2020 Year in Review

Climate Research & Development Program

Saratoga Springs in Death Valley National Park, California

Changes in the environment, land use, and climate can have significant impacts on our Nation’s economy, natural resources, infrastructure, and water, food, and energy security. The Climate Research and Development (Climate R&D) Program funds and provides foundational research to improve understanding of the rates, causes, and consequences of these changes in order to strengthen our Nation’s ability to respond and adapt to change.  

The USGS Climate R&D Program strives to advance: 

  • The understanding of the physical, chemical, and biological components of the Earth 
  • The causes and consequences of climate and land use change
  • The vulnerability and resilience of the Earth to such changes

The Program partners and collaborates with a diverse range of stakeholders in government, academia, and national and international organizations. Our scientists deliver timely and usable science and data to support the Department of the Interior (DOI) bureaus, other Federal agencies, Tribal, State and local governments, and organizations within the private, public, and non-profit sectors. 

In 2020, the Climate R&D Program supported:

Below we've highlighted just some of the amazing work and research produced by the Program over the course of the last year.

In Conclusion...

There were many great articles and science products published by the Climate R&D Program during 2020, and we don't have the space to highlight them all here, although we wish we could.

To see all of the work, check out our publications webpage below!

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