Town of Candia, New Hampshire
Map Viewer and Spatial Data Download
This platform hosts the Town of Candia's geospatial information. Users may view, interact, and download data embedded in each online map. Click the tabs at the top of the screen to be directed to a section or scroll through the website to view the data in each map. This application is best viewed through a computer screen or large tablet with a strong internet connection. Please use the Contact Us tab for questions or comments.
Disclaimer: The Town of Candia, NH and Stantec assumes no responsibility for data supplied in electronic format. The recipient accepts full responsibility for verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. The recipient releases Stantec, its officers, employees, consultants and agents, from any and all claims arising in any way from the content or provision of the data
How to look up a Tax lot (property) by address: • Navigate to the map of interest and expand the map into a new window by clicking the top right arrow button. • Type the address number and street name in the search bar located at the top left corner of the web map as shown in the screenshot to the left below. When searching for an address, be sure to select an address listed inside of Candia, as addresses can be selected outside of the Town's boundary. As you type, similar addresses will appear below the search bar in the 'Address' section. When you click on your desired Address number, the map will zoom to the location of the lot as shown in the screenshot to the right below. Please note locations are approximate. It is the users' responsibility to determine the desired location.
How to look up a lot by Tax Map and Lot number: • Navigate to the map of interest and expand the map into a new window by clicking the top right arrow button. • Type the Tax Map and Lot number in the search bar located at the top left corner of the web map as shown in the screenshot to the left below. As you type, similar Tax Map and Lot numbers will appear below the search bar in the 'Tax Parcel' section. Select the desired search result from the drop down options. When you click on your desired Tax Map and Lot number, the map will zoom to the location and highlight the Tax Map and Lot polygon as shown in the screenshot to the right below. Please note locations are approximate. It is the users' responsibility to determine the desired location.
How to look up a lot by Tax Map and Lot number screenshots
How to download the Tax Map and Lot data layer: • Navigate to the map of interest and expand the map into a new window by clicking the top right arrow button. • From there, click on the Layer List widget on the far right as shown in the screenshot to the left below. This will open a window pane with all the layers in the map. Next to each layer are three horizontal dots. Click those dots next to Tax Parcel and then select "Show item details" as shown in the second two screenshots below. This will bring you to a new window where you can then click "Export Data" and choose the type of download. Data can be exported in a Shapefile or File Geodatabase (FGDB).
How to download the Tax Parcel data layer screenshots
Town Map
This map provides information for various aspects of the Town's spatial data.
Data included in the map:
- Railroads
- Roads
- Town Recorded Areas of Flooding
- Zoning
- Index Map
- Tax Parcel
- Political Area
- FEMA 100-year Floodplain
- NWI (National Wetland Inventory) Wetlands
Navigation tip: To view the map in more detail, click the top right button to expand the map into a new window.
ArcGIS Web Application
Tax Map
This map provides tax data information.
Data included in the map:
- Zoning
- Tax Parcel
- Political Area
- Index Map
- Railroads
- Roads
Navigation tip: To view the map in more detail, click the top right button to expand the map into a new window.
ArcGIS Web Application
Flood Map
This map provides the FEMA 100-year floodplains and Town Officials identified areas of flooding.
Data included in the map:
- Town Recorded Areas of Flooding
- Tax Parcel
- FEMA 100-year Floodplain
- NWI (National Wetland Inventory) Wetlands
Navigation tip: To view the map in more detail, click the top right button to expand the map into a new window.
ArcGIS Web Application
Soil Map
This map provides information for soil types within the Town's boundary.
Data included in the map:
- Tax Parcel
- Soil Type (all soils)
Navigation tip: To view the map in more detail, click the top right button to expand the map into a new window.
ArcGIS Web Application
Steep Slope Soil Map
This map provides information for steep soil types where the grade is equal to or greater than 15-percent according to the soil description.
Data included in the map:
- Zoning
- Tax Parcel
- Contour lines (25' intervals)
- Soil Type (Steep Slopes only)
Navigation tip: To view the map in more detail, click the top right button to expand the map into a new window.
ArcGIS Web Application
Contour Map
This map provides contour lines within the Town limits as previously delivered by Stantec.
Data included in the map:
- Soil Type (all)
- Contour lines (25' intervals)
- Tax Parcel
Navigation tip: To view the map in more detail, click the top right button to expand the map into a new window.
ArcGIS Web Application
Cemetery Map
This application provides information for cemetery plots.
Data included in the application:
- Cemetery Sections for Holbrook Cemetery
- Occupants of each cemetery section
Cemetery Occupant Search Application Navigation: • Navigate to the Cemetery Occupant Search and expand it into a new window by clicking the top right arrow button. • To find the location of a cemetery plot, search by typing the first or last name of the occupant in the search bar located in the upper left corner of the web map as shown in the screenshot to the left below. As you type an occupant name, similar search result names will appear below in the search bar. • When you click on the name you are searching for two times, the map will zoom to the location of the cemetery section that contains the occupant and a pop-up will appear with occupant details in the upper right corner of the map. Occupant details include the lot number, row, status, and burial date (if applicable) as shown in the screenshot to the right below.
Cemetery Occupant Search Application Navigation screenshots - Search by Name
• Alternatively, clicking on a cemetery section on the map will populate a list of all occupants in that section in a separate popup. To view more details of each occupant, click on any item.
Cemetery Occupant Search Application Navigation screenshots - Select a Cemetery Section
Navigation tip: To view the application in more detail, click the top right button to expand the map into a new window.
Cemetery Occupant Search
Abutter Notification Tool
This application hosts the Abutter Notification tool.
Data included in the application:
- Tax parcels with mailing addresses
- Ability to export mailing labels
Navigation tip: To view the application in more detail, click the top right button to expand the map into a new window.
Abutter Notification Tool
Town Assets
This application hosts the Town maintained assets. Currently, the Roadway Inventory is available for viewing. The Roadway Inventory joins the NH Department of Transportation (DOT) roadways, represented through lines, with the Town's excel-based (tabular) information.
Data included in the application:
- NH DOT linework (spatial)
- Town of Candia Roadway Summary (tabular)
Navigation tip: To view the application in more detail, click the top right button to expand the map into a new window.
Town Maintained Assets Application
Contact Us
Town of Candia, NH: Amy Spencer at aspencer@townofcandia.org
Stantec (Town's Engineer): Bryan Ruoff at bryan.ruoff@stantec.com