Carolina Bison Mitigation Project

Site Overview

The Carolina Bison Mitigation Site (“the Project”), a project within the RES French Broad 05 Umbrella Mitigation Bank, is located in Buncombe County, North Carolina approximately two miles northeast of Leicester. The Project is in the French Broad River Basin within Cataloging Unit 06010105, targeted local watershed (TLW) Newfound Creek Watershed (14-digit HUC 06010105090020). Livestock production and lack of riparian buffer were the major impacts to the project streams prior to stream restoration. 

The Project’s total easement area is 10.92 acres within the overall drainage area of 457 acres. Outside the Project area is an active bison farm, where American Bison are raised for meat production alongside watusi, camels, elk and white-tailed deer. Prior to stream restoration, grazing livestock had access to all stream reaches within the Project.

Left Bank along Parker Branch Prior to Restoration

Bison Roaming the Land

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Stream Mitigation Components

Use the slider in the middle to view the Pre-construction Top of Bank (left) and compare it to the Post-construction Top of Bank (right).

Reach PB1-A/B/C

PB1 Overview

These three reaches begin on the north end of the project, flowing south to join UT1 and create PB2, downstream of their confluence.

PB1-A was incised and had no connectivity to the floodplain. Restoration along PB1-A consisted of constructing 1%-1.3% slopes with offline restoration tied back into the bedrock outcroppings within the pre-existing channel.

Looking Upstream at a Log Drop on PB1-A

Looking Upstream at a Rock Drop on PB1-A

PB1-B was also incised and over widened pre-construction. Design and construction constraints within this reach included the large livestock pen on the left bank and a path that was to be retained on the right. Within reach PB1-B, design and construction included adding appropriate meander, raising the bed, and cutting in a floodplain bench while maintaining the 1% grade.

Looking Upstream at a Riffle on PB1-B

Looking Upstream at a Riffle on PB1-B

PB1-C, like PB1-A, had less constraints for design and similar restoration activities were performed. PB1-C ultimately joins UT1, and flows east as PB2. 

Reach PB2

PB2 Overview

This reach begins downstream of the confluence of UT1, flowing east, eventually off the project site. PB2 had very low bed and bank stability due to direct livestock access and lack of riparian understory. The larger drainage area of Reach PB2 had resulted in a wider channel. There is a path on both sides of Parker Branch, both are just outside the project easement.

Looking Upstream at a Log Drop on PB2

Looking Upstream at a Log Drop on PB2

Reach UT1

UT1 Overview

This tributary begins just west of the project limits from a groundwater seep. Reach UT1 flows east to Parker Branch. Sparse woodland and actively managed pastures were located adjacent to the reach, and livestock had access to this reach. The restoration approach for this reach included constructing the channel at a 2.25% grade. Additionally, there is a steep slope to the south of the reach.

Looking Upstream at a Riffle on UT1

Looking Upstream at a Riffle on UT1; Note the Riprap off the left bank.

Reach UT2

UT2 Overview

This reach begins in the middle of the project, flowing northeast into UT1. Prior to Project construction, UT2 had little to no livestock access but was still oversized and incised. Actively managed pasture was located adjacent to the reach. Enhancement activities included stable reconnection to UT1 and buffer re-establishment, and a rock sill grade control structure was installed at the tie-in with UT1.

Looking Upstream at the Confluence of UT1 & UT2

Looking Upstream at the Confluence of UT1 & UT2

Vegetation Conditions

Monitoring of the six permanent vegetation plots and three random plots was completed during April 2020. Initial monitoring data indicates that all plots are exceeding the interim success criteria of 320 planted stems per acre. Planted stem densities ranged from 972 to 1,902 planted stems per acre with a mean of 1,214 across the six permanent plots, while planted stem densities ranged from 728 to 1,497 planted stems per acre with a mean of 1,079 across the three random plots. A total of 14 species were documented within the plots.  

Vegetation Plot 1

Vegetation Plot 2

Vegetation Plot 2 Photo

Vegetation Plot 3

Vegetation Plot 3 Photo

Vegetation Plot 4

Vegetation Plot 5

Vegetation Plot 6

Random Vegetation Plot 1

Random Vegetation Plot 2

Random Vegetation Plot 3

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Left Bank along Parker Branch Prior to Restoration

Bison Roaming the Land

Looking Upstream at a Rock Drop on PB1-A

Looking Upstream at a Riffle on PB1-B

Looking Upstream at a Log Drop on PB2

Looking Upstream at a Riffle on UT1; Note the Riprap off the left bank.

Looking Upstream at the Confluence of UT1 & UT2