Science for water planning

Photograph of a waterway with grassy banks with trees and natural woody debris.
Photograph of a waterway with grassy banks with trees and natural woody debris.

The Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country. We recognise the ongoing spiritual and cultural connections Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have with land, water, sea and sky. We pay our deep respects to their Elders past and present, support future leaders and acknowledge First Nations Peoples' right to self determination.

Water in Queensland

Queensland has diverse water resources, including surface and groundwater. To effectively manage this water, it is important to understand how it moves through the landscape, the natural ecosystems that rely on it and its social, cultural and economic values and uses.

The  Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water  (DRDMW) is responsible for sustainably allocating and regulating surface and groundwater across Queensland to ensure this precious resource supports current and future generations. Find out more about  Queensland's water system .

Sustainable management of water

Queensland’s water resources support communities across the state – from town water supplies to industries like agriculture and mining.

The interference with waterways, through extraction and the development of infrastructure, requires government regulation to ensure sustainable water management.

Sustainable water management involves the allocation and use of water resources to provide for economic, physical, social, cultural and spiritual values and needs of a population, whilst considering and balancing the potential impact of this use on the health of ecosystems.

1. Bore testing, Charleville 2. Paddling on Deepwater Creek 3. Cattle drinking from trough

Frameworks for the sustainable management of water are established as part of national and state agreements and legislation.

The  National Water Initiative (NWI) 2004  is an intergovernmental agreement outlining principles for management of water resources, including implementation of water plans, to which states and territories have committed.

The  Water Act 2000  (the Act) provides the framework for sustainable management, planning and allocation of water resources across Queensland, and embeds the principles of the NWI.

The Act outlines that sustainable management must allow for the allocation and use of water resources for the economic, physical, and social wellbeing of the people of Queensland.

This includes sustaining:

  • the health of ecosystems
  • water quality
  • water dependent ecological processes
  • biological diversity associated with watercourses, lakes, springs, aquifers, and other natural water systems.
A graphical diagram showing the various regulatory documents that implement the Water Act 2000

Water Act flow chart

The Water Act is underpinned by the  Water Regulation 2016  and  water plans .

Water plans outline how water is to be allocated among users in each plan area, in a way that balances the needs of people and the environment.

Water plans are  implemented  through supporting documents such a Water Management Protocol, Water Entitlement Notice, Operations Manual and  Resource Operations Licence .

A cropped photograph showing water cascading down a waterfall.

Water plans

Water Planning Science Plan

Graphical diagram showing the 8 themes

Water planning science is guided by the  Water Planning Science Plan.  

Structured across eight distinct themes and two cross-cutting themes, the science plan outlines the knowledge required to evaluate water plans. It also informs the development of monitoring and evaluation strategies undertaken over the life of the plan.

The plan allows us to:

  • have a structured and strategic approach to science
  • allocate science resources across the large state of Queensland, where there are many complex ecosystems and water related issues
  • guide collaboration with external stakeholders.

Photograph of a vegetated waterway with a graphical diagram of the water planning process overlayed.

DRDMW and  Department of Environment and Science  (DES) scientists, alongside external collaborators, undertake ecological and hydrological investigations to address the 10 key themes.

The Queensland Government needs access to the best available science to manage water resources, especially with the increasing threat of climate change.

Science plan in action

The below maps highlight some of the recently completed science projects by departmental aquatic scientists across the state, addressing the themes of the science plan. All projects are undertaken with the aim of informing water plan evaluation and review.

For more information, please see the  Water Planning Science Plan .

Drone photo of a waterway surrounded by natural vegetation

Graphical icon for 'Climate change and uncertainty'

Climate change risks to water

Climate change is a cross-cutting theme of the science plan, due to its potential impacts on all facets of water planning science.

The variable and more extreme weather conditions resulting from climate change will impact water resources across the state.

Hotter temperatures and more variable rainfall will result in changes to current surface water and groundwater flows and availability.

The impact of climate change on water availability is accounted for in hydrological models during water plan development. This ensures that allowed water take continues to be sustainable, and protects the environmental, social, economic and cultural values of the water plan area.

As the threat of climate change increases and our population grows, we must continue to support effective science that ensures that water management provides the best outcomes for people and the environment.

Read more about how the department is  managing climate change risks to water. 

