Nebraska Flooding: March 2019

Winter Storm Ulmer - Bombogenesis, Blizzards, Road Closures and Record Flooding

Setting the Stage: Record snowfall accumulated across Nebraska between January and March 2019.

Seasonal snowfall exceeded 50 inches at some locations in Nebraska.

As much as 16 inches of snow remained on the ground in parts of the state leading up to March 12, 2019.

National Weather Service Snowfall Graphic - Feb. 2019

February in particular brought far more snow than average.

Lincoln, NE recorded 23.2 inches in February, its most since 1965. 

  • Average snowfall accumulation in February for Lincoln is 5.6 inches.

The National Weather Service in Valley recorded 27.0 inches of snowfall in Omaha, NE in February.

  • Average snowfall accumulation in February for Omaha is 6.1 inches.

Major river systems in Nebraska remained covered by ice and snow.

The satellite image on the right shows the ground conditions at the confluence of the Platte and Elkhorn rivers near Valley, NE on March 4, 2019.

  • The image to the left shows the same location in early March of 2018.

Valley, NE near the confluence of Platte and Elkhorn Rivers.

Setting the stage: February 2019 was among the 10 coldest February's on record for many locations in Nebraska.

February set the stage as snow and below freezing temperatures were persistent across the area.

Several official weather stations (including the Tri Cities airports) recorded either their 2nd or 3rd-coldest period on record between Feb. 15-March 15th, and the coldest since at least the early-1960s. 

The below average temperatures for February and March led to a deep frost depth.

  • The National Weather Service in Valley measured a frost depth of 17 inches on March 11, 2019.
  • At the National Weather Service Hastings office, an observation on March 11 revealed that the ground was frozen to a depth of 25 inches. 

NWS Winter Weather Advisory Graphic - Feb. 2019

The cool trend continued into March as daily temperatures would not rise above the climatic normal until March 12.

Rapid changes in temperature caused ice and snow to thaw at accelerated rates.

Lincoln, NE recorded a high temperature of just 8 degrees Fahrenheit on March 3, 2019 (38 degrees below normal).

By March 13, the high temperature rose to 63 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees above normal).

Setting the stage: Winter Storm Ulmer was named on the afternoon of March 11, 2019.

Winter Storm criterion - 400,000 square kilometers (248,548 square miles) under winter storm warnings – would be met the following day. 

Blizzard Criteria Graphic, March 13, 2019 - Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

March 12, 2019 - Gov. Ricketts Issues Emergency Declaration as Nebraska Prepares for Potential Historic Flooding

Governor Pete Ricketts in consultation with the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) issued an emergency declaration effective March 12, 2019, in anticipation of severe weather issues set to impact the state. 

March 2019 Emergency Declaration

On March 13, the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) issued an immediate press release preparing for the impending Winter Storm.

Blizzard warnings were also issued for much of the region as heavy snowfall and high winds were reported.

Winter Storm Blizzard Conditions from March 13, 2019 - Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

On March 13, wind gusts of over 100 miles per hour were recorded in several locations.

High winds, associated with very low pressure were recorded from western Nebraska to southern New Mexico.

Wind Gust Graphic from March 13, 2019 - Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

Setting the stage: Ulmer, the 970 mb "Bomb Cyclone" moved out of the central Rockies on Wednesday, March 12.

Pressure Change Over Three Hours Wednesday Morning, March 13. Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

"Bombogenesis" is defined as a 24-millibar drop in atmospheric pressure in 24 hours or less.

Ulmer dropped 24 mb in only 13 hours.

Ulmer Bombogenesis Graphic from March 13, 2019 - Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

Ulmer reached a record low pressure of 968 mb on March 13, dropping 26 mb in only 16 hours.

Through March 13-14, the system continued to move across the state of Nebraska, bringing wind, rain, and heavy snow to much of the area. 

Blocking Off Interstate 80 in Nebraska - Nebraska State Patrol

Heavy snowfalls, high winds, and flooding made travelling nearly impossible across much of the state.

NDOT also encouraged travelers to use their Plow Tracker application, where public users can observe road conditions and plow locations in real time.

Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) Plow Tracker Application

511 Nebraska Traveler Information Graphic - March, 2019

The Nebraska 511 Traveler Information page from March 13 showed that many highways in the northeastern part of the state were closed.

Interstate 80 was shut down for around 20 hours during the blizzard, and troopers with the Nebraska State Patrol were out helping drivers from sun up to sun down.

