Mountains with smoke and a lake.

Incident Workforce Development Group (IWDG) Update

A mountainous view of a fire is burning on a ridge in the distance.
A mountainous view of a fire is burning on a ridge in the distance.
A firefighter's silhouette stands out in darkness with flames in timber behind him.
A firefighter's silhouette stands out in darkness with flames in timber behind him.
A hand points to features on a map.
A hand points to features on a map.

Videos: Complex Incident Management (CIM)

6:04 minutes

2023 CIM Update

Watch this short video for an update on CIM implementation in the transition year.

The Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher (WFSTAR), RT-130 module  2022 Fire Year in Review  also includes a brief synopsis (2:12 min) of this full video.

7:36 minutes

2022 Video Overview

Watch this short video for an introduction on the implementation of CIM in its pilot year, including rationale for the change.

54:03 minutes

BLM Fire Chat Friday Recording (October 7, 2022)

Watch the recording for an overview of the information found in this StoryMap, along with additional perspectives from BLM national fire leadership.

Please note that updates to guidance and decisions have occurred since this session was recorded.

Tall timber is seen against the night sky with a fire burning behind the foremost trees.
Four images show (clockwise) a damaged house, an uprooted tree on a roadway, flooded homes, and a hurricane.
Aerial view of a fire burning on a timbered ridge. Flames and smoke are seen.

Implementation Timeline

CIM Implementation History -- Completed Actions The CIM concept was proposed in 2020, approved in 2021, and fully implemented in 2024. Continuous evaluation and adaptations will occur beyond 2024.

Two firefighters are seen as sunlight filters through smoke under a timber canopy.
Several yurts are positioned together under a cloudy sunrise.
A firefighter moves debris near a truck parked off a roadside.

Overview of timeline for Phase 1 from the CIMT: Action Plan for Implementation.

Bright reds and oranges indicate sunset over a mountain view with vehicles and tents in the foreground.

Many firefighters pose together for a photo with snow-covered mountains rising in the distance.
Flames burn from a grassy flat uphill into timber.


The answers to these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are based on correspondence from NMAC, FMB, and NWCG. Questions are grouped by the following topics:  Training and Qualifications ,  Background ,  Agency Administrators ,  Type 3 IMTs ,  CIMT Mobilization , and  CIMT Configuration .

If you have additional questions, please reach out using the  Contacts and Feedback  section.

Tents in a field in the foreground with purple sky and smoke column in the background.
Four airtankers are seen a different levels flying in the sky over a lake.
A large helicopter drops water on a fire burning in timber. Heavy smoke is in the background.
Timber is seen in the foreground on mountains with smoke in the distance.
A fire is burning in trees on the edge of a lake that has several timbered islands as well as a river flowing in from the right.
Fire trucks are parked on a road and firefighters are spaying water from hoses onto burning trees on the right side of the road.

Landscape view of a sunset sky in orange hues with sagebrush and smoke in the foreground.

CIM Implementation History -- Completed Actions The CIM concept was proposed in 2020, approved in 2021, and fully implemented in 2024. Continuous evaluation and adaptations will occur beyond 2024.

Overview of timeline for Phase 1 from the CIMT: Action Plan for Implementation.