Barkley’s Reconciliation Journey

1. Indigenous Recruitment & Retention
We are committed to ensuring that Indigenous peoples have equitable access to jobs, training, and education opportunities at BPG. In our journey so far, in demonstration of this commitment we’ve made some progress, however we still have a lot more to do.
We have developed a culturally accessible job posting template that supports Indigenous candidate recruitment. We have developed and practice a culturally safe interview approach. We have implemented an Indigenous Internship program with a successful post-intern graduate joining our staff full time.
2. Indigenous Consultation
We are committed to ensuring proper and respectful consultation is undertaken with First Nations.
In our journey so far, we developed a 4-page consultation framework that formalizes how we create meaningful consultations with Indigenous communities. We also publicly acknowledge the 5 commitments on our website and share this with our external partners. BPG has created an RFP and Tender protocol, based on the 5 commitments, for all contractor or subcontractors to follow while working for, or within, an Indigenous community.

3. Indigenous Capacity Building
We are committed to optimizing First Nations’ project training and employment opportunities and developing human resources capacity for First Nations communities.
In our journey so far, we have consulted with Indigenous Elders and teachers to address barriers to Indigenous employment. We have implemented training and employment initiatives as part of every community-based project we work on, prioritizing Indigenous employment opportunities.
To build cultural awareness, understanding and humility, we invest in professional and personal development initiatives for staff team and individual reflection:
4. Team Education
We are committed to supporting ongoing education and training of staff and management in the history and culture of Indigenous peoples in Canada and the ongoing impact of colonization.
In our journey so far, we include a RAP orientation for every new employee and provide ongoing cultural workshops and training for employees throughout the year. We have set up an Indigenous Library called “Tulnuxw” (meaning to know, find out, realize) with a reading list that is regularly updated with new offering (e.g. videos). BPG staff produce a monthly newsletter titled “Working Towards Reconciliation” which includes articles, social media, podcasts and upcoming events.
5. Reconciliation in Personal Life
We are committed to supporting employees' personal learning and participation in reconciliation outside the workplace
In our journey so far, BPG has provided staff with a Truth and Reconciliation hand-out, which includes personal reflection worksheets and a conversation starter kit. This kit includes resources related to TRC that support conversations with family and friends. In addition, our monthly newsletter provides current resources, and BPG has an internal chat group dedicated to Indigenous cultural knowledge sharing.
RAP Cycle
Every year the RAP committee sits down to review the past year's accomplishments and identify goals for the upcoming year.
Communicating and refining these goals with staff and management, helps to mobilize team efforts toward developing RAP action plans. During the year, staff build, implement and adjust programs in support of the RAP goals which are then formalized and presented in an annual review and reflection period at the end of the yearly cycle.