Plannenviewer Vlaanderen Web Application
Based on MercatorNet data
This is a story map about Plannenviewer Vlaanderen web application, it's characteristics and how it can be implemented in your organization. All data originate from the WFS provided by MercatorNet website.
This web application aims to help all GIS users and data managers in Flanders municipalities to have access to spatial plans like RUP and BPA in different levels as region, province, and municipality. The data includes spatial planning regulations at different levels in three vector formats: points, lines and polygons. Due to a large number of layers, a visibility range is assigned for the majority of them, points and lines are set to 1:150,000 and small polygons are set to 1:250,000. If you would like to view them on your map you need to zoom in beyond the defined scale.
There is a short video at the bottom of this page that illustrates the workflow from start to end. Although now the WFS are directly added to the web map.
Discover the web application and all the widgets
Please keep in mind that it can take a few seconds to load the app because of the amount of data. If not all the layers load immediately, please refresh the page.
Save the web application on your own organization
Overview of the web app's widgets
Let's explore the web application.
Overview of the web map application
List of widgets:
- Zoom slider
- Default extent
- My location
- Search
- Layer list
- Basemap gallery
- Search and find
- Legend
- Group filter
- Map overview
- Attribute table
- Measurement
- Swipe
Default extent:
Simply by clicking on this widget you will zoom the map to the initial map extent
My location
Allow the network to navigate to your physical location and zoom in .
Overview map:
The Overview Map widget displays the current extent of the map within the context of a larger area and updates whenever the map extent changes.
Overview map:
Click the expansion arrow to expand or fold the widget. The display is "open street map".
Attribute Table:
The Attribute Table widget shows a tabular view of operational layers' attributes. By clicking it, the attribute table will appear at the bottom of the map. It can be opened, resized, or closed.
The Measurement widget allows the user to measure the length of a line or the area of a polygon, or find the coordinate of a point. The default area unit is square kilometers and line unit is meters.
By connecting the Print widget with a printing service, it allows to print the current map or the whole page.
The Swipe widget allows user to easily compare the content of different layers in a map. The swipe layers are displayed on the right side. The default swipe layer is "GewRUP Overdrukken", but you can choose what layer to be swiped from the drop-down list.
Layer list:
The Layer List widget is a group layer widget that provides a list of all layers (categorized based on the type of plan) and their symbols. It allows you to turn on and off an individual layer by clicking on the check box beside each layer.
The web app includes different levels of layers:
- Bijzondere Plannen van Aanleg (BPA)
- Gewestelijke RUP (GewRUP)
- Provinciale RUP (ProRUP)
- Gemeentelijke RUP (GemRUP)
- Extra Lagen
The light grey color of the layer name means it will be visible once zooming beyond the defined visibility range.
Basemap Gallery:
The Basemap Gallery widget provides a gallery of basemaps and allows user to select one from the gallery as the basemap for the app.
The list of basemaps are illustrated in this image. The default basemap for this web app is "GRB-basiskaart".
Search and Find:
The Search and Find Query widget allows user to retrieve information from some layers by executing a predefined query.
By clicking on the widget a list of queries is shown on the Tasks tab.
Search and Find:
By clicking on each query, the query asks for input. While typing in the input part, a list of possible inputs will be shown as a drop-down list which the user is able to select. By clicking on Apply button, the query is run, the result is shown on the Results tab, and the resulting features are highlighted on the map.
The Legend widget displays labels and symbols for different layers in the map. Via zooming beyond the assigned visibility scale, the legend of all layers will be shown.
Group Filter:
The Group Filter widget allows the user to apply a defined filter on the map based on different levels of layers in the map.
The filter can be done based on the name of the province, the name of the municipality, the date of regulation creation (Fasedatum) for different levels of layers, and the type of the plan.
By selecting a group of layers, an operator, a value from the drop-down list, and click on Apply button the filter is applied to the map.
The Search widget allows users to find addresses or search features on the map. By clicking on the icon beside the search widget, a drop-down list is illustrated which enables the user to select the searchable layer.
MercatorNet Services:
By clicking on the icon on the right side of the Search widget, a popup is shown as MercatorNet Services which navigates the user to the MercatorNet website for further information about all the operational layers of the app.
These videos illustrate the workflow to convert the WFS to feature layers and to publish them to ArcGIS Online and create the web application. To do this yourself, you need the data interoperability extension. Although the WFS are now directly added to the web map.