Semis Stranded on Interstate 80 in Nebraska - Nebraska State Patrol

The Nebraska State Patrol performed more than 320 motorist assists, responded to 30 crashes, and assisted outside agencies with 25 other incidents.

Troopers were stationed at various exits along I-80 to keep the route closed while NDOT crews worked to plow the snow.

By March 14 many of the roads across eastern Nebraska were closed, or simply washed away.

Highway 281 after historic flooding on March 16 near Spencer, Nebraska (Office of Governor Pete Ricketts)

Widespread rainfall of up to 3 inches, along with rapid snow melt, sent local creeks and rivers to record levels in a matter of hours as rainfall infiltration was inhibited by frozen ground. 

Radar Loop from approximately 3 PM March 12th to 7 PM March 14th shows the multiple rounds of rain, followed by a band of snow with blizzard conditions.

Strong currents and damaged roadways made normal transportation routes impassible.

A semitrailer truck that tried crossing Bell Creek in Arlington, Nebraska, was swept off the road by fast moving floodwaters. - Ryan Soderlin/The Omaha World-Herald

Many highways and bridges across the area were damaged. Unsuspecting motorists attempting to travel in these areas were met with treacherous conditions.

The Highway 92 Bridge in Douglas County, Nebraska

Damage to bridges was extensive in the area. Many of them have yet to be fully repaired.

Truck upended over collapsed bridge in Nebraska.

Flooded highways left many communities isolated as entrance and exit roads were inundated by flood waters.

Ramps leading to City of Elkhorn, Nebraska closed.

Dozens of communities underwent partial or full evacuations.

Entire communities were inundated with flood waters. Some communities enforced manditory evacuations.

Evacuations (full and partial) as of March 15

  • Beemer
  • Belgrade
  • Cedar Rapids
  • Dannebrog
  • Genoa
  • Inglewood
  • Randolph
  • Northern Butler County
  • Eastern Richardson County
  • Pender
  • Broken Bow
  • Linoma Beach
  • Norfolk
  • Anselmo
  • Lynch
  • Wisner
  • South Bend
  • Lousiville
  • Cedar Creek
  • Plattsmouth
  • Eastern Washington County
  • Pleasanton
  • Bucaneer Bay
  • Valley
  • Sarpy County
  • West Point

Urban Search and Rescue-Task Force One, the Nebraska National Guard, and the Nebraska State Patrol worked together to provide water and air rescue missions.

More than 300 Nebraska Guard members responded in helicopters, Humvees and other trucks with high-ground clearance

Gov. Pete Ricketts on Twitter

The National Guard worked with state and local officials to conduct search and rescue operations, distribute food and water and transport first responders to affected areas.

Nebraska Air National Guard Delivers Water to Omaha, Fremont, Nebraska.

Nebraska Task Force 1 (NE-TF1) is one of 28 Federal Urban Search & Rescue Task Forces made up of Lincoln, Omaha, Papillion, Grand Island, Beatrice, Council Bluffs, FF's & civilian participants.

NE-TF1 on Twitter

The Nebraska state patrol worked around the clock, assisting in rescue efforts, delivering essential supplies, and reporting emergency road conditions to key decision makers.

The Nebraska State Patrol delivers emergency medical supplies.

NEStatePatrol on Twitter

Local volunteers and emergency personnel also answered the call. Rescue crews carried the last evacuees from Willow Point near Ashland by airboat.

Crews from the Ashland, Mead and Yutan Fire and Rescue assist with evacuating the final residents in Ashland, Nebraska Thursday, March 14, 2019. - Omaha World-Herald

Large sheets of ice and sediment destroyed roads, levees and bridges that came in contact.

Ice on the Niobrara River measured 18 inches to 24 inches thick before the storm. Some Ice chunks were estimated to have weighed as much as 3 tons.

Collapsed bridge along the Niobrara River South of Naper, Nebraska

As many local bridges washed away, critical emergency routes were also compromised. Highway 281, the main link between O'Neill and Spencer was washed away completely.

Collapsed Highway 281 bridge near Spencer, NE.

NEStatePatrol on Twitter

Highway 14 south of Fullerton - Nebraska State Patrol

Spencer Dam, on the Niobrara River, was breached by ice and record stream flows.

Spencer Dam between Boyd, Holt Counties, Nebraska.

Large blocks of ice floated downstream on top of raging waters as seen in the photo below. 

