Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme: Ocean Use Survey

Passive Recreation & Conservation Heatmaps

Passive Recreation & Conservation

  • This page summarizes the demographic data collected for those representing the passive recreation and conservation sectors, and presents the heatmaps that were created using the survey responses.
  • Note that demographic data do not reflect group responses, as those details were not collected for each person represented in a group response, just the individual interacting with the survey.


Of the individual respondents that drew shapes values for passive recreation and conservation, 47 indicated their age, with a mean of 42 and a range from 14 to 79, where 14 was the minimum age and 79 was the maximum age. 50% of passive recreation and conservation respondents that indicated their gender were male, and 50% were female.  

The geographic spread of respondents for passive recreation and conservation is shown below, with the most respondents from St. George’s and the least from Sandy’s.

Figure 7: Number of respondents for passive recreation & conservation responses from each parish. 


This section contains the heatmaps produced from the Passive Recreation and Conservation responses. Heatmaps are a representation of data (in this case, data presented as a series of maps) where values are represented as colors: Hot or High Values are on the red end of the scale, while cold or Low Values are on the Blue color scale. All heatmaps in this section are sector based calculations of Use and Value produced directly from OUS responses for Passive Recreation and Conservation. Readers should be able to use these maps to learn how stakeholders in the Passive Recreation and Conservation sector value ocean space in Bermuda.

Two online platforms were used to collect OUS responses: SeaSketch and Maptionnaire. Respondents could submit responses individually or as a group, and responses could also be given a spatial weight.

All Responses, Weighted

All Responses: Maps labeled as “all” were created using all the responses collected for the given sector from both SeaSketch and Maptionnaire

Weighted: Maps labeled “weighted” were created by dividing the value assigned to a shape by its area in km2, and then summing the total value per pixel across all respondents for a given sector. High value areas (red) therefore reflect areas chosen by many respondents as well as areas that respondents value particularly highly.

Passive Recreation and Conservation Heatmap

Figure 7: Number of respondents for passive recreation & conservation responses from each parish.