A Disastrous Time for National Parks:

Congress must act to rebuild these iconic places


Recent years have seen multiple and severe natural disasters take a costly toll on our national parks and communities surrounding them. We’ve witnessed record floods, catastrophic wildfires, powerful hurricanes – among other natural disasters – destroy communities and devastate our national parks, jeopardizing the local economies they support and the landscapes, infrastructure, and life-changing experiences our parks hold. With estimates from this year’s damage expected to be as much as a billion dollars, we must act fast to recover park resources and rebuild infrastructure more resiliently to strengthen and better prepare them for the cost and impact of future disasters.


Yellowstone National Park

We witnessed record-flooding destroy portions of Yellowstone National Park this summer.

Spring precipitation created an unusually large accumulation of snowpack in the region. Heavy rains mixed with warm, melting snow produced a catastrophic volume of rushing waters, which overtook rivers, created mudslides and rockslides, and overwhelmed infrastructure.

National Parks

Miles of roadways and bridges collapsed closing two primary entrances from adjacent communities amid the busy summer travel season, leaving these communities struggling and without access to the park. The tourism economy the park supports was decimated, forcing many businesses to close or operate at a fraction of their normal capacity.

"We want to do this right. What we don’t want to do is just patch the road back together in the canyon, for instance, and then have another major failure in a year."   

Cam Sholly, Superintendent, Yellowstone National Park  (source) 

Yellowstone’s northern entrance road, linking the heavily visited Mammoth area of the park to the town of Gardiner, will have to be rerouted and completely rebuilt, though temporary roads have bought some time. The reconstruction project will be massive in scope and designed to reduce impacts of any future natural disasters. The U.S. Senate proposed more than a billion dollars for these repairs alone.

Vicksburg National Military Park

Torrential rains in early 2020 caused a landslide that decimated Vicksburg National Cemetery and compromised roads, forcing a third of the park to close to visitors.

National Parks

The cemetery contains the largest collection of Civil War burials in the country, including U.S. Colored Troops and unknown burials within its hallowed ground. Mudslide damage exposed several graves, threatening the historic and cultural significance this park holds.

"More than two years after violent storms closed one-third of the park to the public Vicksburg is still awaiting permanent solutions to its chronic erosion problems and the funding to pay for them. We need to ensure the park gets the resources it needs to reopen fully to the public.”

Alan Spears, Senior Director of Cultural Resources for the National Parks Conservation Association

The park continues to conduct archaeological and geologic studies to inform its restoration plans, including stabilization and transportation options and securing the remains of disinterred people. Repair and stabilization of the park’s roads, hillsides and cemeteries is a massive project that, combined with deferred maintenance on its roads and other infrastructure, will take years to complete.

National Parks of the California Desert

We saw severe monsoonal flooding shut down several national parks in the California Desert multiple times this summer.

National Parks

At Death Valley National Park, one of the hottest, driest places on Earth, we saw flooding destroy hundreds of miles of roads and a campground. Undocumented archeological sites were likely lost forever.

“The heavy rain that caused the devastating flooding at Death Valley was an extremely rare, 1000-year event”

 Daniel Berc, Meteorologist for the National Weather Service  (source)  

Flash flooding caused by remnants from a rare Pacific hurricane produced waterfalls at one of the driest, hottest places in the world. Park visitor vehicles were buried in several feet of debris and at least 1,000 park staff and visitors were left stranded with little advance warning.

The extensive damage will likely total more than a hundred million dollars to repair, adding to an already challenging situation for the park that continues to rebuild from extensive flooding in 2015. Without desperately needed supplemental funding relief, the park will dig itself deeper into costly deferred maintenance backlog of projects.

Cars trapped and buried in debris from flash flooding at Death Valley National Park and Mojave National Preserve. Images © NPS


Lake Mead and Lake Powell – the nation’s two largest reservoirs – shriveled to historic lows as drought conditions worsen due to extreme heat and low precipitation. Record-low water levels are raising concerns about the future of drinking water, electricity, and irrigation needs critical to millions of people, the national park, and businesses the reservoirs support.

National Parks

Lake Mead National Recreation Area

This summer, Lake Mead contained only 27% of its water capacity – the lowest water levels since the reservoir was filled 85 years ago – putting millions of people who depend on it for their drinking water at risk.