Highway 281 Bridge between Holt and Boyd Counties Swept Away by Ice and Floodwaters - Photo by Terry Miles

Ice and debris, along with record stream crests would cause devastation for those lying downstream.

Niobrara River Floodwaters Buried the Country Cafe near Niobrara Nebraska

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts shared a video of the devastation below.

Gov. Pete Ricketts on Twitter

Nebraska Department of Natural Resources Chief engineer of the Dam Safety program responded to local media outlets regarding the failure of the dam.

30 stream gages in Nebraska reached all-time record levels.

NWS Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Stage Chart - Missouri River at Plattsmouth, NE

The Missouri River at Plattsmouth (above) recorded a crest of 40.62 feet.

    Nearly 4 feet over the previous record set in 2011.

NWS Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Stage Chart - Niobrara River near Verdel, NE

The Niobrara River crested at 6.8 feet above the previous record stage near Verdel, NE.

Click on the the map to view information about flooding at each stream gage.

This information was collected from the National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service.

41 breaches to federal and non-federal levees were reported by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 

The damage to levee systems was extensive, and in many cases had a significant impact on the amount of flooding in nearby communities.

Flooding Resulting from Levee Breach at Camp Ashland, NE National Guard Base.

Camp Ashland National Guard Base was inundated with flood waters after a levee was breached upstream.

Flooding Resulting from Levee Breach at Camp Ashland, NE National Guard Base. - Lincoln Journal Star

Camp Ashland NE National Guard Base.

Water surged into classrooms, barracks and offices at Camp Ashland after the Platte River breached a levee, causing water damage to 51 of its 62 buildings.

41 Breaches and nearly 350 miles of levees were damaged during the flood event.

National Guard Equipment becomes stranded after levee is breached.

Levees along the Platte and Missouri rivers received the most damage as both river systems reached record heights.

Clear Creek Breach near the Platte River in Nebraska.

Ashland Levee breach along the Platte River in Nebraska.

Flood conditions resulted in power outages in and around well fields that supply water for the city of Lincoln, NE 

This resulted in a loss of water production capacity and triggered water use restrictions to be enacted for Lincoln residents.

Flooding Captured Near Lincoln's Wellfields - Lincoln Water System (Wellfield Camera)

The National Guard dropped sandbags to stabilize the banks of the Platte River to protect the well fields from further flooding.

On March 18, City officials issued a disaster declaration for the City of Lincoln, seeking assistance from the state. The declaration was already covered under the initial statewide disaster declaration on March 12, 2019.The declaration was necessary to request state funding needed to help restore water production.

Shortly after issuing a disaster declaration allowing state funding for disaster response, Governor Pete Ricketts requested federal assistance. Due to the magnitude of the flooding, an expedited federal declaration was quickly approved by President Trump.

Mandatory water restrictions remained in effect for the City of Lincoln.

The National Guard Protects Lincoln's Water Supply with Large Sand Bags - Office of Governor Ricketts

Residents and businesses had already responded to the call for conservation, saving a daily average of 1 million gallons of water.

Visual evidence left behind by the high flood waters was recorded in a collaborative effort by several agencies.

High Water Mark observed in Nebraska City, Nebraska.

More than 700 High Water Marks were collected by the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR), USGS, USACE, NRCS, Lower Loup NRD and several local communities.

Home buried in sand near Waterloo, Nebraska.

These locations are then surveyed to record a flood elevation that will be used to protect communities against future flooding events.

High Water Mark labeled on a bridge in Nebraska.

Click on the points in the map to the right to view high water marks from the March flooding.

Digital Flood Inundation boundaries were also created to record the extent of the flooding.

Using 13-band imagery produced by Sentinel-2, a satellite operated by the European Space Agency (ESA), GIS Analysts at NeDNR were able to use remote sensing techniques to produce a digital inundation boundary for the flooding.

Jupyter Notebook and Python to digitize flooded areas.

Using a combination of the Green and Short Wave Infrared Radiation, a 10m cell resolution dataset was created using the Python scripting language and Jupyter Notebook.

Digitized flood polygons in Fremont, Inglewood, Nebraska.

These boundaries can be used to help protect against future flooding events, and to quantify the magnitude of flooding that occurred. 

Collaborating with FEMA, the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources produces flood zones for FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps.

In 2018 the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR) developed a new Enhanced Flood Zone for the City of Seward, Nebraska in coordination with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Sentinel-2 Imagery from March 16, 2019 (Left) shows flooded areas near Seward following Winter Storm Ulmer.

