nigger Off!" At length, I reached the New Haven boat which brought us safely to New Haven, Conn."
Enlistment in the 29th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers December 18, 1863
It was after two years into the war and after suffering heavy Union loss of life and needing manpower that African American men were officially allowed to enlist in the U.S. army. By late 1862 Congress did permit African Americans to enlist, but only in separate all-Black regiments .
January 29, 1864 "If you rise and flourish, we shall rise and flourish.” Frederick Douglass' Speech to the 29th & 30th Connecticut Volunteers
The regiment formed and trained at a camp in the Fair Haven section of New Haven and was the state's first all-African American regiment . Along with 54th and 55th Massachusetts Regiments, they were among the first all-Black Regiments in the country. These units were allowed to keep their state designation following the issue of General Order 143 by Congress that created the United States Colored Troops. Frederick Douglass delivered a speech to the 29th and 30th C.V. soldiers at their training camp in Fair Haven. Douglass said, "You are pioneers of the liberty of your race."
1863-1865 The 29th Connecticut Volunteers Head Into Battle
A.H. Newton served as Sergeant then Commissary Sergeant of the 29th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry . Pictured is unidentified 29th soldier and Daniel S. Lathrop (1846-1924) who served at the same rank., he was an 18 year old machinist native to New Haven when he enlisted.
July 30, 1864 Alexander H. Newton Courage Under Fire
He served throughout the rebellion between the states with distinction and survived many dangerous engagements including being wounded at the Battle of the Crater in Petersburg, Virginia in 1864. Recalling one of those battles Newton said, "a twenty-pound cannon ball coming towards me…through the smoke. It looked like it had been sent especially for me.”
June 1870 Rev Newton is Transferred to the Birthplace of the Klu Klux Klan
Newton said, "In June 1870 I was transferred to the South under the care of Bishop John M. Brown. I was sent to Pulaski, Tenn. This was about the time that the Klu Klux Klan was having its way in the South. These men were engaged in every kind of intimidation and cruelty in order to keep the Negroes from voting the Republican ticket. They would kill, torture, or do anything that came into mind in order that their purpose might be realized. At this time there were many Colored people holding office in the South. The unrest and the mental suffering of these times were as severe a strain almost as the period of the war itself. When I arrived at Pulaski, Tenn, I was introduced to what I might expect in the South. I presented my check to the baggage master for my trunk. He refused to take my trunk off the car, but threw it upon the platform in the roughest manner. A white man standing near, saw that I was very much surprised at such treatment and approaching me, asked if I did not like that kind of treatment and that if I did not he would proceed to give me some more of it. I told him that I had made no complaints at all. He asked me where I was going and what I was doing, and I was glad to slip away and find the Steward of the church. I related these things to him and he told me that I had acted wisely in being calm and making no fuss over the matter. He told me that the White folks were Klu Kluxing the Colored people without mercy and going-out of their way to find provocations for such devilish work. The Steward told me that I would have to be very careful as a minister in and out of the pulpit, that the Klu Klux Klan was especially after the preachers to force them to use their influence to make the Negroes vote the Democratic ticket in elections." The group was first formed in Tennessee in December 1865 by six soldiers who had fought with the Confederate States Army in the American Civil War.
June 1, 1876 Rev Alexander H. Newton Marries Again
Newton met Miss Lulu Campbell, secretary of the Sunday School of the Bethel A.M.E. Church in Little Rock, Arkansas when he was transferred there in 1875 by the A.M.E. Conference. Lulu and Alexander had two children together, son Garfield Newton, a scholar and minister and daughter Ella Newton, a Camden, NJ public schoolteacher and accomplished musician.
1871-1921 Rev. Newton was the Leading Minister of the A.M.E. Conference for 50 Years.
Reverend Alexander H. Newton pastored churches in the following states: New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Always striving towards improvement and continuing education, he enrolled in Theology School at the age 72 and studied Hebrew, New Testament Greek and Psychology. He graduated with a Doctorate of Theology degree from Bible College in Philadelphia, PA.
1901 A New Burial Ground
Mount Peace Cemetery and Funeral Directing Company Incorporation Papers Filed. Alexander Heritage Newton was one of the original signatories for the establishment of this African American Cemetery located in Lawnside, New Jersey.
1910 "Out of the Briars of Slavery"
"I was born under the curse of slavery, surrounded by the thorns and briars of prejudice, hatred, persecution and the suffering incident to this fearful regime. I, indeed, came out of the briars torn and bleeding. I came out of poverty and ignorance." Rev. Dr. Alexander H. Newtown writes his autobiography titled, " Out of the Briars " which is published in 1910 by the African American publishing house the A.M.E Book Concern in Philadelphia, PA. In it he describes how his unwavering faith got him through some of the hardest times in his life; the Civil War and the untimely losses of many loved ones, including his first wife, his parents, his brother and three children who all predeceased him. His motives for writing it were to inform and inspire, especially the African American youth that anything was possible.
May 3, 1921 Viewing held for Rev. Alexander Heritage Newton
Rev Alexander Heritage Newton passed away on April 29, 1921 at 84 years old. Delegations representing fraternal, patriotic and religious societies attended the viewing of Rev. A.H. Newton at his home at 332 Washington Street in Camden, NJ on the evening of May 3, 1921. His funeral was the following day and interment was in Mount Peace Cemetery in Lawnside, NJ.
