Can Nuclear Power Plants Cause Cancer?

Every ones question, do nuclear power plants cause cancer?

I have always wondered if nuclear power plants can cause cancer since one of my friends passed away from brain cancer. The area he was in had nuclear power plants around it and some research that has been done says it could cause it.

The radiation is bad for you just like standing in front of a microwave. Any exposure to radiation will increase your chance of getting cancer. But nuclear power plants will expose you to even more than a regular microwave or smoke detectors.

individual project final copy

Map of Cancer Rate To Nuclear Power Plant

What states have a lot of nuclear power plants? Louisana, Tennesee, etc.

Are there any Nuclear power plants in San Diego? No.

What county in Washington has the highest cancer rate? Benewah county.

What are the brain incidence per 100k in Pickens county? 7.10

Why do you think Pickens county has such a high cancer rate? It has Nuclear power plants and the radiation increases your rate of cancer.

All these questions relate to my research and are some of the questions I asked myself while researching.

Radiation has been known to increase chance of brain cancer or brain tumors. Radiation is like a poison to your brain. Some chemicals found in radiation are radium and radon.

My research concluded that the radiation is what increased the chance of getting cancer because the nuclear energy is contained.