Preliminary Flood Zones (Right) show nearly identical results to flood conditions experienced during the flood event. These boundaries depict a 1% Annual Chance Flood event (100-year) according to FEMA specifications.

Plum Creek Trail in Seward, Nebraska on March 14, 2019 - Seward County Independent

The Big Blue River at Seward had a crest of 22.98 ft on March 14, 2019, about a 3% Annual Chance or once in 33-year event.

As in many communities, Seward first responders were out fighting the floodwaters to protect lives and property.

Seward Volunteer Firefighters Lay Sandbags along Highway 15 in Nebraska - Laura VonKampen/Concordia University Nebraska'a Student Newspaper

Humans weren't the only one's affected by the flooding. Pets and livestock became stranded without food or shelter.

Impacts to agriculture were tremendous. As flood waters receded, pasture land and fields next to rivers and creeks were covered in inches of sand and silt.

This flooding occurred in the middle of calving season. Hundreds of calves perished. Some reported livestock carcasses floating away. In some locations, cattle were isolated on islands.

Cattle and other livestock became trapped between fencing and flooded streams.

Many family pets were also rescued and later returned to their homes.

A guardsmen comforts dog during flood rescue operations.

NE State Patrol on Twitter

Hay bales were delivered to those in desperate need of supplies.

The Nebraska Army National Guard loading hay into helicopter.

After historic flooding in Nebraska, livestock was scattered and in danger of starving after being stranded without feed.

The National Guard units from Nebraska and Minnesota stepped in to help with Operation Prairie Hay Drop to keep the cattle sustained during the critical calving season.

The Nebraska Army National Guard delivers hay from a helicopter.

Local farmers and ranchers also pitched in to help our their neighbors.

Guardsmen and volunteers help deliver hay to those in need.

Truckloads of hay were brought to Grand Island and staged at Fonner Park, from within the state, and from as far away as Ohio.

One convoy of nine trucks delivered 200 tons of hay from Dickenson, ND to Fullerton. Hay also came from northwest Ohio to Pleasanton. Grain was also donated from farms in Ohio.

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts met agency leaders and assessed the damage to help in relief efforts.

The Governor met with key officials to help oversee the flood relief efforts in Nebraska.

Governor Rickets and key decision makers meet at the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency

Governor Ricketts traveled to flood stricken areas to assess the damage from the historic flooding.

Governor Ricketts inspecting flood damage first hand.

Ricketts spoke in at community shelters, where flood victims flocked to receive food and water.

Residents meet at local shelter for food, supplies.

In total, 104 cities, 81 counties and 5 tribal nations in Nebraska received State or Federal Disaster Declarations due to the flood events.

FEMA-4420-DR, Nebraska Disaster Declaration

On March 12, 2019 Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts issued a preemptive disaster declaration in lieu of the impending flood disaster. 

In the wake of subsequent flooding—most notably from July 8-10 in central Nebraska—President Trump extended the initial federal disaster declaration through July 14th. However, Nebraska has endured even more flooding since then. 

To make sure all flood-impacted communities are eligible for emergency assistance from the state, the Governor has declared another disaster to cover the period of time from July 15th to the present.

The Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) is actively coordinating with other state agencies to assist with flood recovery and to follow up on reports of damage filed by local emergency managers.

Use the slider below to view before and after images of the flooding.

Flooding near Valley, NE

Flooding along I-29 North of Omaha, NE

Flooding near Peru, NE

Flooding near Rulo, NE

Flooding along 1-29 South of Omaha, NE

Flooding near Brownville, NE


Title Slide -- GOES-16 CH-09-6.97um 13-Mar-19 -- National Weather Service in Pueblo, CO

2018 Vs. 2019 Ground Conditions -- 2018-03-09, 2019-03-04, Sentinel-2A L1C, True Color -- Sentinel-Hub by Sinergise

Snowfall Graphic -- US National Weather Service Omaha/Valley Nebraska

Mean Temperature Departures from Average -- NOAA -- National Centers for Environmental Information

NWS Winter Weather Advisory Graphic -- US National Weather Service Hastings Nebraska

Winter Storm Ulmer -- Satellite Image -- NASA - GOES 16

Blizzard Criteria Graphic, March 13, 2019 -- -- Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

Winter Storm Blizzard Conditions from March 13, 2019 -- -- Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

Wind Gust Graphic from March 13, 2019 -- -- Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

Pressure Change Over Three Hours Wednesday Morning, March 13. -- -- Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

