Restoring Railroad Crossings for Chinook Salmon Recovery

A collaborative approach for restoring nearshore habitat in Puget Sound


Over 73 miles of railroad tracks operated by the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe (BNSF) railway stretch across Puget Sound’s shores. The Sound’s pristine waters have long provided a crucial habitat for federally threatened Chinook salmon, Southern Resident Killer Whales, forage fish, and many other species native to the Salish Sea.

Pictured: Chinook salmon in Puget Sound.

However, such critical nearshore habitat has declined dramatically as development in the region and demand for freight transport has expanded.

Rail construction has divided coastal habitats from the nearshore, limiting the movement of fish, and disrupting natural habitat forming processes like the delivery of water, sediment, and wood. Region-wide development has contributed to a loss of ninety percent of tidal wetlands in Puget Sound. This has impacted sensitive species like juvenile Chinook salmon that utilize the Sounds’ natural estuaries in their migration to the Pacific Ocean.

Pictured: Railroad causeway in Bellingham Bay.

To address these ecological concerns, partners from the Tulalip Tribes, BNSF, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), Snohomish County, and the South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group advised on the identification and prioritization of coastal stream mouths (aka, pocket estuaries) and embayments (aka, nearshore habitat) restoration opportunities.

Pictured: BNSF railroad in the nearshore zone near Joint Base Lewis-McChord.

A Refuge for Chinook Salmon

During migration, juvenile Chinook salmon often stay near the shoreline of Puget Sound as they leave large river systems before growing larger and eventually moving offshore ( Fresh 2006 ).

While in shallow nearshore habitats, they occupy small estuaries, called pocket estuaries which form at stream mouths or at coastal embayments ( Beamer et al. 2006 ). They have also been found to use the estuary and lower reaches of stream systems other than the ones they originate in ( Beamer et al. 2013 ).

Lower stream habitats and estuaries of coastal streams are important for Chinook salmon originating in other river systems, as well as for the coho and chum salmon who originate in the coastal streams and use them for spawning and rearing.

Photo credit: Rich Henderson, Skagit River Systems Cooperative

Central to Livelihood and Culture of Tribes

The shorelines of the Salish Sea are central to the livelihood and culture of the Tribes. They have provided sustenance, a means of transportation, and a home since time immemorial.

Tribes’ rights to harvest fish, shellfish, and other traditional resources in their usual and accustomed areas were reserved in a series of treaties signed with the U.S. and reaffirmed in the U.S. v. Washington case commonly referred to as the Boldt Decision.

Tulalip Bay, ca. 1912. Source: F. Brady.

Tribes’ access to and the continuation of the Tribes’ treaty resources and way of life has been drastically impacted by alterations to the landscape through settlement and colonization of the Puget Sound region.

In response, Tribes in the Puget Sound have invested in protecting, monitoring, and studying their Treaty Resources. This has both allowed the Tribes to challenge threats to their treaty rights and resources and reach across the table to work with those who understand the importance of the health of the Puget Sound both ecologically and spiritually.

Benefits & Costs

Rail Has Long Benefitted the Northwest, but with Costs

Railroad construction along Puget Sound first began in the 1870’s primarily to transport coal and other goods between Tacoma and Seattle, eventually  extending northward .

The railroad was first constructed as trestles which elevated the tracks above the shoreline. Over time, these trestles were filled and hardened to form a solid causeway.

Pictured: Historic image from Chuckanut Drive showing an elevated railroad trestle crossing Bellingham Bay.

Culverts were also installed to manage coastal stream flows, and for drainage purposes. These changes strengthened rail infrastructure, but consequently disrupted natural stream and estuary processes and cut off key routes for fish connectivity and migration.

Pictured (main): Railroad causeway entirely blocks portion of nearshore from Bellingham Bay. This creates an isolated embayment largely inaccessible to juvenile Chinook salmon.

Pictured (above): Culverts carrying a nearshore stream pass under a railroad causeway in the nearshore zone.

Pathways Towards Restoration

The BNSF rail corridor encompasses 52 miles of rail which runs adjacent to the shoreline, and another 21 miles of track located within 200-feet of the shoreline.

Restoration will entail replacing existing railroad crossing structures with larger ones to aid fish passage and rearing habitat conditions. Planning for restoration began with:

  1. Initiating a collaborative effort with BNSF, agencies, and restoration partners.
  2. Inventorying of coastal stream mouths and embayments along the shoreline railroad and prioritize for restoration based on benefits to Chinook salmon.

Pictured: Nearshore Habitat in Woodway.

The project team evaluated a total of 196 stream crossings and 13 embayments that intersect with the railroad within 200 feet of the nearshore. The focus is primarily concentrated in three areas; between:

  • Olympia and Tacoma,
  • Seattle and Everett, and
  • near Bellingham.