Photo of the Thomson River during the Longreach floods in 2022

Thomson River, during Longreach floods 2022

Graphical icon for Theme 1: Ecological asset requirements and threats

Ecosystems and their flow needs

Understanding of the flow requirements of ecosystems and species are essential for evaluating the impacts of interference with water on the environment.

Environmental flows

The flow regime of a waterway, the frequency and longevity of flows, creates conditions that allow species to persist in them. Different species have different flow requirements.

Graphical diagram of a river cross section that details the different types of flows.

Photo of an aquatic ecologist setting bait traps in Tinnenburra

Setting bait traps in Tinnenburra

Departmental aquatic ecologists undertake monitoring to establish links between flow conditions and species requirements. 

This allows the use of rules and strategies that mitigate the impacts of water development and extraction on the environment.

Graphical cross section diagram showing example of low water flow conditions
Graphical cross section diagram showing example of low water flow conditions
Graphical cross section diagram showing example of low water flow conditions
Graphical cross section diagram showing example of medium water flow conditions
Graphical cross section diagram showing example of medium water flow conditions
Graphical cross section diagram showing example of high water flow conditions
Graphical cross section diagram showing example of high water flow conditions
Graphical cross section diagram showing example of overbank high water flow conditions
Graphical cross section diagram showing example of overbank high water flow conditions

Case study: science improves outcomes for turtles in the Burnett River

Photo of the white-throated snapping turtle ona rock by a river

Ecological monitoring of the white-throated snapping turtle (Elseya albagula) informed improved water management rules in the Burnett water plan.

Photo of a hatchling white-throated snapping turtle hatching from the nest
Graphical icon of 'Theme 2: Landscape ecohydrology'

How flow interacts with the landscape

The structure of rivers creates a range of conditions which support aquatic ecosystems, and so any impacts from water management on the physical structure of waterways must be understood.

A photo of a flowing river with rapids created by in-river boulders and rocks.
Photo of a flowing river with riffles created by rocks and stones.

As a part of the review of the  Pioneer Valley (2002) water plan , riffle habitat was surveyed at five riffle sites in the Pioneer River. Water surface elevations were also measured to estimate mean depth and wetted width. This allowed the physical structure of riffles to be determined.

By undertaking riffle cross sections, the risk to these critical low flow habitats in current and future water use scenarios can be assessed.

The surveys also revealed significant variation in riffle morphology and cross-sectional depth across the catchment,  which will allow for more target environmental flow objectives in future water plans.

1. Cattle Creek riffle cross-section 2. Finch Hatton Creek cross-section depth measurement 3. Optical level (Leica) measurement at Blacks Creek

Graphical icon for 'Theme 3: Groundwater dependent ecosystems'

Groundwater dependent ecosystems monitoring

Groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) are places and species that rely on groundwater, such as vegetation, springs, lakes, wetlands and rivers.

Photo of a rockpool in a river. An example of a groundwater dependent ecosystem
Graphical icon for "Theme 4: Catchment threats"

Ecosystem threats

The identification and prioritisation of threats to aquatic ecosystems is necessary for the development of targeted water management interventions.

It is important to understand the relative importance of threats to aquatic ecosystems and how they may interact. This information provides the necessary context for making water management decisions.

This is achieved through undertaking risk assessments.

Key threats to freshwater ecosystems: 

  1. Overexploitation
  2. Pollution
  3. Changes to the flow regime
  4. Removal or disturbance of habitat
  5. Invasion of exotic species

1. Overextraction of groundwater from free-flowing bores in the Great Artesian Basin. 2. The extractive resource industry results in  point source discharges  that pollute water. 3. Weirs alter the flow regime of rivers. 4. Irrigated agriculture requires land clearing that removes habitat. 5.  Prickly acacia  (Vachellia farnesiana), a significant weed species in Queensland.

Case study: risk assessments are essential for the continued protection of Lake Eyre Basin

Graphical icon for 'Theme 5: Hydrology"


Developing an understanding of the dominant hydrological processes in a catchment, incorporating both surface water and groundwater dynamics, is critical to the sustainable management of water.

Photo of Burdekin Falls Dam overflowing
Photo of a sugar cane crop
Graphical icon for "Theme 6: Cultural values"

Cultural values

Cultural engagement guides the implementation of outcomes that seek to protect water related cultural values and uses, such as significant aquatic plants and animals.