Ulmer Bombogenesis Graphic from March 13, 2019 -- -- Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

Blocking Off Interstate 80 in Nebraska -- Nebraska State Patrol

Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) Plow Tracker Application -- Nebraska 511 Traveler Information, NDOT

511 Nebraska Traveler Information Graphic -- Nebraska 511 Traveler Information, NDOT

Semis Stranded on Interstate 80 in Nebraska -- Nebraska State Patrol

Highway 281 after historic flooding on March 16 in Niobrara, Nebraska -- Office of Governor Pete Ricketts

Radar Loop from March 14th -- US National Weather Service Hastings Nebraska

A semitrailer truck that tried crossing Bell Creek -- Ryan Soderlin/The Omaha World-Herald

Nebraska flooding at sunrise -- State of Nebraska shared photo -- Nebraska Flood 2019 (2).jpg

The Highway 92 Bridge in Douglas County -- State of Nebraska shared photo -- Hwy 92 Douglas Cty.jpg

Truck upended over collapsed bridge -- State of Nebraska shared photo -- looking so from bridge .JPG

Ramps leading to City of Elkhorn, Nebraska closed -- State of Nebraska shared photo -- Elkhorn.jpg

Valley, Nebraska Flood Image -- State of Nebraska shared photo -- Valley.jpg

National Guard Rescue Operation Image -- Nebraska National Guard

Nebraska National Guard Delivers Water to Omaha, Fremont, Nebraska -- Nebraska Air National Guard

The Nebraska State Patrol delivers emergency medical supplies by helicopter -- Nebraska State Patrol

Crews from the Ashland, Mead and Yutan Fire and Rescue assist with evacuating -- Omaha World Herald

Collapsed bridge along the Niobrara River South of Naper, Nebraska -- State of Nebraska shared photo -- Napier bridge 2.jpg

Highway 14 south of Fullerton -- Nebraska State Patrol

Highway 281 Bridge between Holt and Boyd Counties -- Terry Miles/Frontier and Holt County Independent

Country Cafe Near Niobrara Nebraska -- State of Nebraska, Courtesy Photo

NWS Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Stage Charts -- National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service

Damaged Levees Map Data -- USACE

Flooding Resulting from Levee Breach at Camp Ashland, NE National Guard Base -- Nebraska National Guard/Lincoln Journal Star

National Guard Equipment becomes stranded after levee is breached -- Nebraska National Guard

Clear Creek Breach near the Platte River in Nebraska. -- US Army Corps of Engineers

Ashland Levee breach along the Platte River in Nebraska -- State of Nebraska shared photo -- Ashland Levee Breach.jpg

Flooding Captured Near Lincoln's Wellfields -- LNKTV City/City of Lincoln, Lincoln Water System (Wellfield Camera)

The National Guard Protects Lincoln's Water Supply with Large Sand Bags -- News Channel Nebraska/Office of Gov. Ricketts

Helicopter carries sandbags to the east side of the Platte River -- Gwyneth Roberts/Lincoln Journal Star

High Water Mark Map Data -- NeDNR, USACE, USGS, NRCS, LLNRD

High Water Mark observed in Nebraska City, Nebraska -- NeDNR, USGS, NRCS, USACE, LLNRD

Home buried in sand near Waterloo, Nebraska -- NeDNR, USGS, NRCS, USACE, LLNRD

High Water Mark labeled on a bridge in Nebraska -- NeDNR, USGS, NRCS, USACE, LLNRD

Flood Inundation Boundaries -- Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR)

Jupyter Notebook and Python to digitize flooded areas -- Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR)

Digitized flood polygons in Fremont, Inglewood, Nebraska -- Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR)

Seward, NE Preliminary Flood Zones -- Sentinel-2 Views, ESRI World Imagery, FEMA

Plum Creek Trail in Seward, Nebraska -- Emily Hemphill/Seward County Independent

Seward Volunteer Firefighters Lay Sandbags along Highway 15 in Nebraska -- Laura VonKampen/Concordia University Nebraska's Student Newspaper

Cattle stranded near flooded river -- State of Nebraska shared photo -- Stranded Cattle, Hay Drop Richland.jpg

Cattle and other livestock became trapped -- Nebraska National Guard

A guardsmen comforts dog -- Nebraska National Guard

Nebraska National Guard Helicopter with Haybails Image -- Nebraska Army National Guard

