Strategic Roads & Highways Map
Wokingham Borough is growing. Along with new housing in our major development locations , we are also making some strategic improvements to our road network.
Click on the map for a basic overview of each site. For more detail, click on the site code above. To see details for all sites, continue to scroll down below.
R1 & R2: Nine Mile Ride Extension
With about 3,500 new homes coming to Arborfield and 3,000 to Shinfield Parish , the extension of Nine Mile Ride to connect with the A327 will help mitigate the impact of additional traffic on existing routes through Arborfield Cross and Shinfield. The A327 link, the northern part of the extension (R1), came first in order to provide access to the new secondary school.
R3: Lower Earley Way Dualling
This project on Lower Earley Way involved widening of the road to provide 2 lanes in each direction, between the Loddon Roundabout, near Showcase Cinema, and the new junction with the Winnersh Relief Road.
These dualling works are to accommodate the forecast traffic, which will be introduced by the completion of the Winnersh Relief Road. We will realign the existing footway/cycleway and add a new footway to the eastern side of the road.
The works to deliver the Lower Earley Way dualling scheme involve widening the northbound carriageway, including renewing the kerb, existing surface water drainage infrastructure, road markings, road signs and other street furniture. Finally, the road was resurfaced throughout the entire limits of the scheme.
R4: Winnersh Relief Road Phase 1
Phase 1 of the Winnersh Relief Road runs between the B3270 and King Street Lane. It was built by Bovis Homes and Persimmon as part of their new housing development on the former Hatch Farm Dairies site.
The Winnersh Relief Road as a whole is an important step towards putting the infrastructure in place to improve the resilience of Wokingham Borough's road network by helping to relieve the existing congestion through Winnersh.
R5: Winnersh Relief Road Phase 2
The Winnersh Relief Road is an important piece of infrastructure to help relieve pressure on the Winnersh crossroads. Phase 2, built by the council, links the B3030, King Street Lane, to the A329, Reading Road.
R6: South Wokingham Distributor Road
With 2,500 new homes coming to South Wokingham , the South Wokingham Distributor Road will create access for these new homes and minimise the impact of the increase in traffic on nearby residential roads and Wokingham town centre.
R7: North Wokingham Distributor Road
With 4,000 new homes coming to North Wokingham by 2026, the North Wokingham Distributor Road will minimise the impact of traffic growth on the surrounding rural lanes as well as provide access to the new developments. The road is being built in phases as the adjacent residential developments are built.
R8: Shinfield Eastern Relief Road
With 3,000 new homes coming to Shinfield Parish , extending Shinfield Village, Three Mile Cross and Spencers Wood, the Shinfield Eastern Relief Road will minimise the impact of traffic growth on these villages and the surrounding rural lanes.
R9: Arborfield Cross Relief Road
A sustainable new village with about 3,500 new homes is being built on the former Arborfield Garrison site. Shinfield Parish is also seeing significant development, with about 3,000 new homes, with extensions to Shinfield Village, Three Mile Cross and Spencers Wood. The Arborfield Cross Relief Road will minimise the impact of traffic growth on the villages of Arborfield and Arborfield Cross and the surrounding rural lanes.
R10: California Crossroads
The California Crossroads junction will see improvements to help with managing the vehicular traffic, as well as improving the junction for pedestrians and cyclists. The project will also include improvements for the shops and offices.
R11: Barkham Bridge
A priority give-way system along the B3349, Barkham Road, enabled vehicular traffic to cross the Barkham Brook. This was replaced with a new highway bridge in order to accommodate the continuous flow of two-way traffic.
These improvements were needed in order to support major new developments within the borough, in particular the Arborfield Garrison major development.