Schools Atlas of UK Rivers

An all purpose atlas for class, home and virtual use

A Digital Atlas for Schools showing the locations and drainage basins of UK rivers

Investigate UK Rivers. Compare the drainage basins of the UK's major rivers. Explore catchment characteristics.

Perfect for front of class teaching, use in a computer room or home learning

An atlas your learners can access anytime, anywhere

Using the atlas

The atlas contains the location of UK rivers at two scales, a course scale, suitable for viewing at national and regional scales.

As you zoom in to a local scale the river lines will change to show a more accurate representation of watercourses.

For all drainage basins the pop-up will show

Clicking on a river will highlight the drainage basin and show more information about the river and it's catchment.

  • Catchment area
  • Total length of all channels in the catchment (calculated from the higher resolution river data)
  • Drainage Density
  • Catchment Land Cover

For the 101 named, major drainage basins the pop up also includes

  • Main Channel Length
  • Average Discharge

The filter in the top-right allows you to select one of the named rivers.

Selecting a river filters the map to show only your chosen river(s)

You can select as many rivers as you want - great for comparing characteristics such as drainage pattern.

Try filtering for the Yorkshire Ouse for a brilliant example of a dentritic drainage pattern!

Want more detail in the map than the default, minimalist, dark basemap?

You can choose an alternative from the basemap gallery.

How about switching to Imagery to discuss the impacts of vegetation and land cover on the drainage basin and the river.

Use the atlas within this Storymap

Click on the map below to start exploring. Click on a river to see more information. Or filter to show a single river catchment.

UK Rivers

Open the atlas in a new tab

Share this link if you want students to open the app directly on their device.

Rivers (course resolution) and Catchment Outlines

European catchments and Rivers network system (Ecrins.  Copyright holder: European Environment Agency (EEA). 

Rivers (fine resolution)

GB Rivers with Major basins named. (OS Open Rivers enriched with basin information from Ecrins). Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2018

Northern Ireland Rivers with major basins named (Open Street Map enriched with basin information from Ecrins). Map data copyrighted OpenStreetMap contributors and available from 

Land Cover

Data from the  CORINE Land Cover (CLC) inventory (2018) . For school use the data has been reclassified into 7 broad classes appropriate to the UK landscape.