The Nebraska Army National Guard loading hay -- Nebraska Army National Guard

The Nebraska Army National Guard delivers hay -- Nebraska Army National Guard

Guardsmen and volunteers help deliver hay -- Nebraska National Guard

Governor and staff prepare for news conference on response -- State of Nebraska shared photo -- Governor and staff prepare for news conference on response.jpg

Governor Rickets and key decision makers -- Nebraska National Guard

Governor Ricketts inspecting flood damage first hand -- State of Nebraska shared photo -- IMG_1332.JPG

Residents meet at local shelter for food, supplies -- State of Nebraska shared photo -- IMG_1325.JPG

State Patrol Helicopter video of Columbus, Nebraska flooding -- Nebraska State Patrol

FEMA-4420-DR Nebraska Disaster Declaration -- FEMA, Nebraska Severe Winter Storm, Straight-line Winds, And Flooding (DR-4420)

Nebraska Emergency Management Declarations Operations Dashboard -- Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)

Blocking Off Interstate 80 in Nebraska - Nebraska State Patrol

Pressure Change Over Three Hours Wednesday Morning, March 13. Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

Ulmer Bombogenesis Graphic from March 13, 2019 - Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

511 Nebraska Traveler Information Graphic - March, 2019

Semis Stranded on Interstate 80 in Nebraska - Nebraska State Patrol

Highway 281 after historic flooding on March 16 near Spencer, Nebraska (Office of Governor Pete Ricketts)

National Weather Service Snowfall Graphic - Feb. 2019

NWS Winter Weather Advisory Graphic - Feb. 2019

Blizzard Criteria Graphic, March 13, 2019 - Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

March 2019 Emergency Declaration

Winter Storm Blizzard Conditions from March 13, 2019 - Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

Wind Gust Graphic from March 13, 2019 - Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation.

Radar Loop from approximately 3 PM March 12th to 7 PM March 14th shows the multiple rounds of rain, followed by a band of snow with blizzard conditions.

A semitrailer truck that tried crossing Bell Creek in Arlington, Nebraska, was swept off the road by fast moving floodwaters. - Ryan Soderlin/The Omaha World-Herald

The Highway 92 Bridge in Douglas County, Nebraska

Truck upended over collapsed bridge in Nebraska.

Ramps leading to City of Elkhorn, Nebraska closed.

Nebraska Air National Guard Delivers Water to Omaha, Fremont, Nebraska.

The Nebraska State Patrol delivers emergency medical supplies.

Crews from the Ashland, Mead and Yutan Fire and Rescue assist with evacuating the final residents in Ashland, Nebraska Thursday, March 14, 2019. - Omaha World-Herald

Collapsed bridge along the Niobrara River South of Naper, Nebraska

Highway 14 south of Fullerton - Nebraska State Patrol

Highway 281 Bridge between Holt and Boyd Counties Swept Away by Ice and Floodwaters - Photo by Terry Miles

Niobrara River Floodwaters Buried the Country Cafe near Niobrara Nebraska

NWS Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Stage Chart - Missouri River at Plattsmouth, NE

NWS Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Stage Chart - Niobrara River near Verdel, NE

Flooding Resulting from Levee Breach at Camp Ashland, NE National Guard Base.

Flooding Resulting from Levee Breach at Camp Ashland, NE National Guard Base. - Lincoln Journal Star

National Guard Equipment becomes stranded after levee is breached.

Clear Creek Breach near the Platte River in Nebraska.

Ashland Levee breach along the Platte River in Nebraska.

High Water Mark observed in Nebraska City, Nebraska.

Home buried in sand near Waterloo, Nebraska.

High Water Mark labeled on a bridge in Nebraska.

Jupyter Notebook and Python to digitize flooded areas.

Digitized flood polygons in Fremont, Inglewood, Nebraska.

Plum Creek Trail in Seward, Nebraska on March 14, 2019 - Seward County Independent

Seward Volunteer Firefighters Lay Sandbags along Highway 15 in Nebraska - Laura VonKampen/Concordia University Nebraska'a Student Newspaper

Cattle and other livestock became trapped between fencing and flooded streams.

A guardsmen comforts dog during flood rescue operations.

The Nebraska Army National Guard loading hay into helicopter.

The Nebraska Army National Guard delivers hay from a helicopter.

Guardsmen and volunteers help deliver hay to those in need.

Governor Rickets and key decision makers meet at the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency

Governor Ricketts inspecting flood damage first hand.

Residents meet at local shelter for food, supplies.

FEMA-4420-DR, Nebraska Disaster Declaration