ARC-GIS Portfolio

Mia Giardina

This portfolio outlines my personal mapping knowledge and ability. As an Environmental Science major of the University of South Florida this is a skill that can be very well transitioned into the work field.

Figure: 1

The image displays part of the coast line located in St. Petersburg, showing the relation of boating regulated safety zones and manatee carcass recovery points from 1974 to 2020.


Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation(FWC). Manatee Carcass Recovery Locations in Florida. Updated December 6, 2023. Online GIS Data. Accessed April 28, 2024. Online Linkage:  

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation(FWC). State Boating Safety Zones, Florida. Updated December 15, 2023. Online GIS Data. Accessed April 28, 2024. Online Linkage:  

Figure: 2

During the year 2020, Tampa Bay region sea grass coverage.


Southwest Florida Water Management District(SWFWMD). SeagrasAllYears_BySegement_F3. Updated March 15, 2024. Online GIS Data. Accessed March 23, 2024. Online Linkage: 

Figure: 3

Gathered by the U.S. Bureau of the census in 2004, showing the United States with each dot representing 20,000 individuals who are 65 or older in age.


Duffey, Renee. Exercise 8 DATA. Updated 4/02/2024. Online GIS data. Accessed 4/09/2024. Online Linkage: 

Figure: 4

The pink lines indicate where the Sun trail is in the area of the Tampa Bay, along with corresponding flood zones and conservation areas.


Rpolinsk_EPA. FL Composite Flood Risk. Updated 2/15/2022. Online GIS data. Accessed 2/13/2024. Online Linkage:  FL Composite Flood Risk - Overview (   

The Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI). FL_Conservation_Lands_web. Updated 1/28/2024. Online GIS data. Accessed 2/13/2024. Online Linkage:  FL_Conservation_Lands_web - Overview ( 

Kovachich, Sara. Florida Department of transportation. Suntrail_status_20221020. Updated 11/17/2022. Online GIS data. Accessed 2/13/2024. Online Linkage: suntrail_status_20221020 - Overview ( 

Figure: 4

Part of the South Florida Gulf coast is shown with nesting habitats and their relationship to Sea Turtle strandings on the Gulf of Mexico.


Mgtowns2_NCSU. Loggerhead Sea Turtle Strandings and Critical Habitats in Florida_ US_WFL1. Updated 12/03/2023. Online GIS data. Accessed 5/02/2024. Online linkage: 

State of the World's Sea Turtles(SWOT). Sea Turtle Nesting Sites in the Gulf of Mexico 2013. Updated 2/23/2024. Online GIS data. Accessed 5/02/2024. Online Linkage:  



Lenox Youth Basketball Association, Lenox MA                                       2016-Present

Seasonal Volunteer

·         Works with coaches to assist children in practices.

·         Arranges facilities for fundraising events.

·         Serves food and assists in other activities during events as a representative for the association.


Lenox Memorial Middle and High School, Lenox MA                             2020-2022

Junior Varsity Practice Assistant

·         Organized and arranged athletic equipment for practice and games.

·         Demonstrated practice sequences and worked one-on-one with students on their individual capabilities.

·         Filled in for assistant coach when necessary, including during games and practices.


UNICO ACE- Pittsfield, MA                                                                       2016-2020


·         Planned fundraising events with local chapter to raise money for non-profit organizations.

·         Participated in other local and national volunteer events with fellow members.

·         Attended weekly volunteer meetings.


Kutchers Sports Academy, Great Barrington MA                                    June-August 2021

Camp Counselor and Coach

·         Organized games and activities for groups of up to twenty children.

·         Cultivated a safe and comforting environment for the children.

·         Used problem solving skills to settle disputes between campers and come to resolutions.

·         Developed team-work skills by working with a team of a dozen co-counselors and thirty coaches.


Massachusetts Audubon, Pittsfield MA                                                      June- August 2023

Camp Counselor

·         Planned and taught natural history concepts to children from ages five to eleven through interactive lessons.

·         Navigated forests and acted as a guide to campers.

·         Administered first aid when applicable.


University of South Florida class of 2025

Major- Environmental Science and Policy



American Heart Association

·         Heart saver for K-12 for CPR and first aid emergency cardiovascular care.

Figure: 3

Figure: 1

Figure: 2