Community Investment Plans for Community Board areas
This storymap outlines the Long-Term Plan projects for New Plymouth district community board areas for the period 2021-2031.
This Community Investment Plan (CIP) provides a spatial long-range view of projects that have been proposed, planned and funded in the Long-term Plan 2021-2031 (LTP2021-2031), to meet the needs of our communities in the community board areas. They identify projects that have been proposed by NPDC and the community boards, through the development of the community board plans, and the outcomes of those proposed projects following LTP2021-2031 deliberations by Council in June 2020. This Plan also identifies community projects that have been funded by the Community Board Discretionary Fund.
The Clifton, Inglewood, Kaitake and Waitara community boards reviewed and adopted their community board plans in June 2020. Following the review, the community boards participated in the Long-Term Plan (LTP) planning process which began in July 2020. This was the first time that community boards had been given an opportunity to participate in the planning and development of a draft LTP consultation document. In the past, community boards only participated by making a submission through the public statutory consultation. The LTP2021-2031 public statutory consultation occurred in March/April 2021.
New Boundaries
2023 Elections - New Boundaries for Community Boards
The establishment of the Puketapu-Bell Block Community Board was approved by Council in 2021 and came into effect in October 2022 when community board members were elected in the 2022 Local Government elections. New boundaries to be drawn for the community boards as shown below:
2023 Community Boards Boundaries
The current CIPs have been updated to show the new boundaries (map on the left side). A CIP for the Puketapu-Bell Block Community Board will be included once they have completed their Community Board Plan in June 2023.
Long-Term Planning
The LTP is consulted on every three years and reviewed annually through the Annual Plan . Each review enables NPDC to look at the external environment and to make major changes to its services.
Planning for the LTP2021-2031 began in July 2020 and it was adopted on 28 June 2021. The LTP sets out what NPDC will do, how it will be paid for and when it will happen. It is the critical document that sets the direction and intent of how NPDC intends to make the New Plymouth District a sustainable lifestyle capital.
During the preparation of the draft LTP2021-2031, the community boards had two opportunities to provide feedback to NPDC regarding their aspirational community projects.
- A Point of Entry (POE) was created for each project identified from the community board plans in July 2020. This enabled community board projects to be considered along with all other NPDC proposed projects, by the Councillors , from the beginning of the long-term planning process.
- The community boards submitted their prioritised projects to NPDC's LTP statutory consultation process held in March/April 2021.
In the deliberations of the LTP2021-31 the Council approved the provision of discretionary funding of $400,000 per annum for three years (2021/2022, 2022/2023 and 2023/2024) for community boards to identify and fund minor community projects to the value of $25,000 per project .
In October 2021, the Mayor and c ommunity board Chairs developed and approved the community boards Discretionary Fund Framework (Discretionary Fund) which outlines the process for funding criteria, decision-making, limitations, implementation and reporting on projects identified by community boards. As community boards consider and approve their community projects funded by the Discretionary Fund, the projects will appear in this CIP.
Community Investment Plan
This CIP provides a spatial overview of some of NPDC's investment and community projects in the community board areas, which were approved in the LTP2021-2031 .
The following maps spatially identify:
- Community projects proposed by community boards (through POEs and submissions) for consideration;
- Investment projects proposed by NPDC for consideration;
- LTP2021-2031 outcomes following the hearings and deliberations by the Council in June 2020; and
- Minor community projects funded by the Discretionary Fund.
Clifton Community Board
The Clifton Community Board (CCB) identified their projects through the development of their community board plan and submitted these, via a POE, at the beginning of the long-term planning process in July 2020. The community board further supported these by prioritising their projects and making a further submission to the LTP2021-2031 statutory consultation process held in March/April 2021.
The following CIP map provides an overview of the LTP2021-2031 for the Clifton community. It also shows the community projects that the community board has considered and approved to date, which will be funded by the Discretionary Fund. (Swipe right for proposed projects; swipe left for outcomes)
Clifton Community Investment Plan (2021-2031)
Inglewood Community Board
The Inglewood Community Board (ICB) identified projects through the development of their community board plan and submitted these, via a POE, at the beginning of the long-term planning process in July 2020. The community board further supported these by prioritising their projects and making a further submission to the LTP2021-2031 statutory consultation process held in March/April 2021.