Four photographs showing scenes from Jinibara on-Country meeting

Jinibara on-Country meeting

There are more than 150 First Nations peoples across Queensland, each with unique connection to and values associated with water.

Cultural values may be associated with the waterways themselves, the plants and animals they support or recreational and economic activities provided for by waterways.

Water plans benefit from developing an understanding of the spiritual connection of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples to water, as well as their invaluable knowledge, developed over thousands of years, of how water moves through and provides for the landscape.

Water planners engage with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples to gain their perspectives and insights on the values and uses of water resources.

This consultation influences the development of cultural outcomes, which are required in water plans under the Water Act 2000.

Through developing connections with Traditional Custodians in the water plan areas, water planners aim to:

  • Identify water related cultural values supported by the flow regime across priority water plan areas.
  • Characterise current and emerging threats associated with water resource development to cultural values.
  • Understand water requirements for cultural values and prioritise cultural values and assets for further research.

Case study: cultural engagement in the Mary Basin

an image of the front cover of the Cultural Water report for the Mary Basin

Cultural Assessments are utilised to develop water plans that recognise the interests and connections of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The 2022 Mary Basin cultural assessment involved: 

  • connecting to the right people
  • building relationships and trust with Traditional Owners during on-country engagements
  • working to sustain these relationships to continue to incorporate First Nations peoples perspectives and feedback.

Kabi Kabi connections on Mary Basin Project

Photo of a river water flowing over rocks.

Graphical icon for "Theme 7: Social and economic values'

Social and economic values

Water plans must balance the needs of the environment and people, which requires knowledge of how the flows of water support economic and social values.

Socio-economic assessments are an essential part of the water planning process, in order to realise the effects of water plans on people and the economy.​

These assessments identify the most significant social and economic values supported by water flows and any threats to these values, facilitating the development of a water plan that balances the needs of the population with the needs of the environment​.

Pie graph showing the relative contribution of key industries to the economy of Queensland's Murray-Darling Basin
Graphical icon for "Theme 8: assessment and evaluation"

Assessment and evaluation

Water plan development and evaluation of plan performance is informed by the best available science, using a range of technical information, data, and modelling outputs.

Circular diagram showing the stages of water plan development including plan, implement, monitor, report and review

Water plan evaluation is also supported by data and information collected over the life of the water plan that is used to inform technical assessments including:

  • hydrology and climate change modelling
  • ecological modelling
  • social and economic
  • cultural values.

Decision support and risk assessment

The water plan assessment approach is a risk based approach, considering all risks and values in the water plan area, the best available science and the outcomes of consultation.

Effective decision making to support the allocation and management of water must be based on a sound scientific understanding of the implications of these decisions on the water dependent values of the plan area. The water regime required to meet these objectives can be tested via an understanding of how values may respond under a range of allocation and management scenarios.

Optimisation of water management objectives and indicators

Ways to reduce uncertainty and improve decision making are always being considered, which means assessment methods and tools are continuously improved.

For example, ecological models incorporate new monitoring data as it becomes available, such as information on abundance, distribution and life history characteristics of a species, to be able to predict the impact of water use scenarios on ecological assets.

Water plan review is also an opportunity to optimise water management objectives and indicators and review water plan outcomes to ensure outcomes are specific and measurable.

A library of ecological models and assessment tools have been developed over the past ten years which provides a platform for further enhancement and adaptation to ecological assets with similar life history or process requirements and across regions.

These models are kept current by updating assumptions, model parameters and underlying data as new information becomes available.

Assessment Tools

A range of information sources are used to develop both conceptual and quantitative models to support water planning.

Hydrological models of priority surface water and groundwater systems have been developed across Queensland and are maintained and extended to support the development and implementation of Water Plans (see Theme 5).

A library of ecological models and assessment tools have been developed over the past ten years which provides a platform for further enhancement and adaptation to ecological assets with similar life history or process requirements and across regions.

The outputs from these models influence water plans, by supporting the implementation of flow objectives, strategies and outcomes that are sufficient to support the ecosystems and species present.

Photo of a bridge over a waterway

Science for water planning

Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water


Water Act flow chart

Thomson River, during Longreach floods 2022

Setting bait traps in Tinnenburra

Jinibara on-Country meeting