Image © NASA

Drastically low water levels are revealing historic artifacts within the park, forcing the relocation of recreational infrastructure like boat ramps and marinas, challenging an already overburdened and understaffed Park Service. 

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Lake Powell dropped to only 26% of its water capacity, impacting hydropower, historic and natural resources and boating infrastructure. Historic objects, human remains, and trash revealed by reduced water levels will demand extensive cleanup and efforts to protect historic resources.

“Environmental cleanup of wrecked boats and the cultural resource assessment that falling lake levels demand are incredibly important initiatives that speak to the park's stewardship mandate. While recreational access remains important, the park will need to prioritize ecosystem restoration and landscape management as it adjusts to a completely different landscape.”

Ernie Atencio, Southwest Regional Director for the National Parks Conservation Association

The National Park Service will be consolidating the 11 existing boat ramps and determine which are most feasible for multi-function purposes while doing extensive environmental cleanup of sunken boats and exposed debris. They are also undertaking a cultural resource assessment of all the sites that are emerging from the canyon as the water drops. The U.S. Senate proposed $320 million to address these needs at Lake Mead and Glen Canyon.

Images © NPS


Sequioa & Kings Canyon National Parks

In 2020, we witnessed wildfires at Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks burn through over 80,000 acres in the parks, killing dozens of mature sequoias and causing extensive infrastructure damage.

National Parks

"High intensity wildfires have killed off mature giant sequoia’s faster than anyone thought possible. The decisions we make now will be key to ensuring these ancient trees survive for generations to come.”

Mark Rose, Sierra Nevada Program Manager for the National Parks Conservation Association

Since 2020, up to 19% of the world’s mature giant sequoias are now gone due to wildfires in the Sierra Nevada. The National Park Service is working to plant sequoia seedlings in heavily burned groves, mitigate tree hazards, and reconstruct any damaged infrastructure


This year, we watched Hurricane Ian make landfall in Southwest Florida as a Category 4, leaving behind massive devastation along its path. Dry Tortugas and Everglades National Parks sustained significant damage and have since been working to rebuild.

Dry Tortugas National Park

Dry Tortugas National Park in the Florida Keys took a direct hit from Hurricane Ian. The storm damaged the park’s boat docks and facilities, including those at one of its signature features — 19th-century Fort Jefferson. Areas of the park, including the fort, were inaccessible to visitors for weeks.

Images © NPS

Everglades National Park

Everglades National Park’s Gulf Coast section was also badly hit and only reopened in November. Many of the damaged structures, including the Gulf Coast Visitor Center, were replacement facilities after being destroyed by Hurricane Irma in 2017.

Images © NPS

Melting Permafrost

Denali National Park and Preserve

In recent years, permafrost melt at Denali has grown considerably, increasingly threatening infrastructure. Movement of a landslide halfway along the Denali Park Road has evolved from inches per year a decade ago to inches per day by 2019 and now up to 0.65 inches per hour in 2021.

National Parks

Because it became so severely compromised and unsafe, the 92-mile road had to be closed at its halfway point, known as Polychrome Pass, preventing access to much of the park and its flagship visitor center and causing significant damage to the park’s tourist economy. Permafrost melt is also impacting pipes, powerlines and buildings and is raising critical questions about the very health of Denali’s ecosystem.

“The road is beyond repair. And without action, the Polychrome section of the road would remain closed indefinitely”

Jakara Hubbard, NPS ( source )

The National Park Service recently closed its contracting process for reconstruction of the impacted section of the Denali Park Road. This extensive project scheduled for May 2023 will require 450 feet of steel bridging to move the road away from the landslide area. The U.S. Senate recently estimated this project to cost as much as $121 million. A lack of disaster relief funding would force competition with other planned transportation projects across the country, challenging efforts to reduce the deferred maintenance backlog.


Recent natural disasters have accentuated the costly harm that can befall our national parks, their infrastructure, and resources. As these disasters are expected to become more frequent and severe, we must work to repair and rebuild our parks and do so in ways that modernizes and builds resiliently so parks can better withstand future impacts. Lawmakers must provide the National Park Service with urgently needed disaster funding so that Yellowstone, Denali, and many more parks can rebuild and repair their roads, bridges, recreational facilities and buildings and safely welcome the millions of people who visit our parks each year.

The views expressed here are those of the National Parks Conservation Association and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Park Service.

Image © NASA