The following CIP map provides an overview of the LTP2021-2031 for the Inglewood community. It also shows the community projects that the community board has considered and approved to date, which will be funded by the Discretionary Fund. (Swipe right for proposed projects; swipe left for outcomes)
Inglewood Community Investment Plan (2021-2031)
Kaitake Community Board
The Kaitake Community Board (KCB) identified their projects through the development of their c ommunity board plan at the beginning of the long-term planning process in July 2020. They further supported these by submitting their prioritised projects via the public LTP2021-2031 statutory consultation process held in March 2021.
The following CIP map provides an overview of the outcomes of the Council deliberations of the LTP2021-2031 for the Kaitake community. It also shows the community projects that the community board has considered and approved to date, which will be funded by the Discretionary Fund. (Swipe right for proposed projects; swipe left for outcomes)
Kaitake Community Investment Plan (2021-2031)
Waitara Community Board
The Waitara Community Board identified their projects through the development of their community board plan and submitted these, via a POE, at the beginning of the long-term planning process in July 2020. The community board further supported these by prioritising their projects and making a further submission to the LTP2021-2031 statutory consultation process held in March/April 2021.
The following CIP map provides an overview of the outcomes of the Council deliberations of the LTP2021-2031 for the Waitara Community. It also shows the community projects that the community board has considered and approved to date, which will be funded by the Discretionary Fund. (Swipe right for proposed projects; swipe left for outcomes)
Community Boards Funding
There are a number of ways that community board initiatives can be funded:
- Through general rate funding. All decisions on investment in new facilities and major upgrades of facilities in community board areas are made by Council. Consideration is given to any submission from a community board;
- By leveraging involvement of other partners such as the private sector, community and other public sector agencies;
- By seeking external funding through NPDC's Community Partnerships; and
- Community board discretionary fund for minor community projects to a maximum value of $25,000 per project.
Community Board Discretionary Fund
In the LTP2021-31 the Council approved the provision of discretionary funding of $400,000 per annum for three years (2021/2022, 2022/2023 and 2023/2024) to be shared equally between the District's community boards.
In October 2021, the Mayor and Community Board Chairs developed and approved the Community Boards Discretionary Funding Framework (Funding Framework). The Funding Framework outlines the process for funding criteria, decision-making, limitations, implementation and reporting on projects identified by community boards, through their community board plans.
Clifton - New Basketball Hoop
Community boards can consider contributing funding towards new, current or planned NPDC projects and events within their geographical area.
Each community board is responsible for initiating its own projects which may be in response to information brought to the community board's attention by staff or by members of the community at any time.
Funding Framework
Community boards must consider projects that are clearly linked to community board key focus areas and/or aspirations in their current community board plan. It is acknowledged that the 2020-2023 community board plans were prepared in the absence of discretionary funding availability.
Waitara - Marine Park Filleting Station
The following applies when considering a community project:
- The discretionary fund cannot be used to fund external organisations or individuals. However, a community board may receive funding contributions from external parties toward delivery of a portion of a project.
- Projects must be minor project only to the maximum value of $25,000 and located within the community board area.
- Projects cannot be split into two or more sub-projects and may not be used for roading projects, including bridges, culverts, footpaths, retaining walls, cycle routes (on the transportation network).
- Delivery of any project is the responsibility of NPDC staff in a timely manner.
- All funding decisions are to comply with the decision-making requirements in the Local Government Act 2002.
Long-Term Plan 2021-31 Discretionary Fund Approved Projects to Date
Community Board Plans
In December 2021, NPDC released the spatial community board plans as a Storymap which mirror the hard-copy community board plans adopted in September 2020 and these can be found on the NPDC website in both formats , or click on a following link to open a specific plan.
Elected Member Contacts
New Plymouth District Council elected members contact details can be found on the NPDC website.
Report an Issue
For Council issues there are four ways to report an issue or submit a service request:
- Phone: 06 759 6060 (available 24/7)
- Email: enquiries@npdc.govt.n z
- NPDC's website: Report a Problem
- "New Plymouth in Your Pocket App" a quick and easy way to report an issue is to use our app, NP In Your Pocket. It's available for Apple and Android devices.
For Android: Google Play Apps
For Iphones/Ipads: Apple App Store
Tip: If you want someone to call you back when you have reported an issue or service request, make sure you request a call back and leave your contact details.
84 Liardet Street, New Plymouth
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