2008 Dedication 29th Colored Regiment Monument
Criscuolo Park in 1863 was a very different place than it is today. In the fall of that year, in the midst of the Civil War, more than 900 Black recruits for the 29th Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers mustered and trained to fight for their country on those grounds. One year earlier, the governor opposed enlisting Black troops, but as the war wore on, it became difficult to meet enlistment demands. As the first all-Black regiment in Connecticut, the troops of the 29th endured racism and discrimination. They received lower pay than white troops and were often ordered to the back of the corps. Still, the Regiment fought valiantly in several engagements in Virginia and the men of the 29th were the first infantry units to enter Richmond after it was abandoned by the Confederate Army. A few days later, they witnessed history when President Lincoln visited the city and the bloody war was over. Dedicated in 2008, the monument at Criscuolo Park commemorates the soldiers of the Connecticut 29th Colored Regiment C.V. Infantry. The memorial was designed by sculptor Ed Hamilton, who also created the Amistad Memorial in downtown New Haven.
September 30, 2022
The National Park Service National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program accepted the Alexander Heritage Newton Burial Site at Mount Peace Cemetery, owned and managed by Mount Peace Cemetery Association, as one of 17 new listings from the 44th round of applications, representing sites and programs in 13 states across the U.S. These new listings, alongside more than 700 sites, facilities, and programs already in the Network, provide insight into the diverse experiences of freedom seekers who bravely escaped slavery and allies who assisted them. This listing is only the sixth for the state of New Jersey. The submission for Rev. Alexander Heritage Newton Burial Site at Mount Peace Cemetery was researched and written by Preservationist and Historian Dolly L. Marshall.
332 Washington Street, former home of Rev. Alexander Heritage Newton
332 Washington Street named one of New Jersey's first Black Heritage Sites
In 2024, the site of the former home of Rev. Alexander Heritage Newton is a NJ Black Heritage site restoring African American contributions to the landscape.
Reverend Alexander Heritage Newton was an abolitionist, activist, pastor, Freemason, Civil War Veteran and author. As a teenager, Newton actively participated in and aided freedom seekers in their journey along the network of the Underground Railroad. In, his autobiography, “Out of the Briars”, A.H. Newton describes in detail, his experiences as a conductor for many enslaved persons and runaways who became freedom seekers that escaped to the North.
In 1854, Alexander Heritage Newton described in his own words his boyhood experiences. Although free born, Newton was punished with thirty-nine lashes for disobeying orders at work. “There is another incident in my life at this time which may be interesting and also illustrate something of the workings of that noted system of bringing slaves to the North. That system of exporting slaves is known in history as “The Underground Railroad.” I was of course, deeply interested in this means of travel,” he wrote, in those days and tried to get all the passengers for this railroad that I could find. He wrote, “My boss-foreman H. E. Bryan, (a well-known local enslaved man), had disobeyed his master and was threatened to be whipped. I assisted him to a place of safety. In all the slaveholders’ dwellings, slaves were employed in the house. They practically had full charge of affairs, practically had full charge in the dining room, kitchen, etc. This part of the house was very seldom inspected, excepting to see that things were kept clean and orderly,” described. “Well, I dressed this slave up in a woman's garb and conducted him through the streets to the house of one, Mr. Primrose who stood high in the community, and held the confidence of all slaveholders as one of them and one of their defenders and supporters, a matter of course.” He wrote, I was successful in getting my charge safely into the kitchen. Then with the assistance of the slaves in charge of the kitchen, we placed him in the attic at above the kitchen. Here we safely secreted him and here he was fed on the best the land for a long while.” Newton said, “There was a most diligent search made for the slave in the country. A reward was offered, and he was advertised, but all to no avail. He could not be found high or low. At last things quieted down and we found opportunity to get him on the “mystic train” and send him to a chime where he enjoyed his freedom. He wrote, “This was indeed a daring attempt of mine, but it was in me to do it with a great deal of delight. And from that day to this, I have been proud of this one feat of my boyhood life which was on the side of right and humanity.
1860, Alexander Heritage Newton married Olivia A. Hamilton, the daughter of the editor of the Anglo-African newspaper and abolitionist, Robert Hamilton of Brooklyn, NY, and he joined the Brooklyn 13th New York National Guard. The couple, along with Mary Newton, moved to New Haven, Connecticut where Alexander got work as a plasterer.13 He enlisted in 1863 and served as commissary sergeant with the 29th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers. After the war he and Olivia returned to Brooklyn where Alexander joined the Fleet Street AME Church as a minister on probation. Olivia died in 1868 so he began his tenure as a minister alone. His first assignment was to pastor a circuit of small churches in Pennington, NJ where he also attended seminary. In 1870 he was sent from his post in New Jersey to Pulaski, Tennessee to minister there at Campbell Chapel. From there he moved to assignments in Chattanooga, Tennessee and Little Rock, Arkansas, where he met his second wife, Lulu L. Campbell and they married in 1876. Their marriage produced two more children Garfield and Ella Newton. He was transferred to Algiers, LA and then to Raleigh, and then New Bern, NC. He requested a transfer to the Northern Conference and was given a church in Morristown, NJ in 1881. He stayed in New Jersey for the rest of his life, pastoring two churches in the Camden area, Macedonia A.M.E. Church and Hosanna A.M.E. Church at the end of his career.
Rev Newton said this about his life, "I have done what I could and the best I could. On the battlefield, as chaplain in the NJ State Legislature, as pastor, a presiding elder, as a high official in Fraternal Orders, as an officer in the Civil War, as son, husband, father and friend. I have tried to be faithful, and I can truly repeat the words of dying King Edward, "I tried to do my duty."