Explore Asia in St. Louis Map

Asia in St. Louis illuminates the profound impact of Asian communities on the city's social, physical, and cultural landscape.

Each colored dot on this map represents a location associated with Asian and Asian American history in St. Louis. Click on each point to learn more.

Use the buttons below to filter by type of location:

The nature of mapping historical places and people poses many challenges. This invariably means that some information may be mis-recorded or have changed over time. We strive to correct errors when found. This edition of the WebMap focuses on notable places, events, and people mentioned in the 'Asia in St. Louis' Collection. In the future, this map may serve as a base for further development into projects that share the same focus and purpose as this collection.


“Chinese Exclusion Case File for How Chun Pong”, 1913, 12006916, National Archives and Records Administration,  https://catalog.archives.gov/id/12006916 .

“Chinese Exclusion Case File for Chu Dot Yuck”, 1912, 12006932, National Archives and Records Administration,  https://catalog.archives.gov/id/12006932?objectPage=6 

Eliot F. Porter, Jr., Campaign to Save Sam Wah Laundry Collection, Missouri History Museum Archives, St. Louis.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Saint Louis, Independent City, Missouri. Sanborn Map Company, Vol. 5, 1909. Map.  https://www.loc.gov/item/sanborn04858_008/ .

“Triumph of Historic Preservation.” Old Post Office, www.oldpostofficestl.com/. Accessed 9 Apr. 2024.

Explore Asia in St. Louis Map

Created by Sarah Rider, April 2024.