Streams were evaluated using field data and geospatial information and assigned a score based on their likelihood of use by juvenile Chinook salmon and the quality of upstream habitat.

Among the stream mouths, 17 sites were identified as the highest priority and 27 sites as a high priority. In total, 44 stream crossings were identified as priority restoration opportunities. In addition, seven embayments were identified as highest or high priorities for restoration.

Is a priority stream crossing near you? To navigate in this map, you can zoom in using the +/- buttons to the bottom right of the map frame. To pan around the map, use your mouse to click and drag to view the priority stream crossings.

Of the "highest" and "high priority" stream mouths and embayments, three stream mouths were selected for initial restoration planning to be completed during phase 2.

These sites included:

  • Squalicum Creek near Bellingham,
  • Japanese Gulch Creek near Mukilteo, and
  • an unnamed creek at Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) near Steilacoom.

Squalicum Creek

The project would replace three existing stream crossings with fish passable bridge spans using minimal in-stream supports and improve anadromous salmonid access to nearly 40 miles of stream habitat.

The existing stream channel would be expanded to create additional pocket estuary habitat.

Pictured (above): Squalicum Creek railroad bridge during high flow event.

Pictured (above): Squalicum Creek railroad bridge during low streamflow and low tide.

Japanese Gulch Creek

The project would restore an existing stream which is currently confined to a pipe. The solution would include installing a fish passable culvert with direct connection to the restored pocket estuary and Possession Sound.

Pictured (above): Japanese Gulch flows through a pipe underneath the railroad.

Joint Base Lewis-McChord

A fish-passable culvert would replace the current fish-barrier. This restoration work would open almost 1.5 miles of once-blocked salmon habitat.

Pictured (above): Unnamed creek flows into culvert under railroad

Pictured (above): Unnamed creek flows through a culvert underneath the railroad before it enters the nearshore zone.

Restoration Concept - Before

At the three locations, site conditions were evaluated to inform restoration design and planning for construction. From this work, conceptual restoration designs were prepared.

Pictured: Existing conditions at the Squalicum Creek estuary site. Note the constrained flow from Squalicum Creek to Bellingham Bay.

Restoration Concept - After

This design concept depicts proposed restored conditions with three longer bridges and a wider estuary.

A Shining Example

Meadowdale Beach and Estuary Restoration Project

 The Meadowdale Beach and Estuary Restoration Project  in Snohomish County provides one example of nearshore restoration along an armored railroad embankment.

Prior to restoration, Lunds Gulch Creek passed under two BNSF railroad tracks via a 6-foot-wide box culvert. This culvert was too small to convey water and sediment and it impaired natural stream and shoreline processes.

In its place, restoration partners worked with BNSF to construct a new, 128-foot-long railroad bridge. In addition, partners also restored 1.3 acres of estuary habitat upstream of the crossing to restore productive rearing habitat for juvenile Chinook salmon.

The cooperation of Burlington Northern Railway (BNSF) was integral to the project’s success. This project represents a win-win through its multiple benefits to salmon restoration, beach access for park visitors, improved safety along the railroad, and enhanced park amenities and recreational experiences.

Pictured (above): Conceptual design of Meadowdale Beach and Estuary Restoration Project at Meadowdale Beach park, Edmonds.

Pictured (above): Estuary restoration based on a conceptual design at Meadowdale Beach Park.

Next Steps

Future work is planned to develop evaluate site conditions, develop conceptual designs, and implement restoration at priority coastal stream mouths and embayments.

Successful implementation will result from continued dialogue with BNSF, tribes, agencies, and restoration partners to determine acceptable restoration approaches that meet the needs of railroad safety and operations, as well as Chinook salmon recovery.

Thank you!

A special thanks to all partners for their efforts in moving this project forward:

Project Team:

Funding Team

This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement PC-01J22301 through the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency or the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.


For more information about this project, please contact Todd Zackey,  Tulalip Tribes .

Pictured (above): Culverts carrying a nearshore stream pass under a railroad causeway in the nearshore zone.

Pictured (above): Squalicum Creek railroad bridge during high flow event.

Pictured (above): Squalicum Creek railroad bridge during low streamflow and low tide.

Pictured (above): Japanese Gulch flows through a pipe underneath the railroad.

Pictured (above): Unnamed creek flows into culvert under railroad

Pictured (above): Unnamed creek flows through a culvert underneath the railroad before it enters the nearshore zone.

Pictured (above): Conceptual design of Meadowdale Beach and Estuary Restoration Project at Meadowdale Beach park, Edmonds.

Pictured (above): Estuary restoration based on a conceptual design at Meadowdale Beach Park.