SDGs and ArcGIS

Mapping your community. Changing our world.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are dependent on geospatial data to measure progress. Maps are a great way to visualize georeferenced data and show policymakers where schools and healthcare facilities are needed, help monitor forest degradation, and tackle inequalities.

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 SDGs Today  has been helping SDSN Member Institutions integrate GIS (geographic information system) into their SDG-related workflows. They teamed up with Esri to create a few quick lessons that address frequently asked questions received from those getting started with ArcGIS Online.

You can learn how to create a series of applications that will visualize and communicate data in a way that performs analysis and informs decision-making processes that can impact how the SDGs are implemented.

Use the navigation bar at the top of the page to jump to a topic of interest.

Never used GIS before? Check out the  SDG Geospatial Learning Lab  to get started!

Looking for more? Check out the  Learn ArcGIS Gallery   or  Esri Academy  for more tutorials and courses.